═══ 1. Directory... ═══ Select the Directory... menu item to specify the target directory in which to install E-Teller. Only once you've entered a target directory will the Install item be enabled. ═══ 2. Create objects ═══ Click the Create folder menu item if you want the installation utility to create a WPS folder automatically once the files have been copied. If the item is not checked when the copy process is complete, an E-Teller folder will not be created. Note: If you move account files into this folder, E-Teller won't know about them, since the folder is a Desktop folder, not a shadow of the target directory. ═══ 3. Install ═══ Once you have specified a target directory the Install menu item will be enabled, signalling that you can now proceed with the installation. If you wish, you may install over an existing installation. The installation utility will not touch any of your account files or your e-teller.ini file. All the program files in the archive, excluding those with a .VRM or .VRW extension, VROBJ.DLL, and FILE_ID.DIZ will be copied to the target directory. The .ICO files must reside in the E-Teller directory, since OS/2 will automatically assign an application's icon if it finds a similarly named icon file in the same directory. The .VRM and .VRW files will be copied to the ...\macros directory. FILE_ID.DIZ and VROJB.DLL will remain in the same location in which you unzipped the archive. This last file must be moved to a location specified by your libpath statement if it isn't already installed before launching E-Teller. For additional help on the target directory, see the Directory... topic. If you want the installation utility to create a WPS folder for you, you must select the Create folder menu item.