Title: LaVolpe ImageList II (8Jan08) Description: Updated, faster renderings. Based on of my c32bppDIB suite, supports pngs, xp/vista icons, and other common graphics. One control that supports multiple imagelists (same/different sizes). THIS IS NOT TRULY DESIGNED to be added uncompiled to a project, rather it is designed to be a stand-alone OCX. The property page is optional if you just need a runtime-only imagelist. 15Nov07:: Added optional image compression if GDI+/zLib not on O/S, added optional image key/tag compression, added multi-select browse, multi-file drag&drop, multi-file Copy&Paste abilities, added image re-ordering via dragging, added importing from VB imagelists, and fixed some minor bugs. 23Nov07: Masks were not kept with multi-selected files, added several more properties/methods, more examples. 3Dec07: Overhauled class structure, fixed minor errors with property page, added more to the RTF file. Barring bugs, moving on to something new. 8Jan08: Significantly faster rendering from the imagelist. GDI+ would process entire DIB at times to render one image. When imagelist is massive size, slow down noticable. Using a rendering-only DIB can improve drawing multiple images over 30x faster for large lists. Open with Group1.vbg. See Usage_ImageList.RTF file for overview. This file came from Planet-Source-Code.com...the home millions of lines of source code You can view comments on this code/and or vote on it at: http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=69621&lngWId=1 The author may have retained certain copyrights to this code...please observe their request and the law by reviewing all copyright conditions at the above URL.