D O C T O R C O D E B R E A K E R GAME INSTRUCTIONS ----------------- (BBS Version) --------------------------------------------------------------- | FAST START INSTRUCTIONS | | ----------------------- | | If you're like many others, the LAST thing you want to do | | when receiving a new software package is read a lengthy | | operations manual. Consequently, the following instructions,| | which work well on most computers, are intended to give you | | a whirlwind tour of DR. CODEBREAKER: | | | | -- Check to make sure that you have all of the needed files | | in a common directory. (See list of files required | | in Chapter 4 of these instructions). We suggest | | you name this directory C:\DRCODE. | | -- When the C:\DRCODE> prompt appears, | | type PLAYER and then hit . | | -- You will be asked a number of questions. Answer those | | you're comfortable with. Hit to use the | | default settings on the others. | | -- When you return to the C:\DRCODE> prompt, | | type GO and then hit | | | | When time permits, come back and read these instructions | | to learn about all the capabilities of your program. | --------------------------------------------------------------- Just For Me Software, Inc. July 19, 1992 TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- Page Chapter Number ------- ------ #1. OVERVIEW OF GAME 1 #2 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS 1 #3 ADDITIONAL FEATURES OF THE GAME 1 #4 DR. CODEBREAKER CONTENTS 2 #5. BACKGROUND ON DR. CODEBREAKER 2 #6. PERSONALIZATION OPTIONS 3 #7. LEGITIMATE CODE NUMBERS 4 #8. GENERATING CLUES 5 #9. THREE SEPARATE WAYS TO PLAY 6 #10. LET ME THINK COUNTER 7 #11. ACCOMMODATING MORE THAN ONE PLAYER 7 #12. HINTS 8 #13. REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS 9 #14. WE'D APPRECIATE YOUR COMMENTS 9 #15. WARRANTY INFORMATION/COPYRIGHT NOTICE 10 DR. CODEBREAKER --------------- Copyright 1992 JUST FOR ME SOFTWARE, INC. OVERVIEW OF THE GAME -------------------- o Can you stop the evil Dr. Codebreaker from unleashing his freeze ray equipped satellite against the planet Earth? o You'll need to oppose and defeat Dr. Codebreaker in a challenging math puzzle -- with the destiny of the planet at stake. o Three separate math puzzles are provided in this delightful, tongue-in-cheek "villain versus the world" spoof. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS --------------------- o 286 or higher IBM compatible (MS-DOS) computer o VGA or SuperVGA display o Hard disk drive (with 1.0 Meg available free space) FEATURES OF THE GAME INCLUDE ---------------------------- o Enticing VGA graphics with true photographic quality. o Cute "storyboard" text personalized for you (first and last name; city where you live). o Colorful animation and interesting sound effects. o Rapid advancing through screens possible using key. o Easy exit from program using key. o Ability to keep track of personalization data for up to five players within one directory. o Registered copies of DR. CODEBREAKER are provided with color images of the player using scanned photographs you provide. - 1 - - 2 - DR. CODEBREAKER SOFTWARE CONTENTS --------------------------------- o Your DR. CODEBREAKER program should include the following files: -- GO.EXE -- PACKING.LST -- PLAYER.EXE -- PLAYER.DAT -- README.TXT -- ORDRFORM.TXT -- Picture Files CODEBRK1.PCT and CODEBRK1.PAL CODEBRK2.PCT and CODEBRK2.PAL CODEBRK3.PCT and CODEBRK3.PAL FBI1.PCT and FBI1.PAL FBI2.PCT and FBI2.PAL SATELITE.PCT and SATELITE.PAL BACKGROUND ON DR. CODEBREAKER ----------------------------- o Dr. Codebreaker, the world's most evil scientist, was once a brilliant, productive, and prominent leader within the U.S. space program. o Two years ago, while working on a plant irradiation experiment, his laboratory equipment set-up accidently broke apart, directing its mutating rays directly on to the unsuspecting Dr. Codebreaker. o Over the next several months, Dr. Codebreaker's personality underwent a dramatic transformation -- from a peace-loving man into a paranoic maniac with an intense hatred of others. o Resigning his position in the U.S. space program, Dr. Codebreaker disappeared from public view. Neither the government nor private industry knew where Dr. Codebreaker had gone or what he was doing. o Several months ago, the U.S. space agency noticed that a large satellite was launched from a remote island in the South Pacific. At that time, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.) became involved, tracking several purchased components of the satellite to Dr. Codebreaker. o Ten days ago, Dr. Codebreaker interrupted commercial television programming all around the world and delivered the following ultimatum: - 3 - "UNLESS ALL THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH IMMEDIATELY SURRENDER AND PROVIDE ME ALL THE GOLF IN THEIR TREASURIES, I WILL FREEZE THE WORLD WITHIN 24 HOURS." o The U.S. military and space program are helpless against Dr. Codebreaker. All attempts to bring down his satellite have failed when the rockets used to propel the U.S. intercept missiles have been frozen by Dr. Codebreaker's freeze ray. o The F.B.I. has identified one potential flaw in Dr. Codebreaker's personality profile. He has become very egotistical and prides himself on his mathematical/logic abilities. Consequently, he may be willing to engage in a battle of wits against another challenger -- with the future of Earth hanging in the balance. o After an extensive computer search, the F.B.I. have identified you as the optimal candidate to oppose Dr. Codebreaker. You're definitely smart, but not so well known that Dr. Codebreaker will reject the challenge. o Will you accept the challenge of becoming Earth's champion against the dastardly Dr. Codebreaker? The world's future awaits your decision. PERSONALIZATION OPTIONS ----------------------- o If you can wait longer before starting , you may wish to input your test instructions by typing PLAYER at the DOS prompt before your starting. o After answering a few questions, you will be returned to the DOS prompt. Essentially, these consist of: -- Name (e.g., John Smith) -- Please be sure to enter both a first and last name separated by a space. -- Where You Live (e.g., Detroit, MI) -- This information is used to make it very clear that the F.B.I. has selected the right person to challenge Dr. Codebreaker. -- Highest Digit Allowed -- Four digit numbers are used as code numbers. Highest digit allowed specifies the largest number allowed for each digit. - 4 - -- Number Of Guesses Allowed Player -- In Game #1, the player wins if he guesses the code number selected by Dr. Codebreaker within a fixed number of guesses. This option specifies that fixed number. -- Number Of Guesses Allowed Dr. Codebreaker -- In Game #2, the player wins if Dr. Codebreaker can not guess a code number selected by the player within a fixed number of attempts. This option specifies that fixed number. o At any time after you leave the PLAYER program, your instructions will remain intact. They are changed only by rerunning the PLAYER program as described above. o Yes, you can turn off the computer and come back the following day, the following week, etc. Your instructions will still remain unchanged within the computer. LEGITIMATE CODE NUMBERS ----------------------- o In this game, a four digit code number is used to active either the freeze ray or self-destruct sequence on Dr. Codebreaker's satellite. X X X X | | | | | | | ------- Fourth Digit | | ---------- Third Digit | ------------- Second Digit ---------------- First Digit o When you run the personalization routine, you will be asked to select the highest digit allowed in the code number. When requested, enter an integer from 3 to 9. o For example, if you selected 5, legitimate numbers in each of the above digit positions would include: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 o The higher the maximum digit you select, the harder it will be to crack the code as there will be many more possible combinations. - 5 - o Caution: If you are using a 286-based machine running at 12 MHz or less, processing delays of several minutes can be experienced for digit selections above six. o Remember that zero's (0) are always legitimate digits in the code number. Don't forget them as you develop your guesses or clues. GENERATING CLUES ---------------- o In DR. CODEBREAKER, clues are given after each guess to indicate how close it was to the correct code number. This process provides an opportunity for the guesser to make each guess better than the last one. o Two different types of clues are given after each guess: RIGHT NUMBER, RIGHT POSITION -- This clue identifies the number of digits in the guess that are both the same integer and in the same position as the code number FOR EXAMPLE: - - Guess |3| 4 |3| 2 | | | | Code Number |3| 1 |3| 4 - - If you guessed 3432 when the code number was 3134, you would receive 2 as the clue for right number, right position. There are two 3's occupying the same position within both the guess and the code number. RIGHT NUMBER, WRONG POSITION -- This clue identifies the number of digits in the guess that are the same integer, but in different positions than in the code number. FOR EXAMPLE: - Guess 3 |4| 3 2 ----------- Code Number 3 1 3 |4| - In the above example, you would receive 1 as the clue for right number, wrong position. Although the number 4 appears in the both the guess and code number, it is in the second digit position in the guess and in the fourth digit position in the code number. - 6 - o Please note that legitimate answers for each clue range from zero (0) to four (4). DR. CODEBREAKER will not accept any answers to clue requests outside of this range. THREE SEPARATE WAYS TO PLAY --------------------------- o DR. CODEBREAKER can be played three different ways, each a variation of the basic code generation and guessing game. o GAME #1 -- Dr. Codebreaker will pick a four digit code number that activates the self-destruct sequence on his satellite. After each guess you make, Dr. Codebreaker will provide you clues for developing your next guess. You will be give a fixed number of guesses to activate the self-destruct sequence before Dr. Codebreaker unleashes his freeze ray on the Earth. o GAME #2 -- You will pick the four-digit code number that activates the freeze ray sequence on Dr. Codebreaker's satellite. In this game, you will provide Dr. Codebreaker clues after each of his guesses. Dr. Codebreaker is so convinced of his ability to quickly crack your code, he has agreed to self-destruct his satellite if he does not guess your code within a fixed number of guesses. o GAME #3 -- This game combines the features of both of the previous games. First, Dr. Codebreaker selects a code number that you must guess. Later, you must select a code number that Dr. Codebreaker will guess. .. If you require fewer or an equal number of guesses than Dr. Codebreaker to break the code, then you save the world as Dr. Codebreaker is honor-bound to destroy his satellite. .. On the other hand, if you require more guesses than Dr. Codebreaker to break the code, then Dr. Codebreaker activates his freeze ray against the planet. o When playing games #1 or #2, the number of guesses allowed you or Dr. Codebreaker is determined by the selection made when last running the PLAYER program (see PERSONALIZATION OPTIONS chapter). - 7 - When playing game #3, both you and Dr. Codebreaker will be given up to 12 tries to guess the code number. LET ME THINK COUNTER -------------------- o When playing Games #2 or #3, Dr. Codebreaker will be guessing code numbers that you select. o To provide a progress report on his mental elimination process, a "let me think counter" has been included with the photograph of Dr. Codebreaker thinking. o The number (and bar chart) shown on this counter refer to the percentage of total combinations possible that have been eliminated from further consideration based on clues you have already provided. o Please keep in mind that Dr. Codebreaker's rate of progress will be highly dependent upon the highest digit possible you have selected (see PERSONALIZATION OPTIONS). To demonstrate this, there are over 4,000 combinations possible if you select 7 as the highest digit -- versus only 256 if you select 3 as the highest digit. ACCOMMODATING MORE THAN ONE PLAYER ---------------------------------- o DR. CODEBREAKER has the ability to store personalized data for up to five players. To handle added players, arguments must be entered after either the PLAYER and GO command. o These arguments must be entered in the following format (be sure to spell out the number): PLAYER ONE -- works with -- GO ONE PLAYER TWO -- works with -- GO TWO PLAYER THREE -- works with -- GO THREE PLAYER FOUR -- works with -- GO FOUR PLAYER FIVE -- works with -- GO FIVE o Remember that changing instructions with PLAYER TWO will not affect any other set of personalization data other than for GO TWO. Therefore, if you have five players, to personalize your instructions for each, you would have to run the PLAYER program five times, each with a different argument. - 8 - o If no arguments are used, the computer will automatically assume you are referring to either PLAYER ONE or GO ONE, as appropriate. HINTS ----- o As with any guessing game, there is a certain amount of luck involved in reaching the correct answer. o Nevertheless, you can increase the likelihood of defeating Dr. Codebreaker by making each guess a "good one". We suggest that you check each guess you give against all the past guesses/responses to ensure that it would generate the same clues. o Dr. Codebreaker never makes a mistake when he guesses. You can be sure that if he provides a guess, it will match all the clues previously given. - 9 - SHAREWARE REGISTRATION ---------------------- You may use this program on a TRIAL BASIS only. This means that you may freely evaluate the usefulness of this program for 30 days. If you find this program useful, you must register (see instructions in ORDRFORM.TXT file). If it's missing, please send the $16.95 fee (payable in U.S. funds) along with your name/address to the following address: JUST FOR ME SOFTWARE, INC. P. O. Box 531 Novi, Michigan 48376 Please be sure to include a photograph (3" x 4" or larger) of your child along with your order. We will digitize the photograph, include it on your registered disk, and return the photograph unharmed. Please also specify whether your registered version on a 3-1/2" or 5-1/4" floppy disk. YOUR COMMENTS WOULD BE APPRECIATED ---------------------------------- Please also do not hesitate to write us at the above address if you have any questions or comments concerning DR. CODEBREAKER or the JUST FOR ME SOFTWARE vision (described in the program). Alternatively, you can reach us on the Compuserve Information Service at User I.D. <71150,1305>. Lastly, if you need immediate assistance, we can also be reached by telephone at (313)-348-6697. - 10 - WARRANTY INFORMATION -------------------- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS-IS. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. JUST FOR ME SOFTWARE, INC. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES RELATING TO THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. NEITHER JUST FOR ME SOFTWARE, INC. NOR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF THIS SOFTWARE SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH SOFTWARE EVEN IF JUST FOR ME SOFTWARE, INC. HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR CLAIMS. IN NO EVENT, SHALL JUST FOR ME SOFTWARE, INC.'S LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES EVER EXCEED THE PRICE PAID FOR THE LICENSE TO USE THE SOFTWARE, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF CLAIM. THE PERSON USING THE SOFTWARE BEARS ALL RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. Some states do not allow the exclusion of the limit of liability for consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Michigan and shall inure to the benefit of Just For Me Software, Inc. and any successors, administrators, heirs and assigns. Any action or proceeding brought by either party against the other arising out of or related to this agreement shall be brought only in a STATE or FEDERAL COURT of competent jurisdiction located in Oakland County, Michigan. The parties hereby consent to in personam jurisdiction of said courts. COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------------- The software and this manual are copyrighted. All rights are reserved. They may not, in whole or part, be copied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form without prior consent, in writing, from Just For Me Software, Inc. The user of this product shall be entitled to use the product for his or her own use, but shall not be entitled to sell or transfer reproductions of the software or manual to other parties in any way, nor to rent or lease the product to others without written permission from Just For Me Software, Inc.. Copyright 1992 Just For Me Software, Inc. P. O. Box 531 Novi, MI 48376