Abbreviations in the Dictionary

The following is a list of abbreviations that appear in the text of articles from the Dictionary. Click on a letter to go to that section in the list:

  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


ab about

abbr abbreviation

abl ablative

acc accusative

AD Anno Domini

adj adjective

adv adverb

AF Anglo-French

Afrik Afrikaans

alter. alteration

am ante meridiem

AmerF American French

AmerInd American Indian

AmerSp American Spanish

apprec appreciative

approx approximate, approximately

Ar Arabic

Arab Arabian

Aram Aramaic

arch. archaic

Arm Armenian

attrib attributive

aug augmentative

Austr Australian

AV Authorized Version

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b born

BC before Christ

Br British

Bret Breton

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c century

C Celsius, centigrade

Can Canadian

CanF Canadian French

Cant Cantonese

cap capital, capitalized

Catal Catalan

Celt Celtic

cf compare

Chin Chinese

comb combining

compar comparative

conj conjunction

contr contraction

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D Dutch

Dan Danish

dat dative

deriv derivative

derog derogatory

dial. dialect

dim. diminutive

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E East, Eastern

E English

e.g. for example

Egypt Egyptian

Eng English, England

esp especially

est. estimate, estimated

etc et cetera

euph euphemistic

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F Fahrenheit

fem feminine

fl floruit, flourished

Flem Flemish

fr from

Fr French

freq frequentative

Fris Frisian

ft feet

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Gael Gaelic

gen genitive

Gen genesis

Ger German

Gk Greek (to AD 200)

Gmc Germanic

Goth Gothic

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Heb Hebrew

Hitt Hittite

Hung Hungarian

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Icel Icelandic

i.e. that is

IE Indo-European

imit imitative

imper imperative

incho inchoative

Ind Indian

indef indefinite

indic indicative

infin infinitive

interj interjection

interrog interrogative

IrGael Irish Gaelic

irreg irregular, irregularly

Isa Isaiah

Isv International Scientific Vocabulary

It Italian

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Jav Javanese

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km kilometre(s)

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L Latin (to AD 200)

LaF Louisiana French

LG Low German

LGk late Greek (201-600)

LHeb Late Hebrew

lit. literally

Lith Lithuanian

LK Luke

LL Late Latin (201-600)

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m metres

masc masculine

max. maximum

Mal Malaysia

Mbret Middle Breton

MD Middle Dutch (1100-1500)

ME Middle English (1151-1500)

MexSp Mexican Spanish

MF Middle French (1301-1600)

MFlem Middle Flemish (1301-1600)

MGk Middle Greek (601-1500)

MHeb Middle Hebrew

MHG Middle High German (1101-1500)

Mid Eng Midlands

Mid US Mid United States

MIr Middle Irish (1001-1500)

ML Medieval Latin (601-1500)

MLG Middle Low German (1100-1500)

modif modification

Mer Middle Persian

Mt Matthew

Mt Mount

MW Middle Welsh (1151-1500)

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n noun

N North, Northern

NAm North American

naut nautical

NE Eng North East England

neg negative

NEng Northern England

neut neuter

New Eng New England, United States

NGK New Greek (1501-)

NHeb New Hebrew (19th-20th Century)

NL New Latin (1501-)

nom nominative

Norw Norwegian

NW Eng North West England

NW US North West United States

NZ New Zealand

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obs obsolete

OCatal Old Catalan

OE Old English (-1150)

OF Old French (-1300)

OFris Old Frisian (-1500)

OHG Old High German (-1100)

OIr Old Irish (601-1100)

OIt Old Italian

OL Old Latin

ON Old Norse (-ab1350)

ONF Old North French

OPer Old Persian

OPg Old Portuguese

Oprov Old Provencal

OPruss Old Prussian

orig original, originally

Oruss Old Russian (1101-1500)

OS Old Saxon (-12 Century)

OSlav Old Slavonic

OSp Old Spanish

OSw Old Swedish

OW Old Welsh (-ab 1150)

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p pence

PaG Pennsylvania German

part participle

pass passive

Pek Pekingese

Per Persian

perf perfect

perh perhaps

pers person

Pg Portuguese

phr(s) phrase(s)

pl plural

pm post meridiem

pop. population

pp past participle

prep preposition

pres present

prob probably

pron pronoun

Prov provencal

prov. provisional

prp present participle

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RC Roman Catholic

redupl reduplication

refl reflexive

rel relative

Rom Roman

RSV Revised Standard Version

Russ Russian

RV Revised Version

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S South, Southern

SAfr South Africa, South African

Sc Scots

Scand Scandinavian

ScGael Scottish Gaelic

Scot Scotland, Scottish

Sem Semitic

Serb Serbian

SEU S Survey of English Usage (spoken)

SEU W Survey of English Usage (written)

Shak Shakespeare

SI Système International d'Unitès

sing. singular

Sing Singapore

Skt Sanskrit

Slav Slavonic

Sp Spanish

specif specifically

Sq square

St Saint

Ste Sainte

subj subjunctive

superl superlative

S US Southern US

Sw Swedish

SW Eng South West England

SW US South Western United States

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tech technical

TES Times Educational Supplement

THES Times Higher Educational Supplement

TLS Times Literary Supplement

trans translation

Turk Turkish

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UK United Kingdom

US United States

USA Unites States of America

usu usually

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va verbal auxiliary

var variant

vb verb

vi verb intransitive

VL Vulgar Latin (used only for assumed forms)

voc vocative

vt verb transitive

vulg vulgar

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W Welsh

W West, Western

WI West Indian

WUS Western United States

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