\X DO_BRDR\BLA #320,0,639,#322\ON KEY F10 JUMP REDO_ALL \X LABSRL\CALL SRL_NMBR\READ K:LABDATA5.TXT \X SRL_NMBR\CALLM MOVENO2TEMP ;J.I.C. \BLA #320,0,639,#322\MOVE 0 TO #810\MOVE 2 TO CRSR_YLOC \IF SRL_XPOSIHIGHXPRN-100\MOVE HGHXPRN-100 TO SRL_XPOSI\ENDIF \IF LABTYPE='3.5"'\IF SRL_YPOSIHIGHYPRN-20\MOVE HIGHYPRN-20 TO SRL_YPOSI\ENDIF \LENGTH SRL_ACTV\IF A=0\JUMP SRL_INTRO\ENDIF \IF SRL_ACTV='Y'\JUMP GO_SRL\ENDIF \X SRL_INTRO\LOC #320,0\WID #321 DOTS\BLA #320,0,639,#322\HEIGHT 400 You can print a serial number of up to 12 digits, with a leading prefix of up to 15 characters. The default is not to do this. Do you want to leave the disks "unserialized"? (Y to leave alone, N to add serialization.) \MOVE 'Y' TO #200\CURS CRSR_XLOC,5\QUES #200,1\IF #200<>'Y' AND #200<>'N'\BEEP 47,99\JUMP SRL_INTRO\ENDIF \IF #200='Y'\MOVE 'N' TO SRL_ACTV\JUMP SRL_OUT\ENDIF \X SETUP_SRL \LOC #320,0\BLA #320,0,639,#322 The serial number can consist of 4, 8 or 12 digits. It will automatically increment by a specified number for EACH label. When it gets to the top you will have to change the prefix. If needed, you can rerun from any number. \" How many digits do you want your serial number to be? (4, 8 or 12) \CURSOR CRSR_XLOC,8,80,8\QUES #200,0\IF #200=4 OR #200=8\JUMP SETSER3\ELSE\IF #200=12\JUMP SETSER3\ENDIF\BEEP 92,100\LOC #320,150 The number must be 4, 8, or 12! \JUMP SETUP_SRL \X SETSER3\MOVE #200 TO SRL_LEN\IF SRL_TEMPRUN<>'Y'\MOVE 'Y' TO CHGD_LBL\ENDIF \MOVE 'XXXXXXXXXXXX' TO #200\X SETSER4\LOC #320,0\BLA #320,0,639,#322 You can start at any number. Enter a number now. Be sure to replace all 'X's with numeric values. \MOVE SRL_LEN TO G\CURS CRSR_XLOC,5,80,5\QUEST #200,G\+ \X CHKSER5\LENGTH #200\IF A<12 AND A>0\BUILD #200=#200,'0'\SUB 1 FROM A\IF A>0\JUMP CHKSER5\ENDIF \CALL CHK_SRL\IF G>0\BEEP 55,77\JUMP SETSER4\ENDIF \CALL SRL_SET_NMBRS \X SETSER6\LOC #320,0\BLA #320,0,639,#322 The standard increment is 1. You can make this any value from 1 to 1000. Enter a value now. \MOVE 4 TO G\MOVE '0001' TO #200\CURS CRSR_XLOC,5,80,5\QUEST #200,4\CALL CHK_SRL\IF G>0\BEEP 45,77\JUMP SETSER6\ENDIF\CONVERT #200\IF #200>1000\BEEP 40,60\JUMP SETSER6\ELSE\MOVE #200 TO SRL_INCR\ENDIF \X SERPREF\BLA #320,0,639,#322\LOC #320,0\HEIGHT 400 The serial number can have a prefix up to 15 characters. (This can include characters that appear to be additional high-order serial numbers.) Enter a prefix or blank out the default prefix shown below. \MOVE 'Serial #:' TO #200\CURSOR CRSR_XLOC,5,80,5\QUEST #200,15,1,L\MOVE #200 TO SRL_PRFX\MOVE 'Y' TO SRL_ACTV \X SRLPOSI\LOC #320,0\BLA #320,0,639,#322\WID #321 DOTS Now you should position the serial number where you want it to print. Use the cursor keys or your mouse to move the crosshairs to the upper left edge of the desired position. You will be able to see what it will look like and change it if you like. \" If you are using the keyboard, use the number keys above the QWERTY portion of the keyboard to make the cursor move faster. Set it back to 1 (above the "Q") to position yourself EXACTLY. Click any mouse button or press when finished. \CALL DSPL_LBL \CLEAR MOUSE \IF LABTYPE='3.5"'\MOUSE L=SRL_XPOSI,SRL_YPOSI W=LOWXPRN+10,LOWYPRN+100,HIGHXPRN-100,HIGHYPRN-20 ROUNDS=-1 FRAME=10,0\ELSE\+ \MOUSE L=SRL_XPOSI,SRL_YPOSI W=LOWXPRN+10,LOWYPRN+10,HIGHXPRN-100,HIGHYPRN-20 ROUNDS=-1 FRAME=10,0\ENDIF\+ \MOVE D TO SRL_XPOSI\MOVE E TO SRL_YPOSI \CALL DSPL_LBL\WID #321 DOTS \X REASK\LOC #320,0\BLA #320,0,639,#322 Are you satisfied with this location or do you wish to reposition the serial number? (Y if satisfied, N if not) \CURSOR CRSR_XLOC,4,80,4\MOVE 'Y' TO #200\QUES #200,1\IF #200<>'Y' AND #200<>'N'\BEEP 55,99\JUMP REASK\ENDIF\+ \IF #200='N'\JUMP SRLPOSI\ENDIF \RETURN \X GO_SRL\BLA #320,0,639,#322\LOC #320,0\HEI 400 This label is serialized. To continue printing in the series, press . \" If you want to print a separate run of serial numbers you may ONLY do so if there are no changes to your label. You might want to do this if some labels were damaged or did not print correctly in an earlier run. \" \IF CHGD_LBL<>'Y' There are no changes to this label, so you can print a separate run. \" Enter 'Y' to continue printing the regular run, or enter 'N' to do a special run. \ELSE Since you have already made changes to this label, you cannot print a "separate" run. You can, however PERMANENTLY turn off serialization for this label if you like. \" Enter 'Y' to continue printing the regular series, or enter 'N' to reset the serialization features. \ENDIF \CALLM PR_LBL\CALLM PRINT_SRL \IF LABTYPE='3.5"'\CURSR CRSR_XLOC,14,80,14\ELSE\CURS CRSR_XLOC,8,80,8\ENDIF \MOVE 'Y' TO #200\QUEST #200,1\IF #200<>'Y' AND #200<>'N'\BEEP 55,99\JUMP GO_SRL\ENDIF \IF #200='Y'\JUMP SRL_OUT\ENDIF \IF CHGD_LBL='Y'\JUMP SRL_INTRO\ENDIF \X SETTEMP\BLA #320,0,639,#322\LOC #320,0 Enter the serial number you wish to start printing from. The current settings for increment and serial number length will automatically be used. \CURSOR CRSR_XLOC,8,80,8\MOVE SRL_PR TO #200\MOVE SRL_LEN TO G\QUEST #200,G\CALL CHK_SRL\IF G>0\BEEP 144,44\JUMP SETTEMP\ENDIF \MOVE SRL4LOW TO SRL_LST4LOW\MOVE SRL4MID TO SRL_LST4MID\MOVE SRL4HGH TO SRL_LST4HGH\+ \MOVE 'Y' TO SRL_TEMPRUN\CALL SRL_SET_NMBRS\MOVE #200 TO SRL_PR \JUMP SRL_OUT \X NO_SRL\MOVE 'N' TO SRL_ACTV \X SRL_OUT\RETURN \X SRL_SET_NMBRS\MOVE '0000' TO SRL4HGH\MOVE '0000' TO SRL4MID \IF SRL_LEN>8\MOVE #200[1,4] TO SRL4HGH\MOVE #200[5,4] TO SRL4MID\MOVE #200[9,4] TO SRL4LOW\ENDIF\+ \IF SRL_LEN=8\MOVE #200[1,4] TO SRL4MID\MOVE #200[5,4] TO SRL4LOW\ENDIF\+ \IF SRL_LEN<8\MOVE #200[1,4] TO SRL4LOW\ENDIF\+ \CONVERT SRL4HGH\CONVERT SRL4MID\CONVERT SRL4LOW\RETURN \X CHK_SRL\MOVE #200[G,1] TO #201\IF #201>='0' AND #201<='9'\SUB 1 FROM G\IF G>0\JUMP CHK_SRL\ENDIF\RETURN \X DSPL_LBL\CALLM PR_LBL\CALLM SHOW_DISKDATA\CALLM SHOW_LABELINFO\CALLM SHOW_COMPANY\CALLM SHOW_LOGO\CALLM PRINT_SRL\WID #321 DOTS\RETURN \X REDO_ALL\READ K:LAB_DATA.TXT \END