\JUMP SET_LOGO \X LABSRL\IF LOGO_ACTV<>'N'\MOVE 'Y' TO LOGO_ACTV\ENDIF\WAIT LIM -1\READ K:LABDATA4.TXT \X SET_LOGO\ON KEY F10 JUMP REDO_ALL\+ \IF LOGOXLOW=LOGOXHGH\MOVE HIGHXPRN TO LOGOXHGH\ENDIF\+ \IF LOGOYLOW>=LOGOYHGH\MOVE HIGHYPRN TO LOGOYHGH\ENDIF\+ \IF #501>#503\MOVE #503 TO #501\MOVE 'N' TO LOGO_ACTV\ENDIF\IF #502>#504\MOVE #504 TO #502\MOVE 'N' TO LOGO_ACTV\ENDIF \BLA #320,0,639,#322\LOC #320,0\WID #321 DOTS You can add a logo or other graphic. There are several ways you can do this including importing from other programs, or using one of our sample graphics. To keep the current setting for a graphic, just press . \" \IF LOGO_ACTV='Y' Do you want to use the current graphic in it's current position? (Y to use the current image, N to change it's position or to eliminate it entirely.) \ELSE This label does not use a graphic. Do you want to leave the label without a graphic? (Y to leave image as is, N to add a graphic.) \ENDIF \CALLM PR_LBL\ON ERROR JUMP LOGONO\CALLM SHOW_LOGO\X LOGONO\CLEAR ON ERROR \CURS CRSR_XLOC,10,80,10\MOVE 'Y' TO #200\QUEST #200,1,1\IF #200<>'Y' AND #200<>'N'\BEEP 78,79\JUMP SET_LOGO\ENDIF\IF #200='Y'\JUMP LOGO_OUT\ENDIF \IF #200='N'\IF LOGO_ACTV='N'\MOVE 'X' TO LOGO_ACTV\MOVE 'Y' TO CHGD_LBL\JUMP REASK5\ENDIF\+ \X HAVEALOGO\IF LOGO_ACTV<>'N'\LOC #320,0\BLA #320,0,639,#322 Do you want a logo for this label? (Y to have a logo, N not to.) \CURS CRSR_XLOC,10,80,10\MOVE 'Y' TO #200\QUEST #200,1\IF #200<>'Y' AND #200<>'N'\BEEP 78,79\JUMP HAVEALOGO\ENDIF\IF #200='N'\MOVE 'N' TO LOGO_ACTV\MOVE 'Y' TO CHGD_LBL\JUMP LOGO_OUT\ENDIF\+ \X REASK5\LOC #320,0\BLA #320,0,639,#322\HEI 400 There are four ways to add a graphic. \" First, you can 'drop in' one of our 'canned' logos like the diskette logo we use for LABELER's labels. \" Second, you can use our utility program to display any .PCX-format picture which is in a compatible screen mode. (This is VGA screen mode #17, 640 dots by 480 dots, 2 colors.) \" Third, you can enter a command line which will execute your own image display program. Your program must be able to leave the image on the screen after it exits, it must display the image in VGA mode 17, and it must be able to fit in available memory. \" Fourth, if you use our animation software you can create your logo with it. \" There you have it. Pick a number (1, 2, 3 or 4.) \IF LABTYPE='3.5"'\CURS CRSR_XLOC+5,19,80,19\ELSE\CURS 42,10,80,10\ENDIF \IF LABTYPE='3.5"'\LINE 376,44,408,44,1\LINE 376,88,417,88,1\LINE 376,165,410,165,1\LINE 376,253,419,253,1 \ELSE\LINE 0,32,32,32,1\LINE 0,65,41,65,1\LINE 0,98,33,98,1\LINE 0,142,43,142,1\ENDIF \MOVE '1' TO #200\QUEST #200,1\IF #200<'1' OR #200>'4'\BLA #320,0,639,#322\BEEP 59,99\JUMP REASK5\ENDIF\MOVE 'Y' TO CHGD_LBL\ON KEY F1 \MOVE #200 TO LOGO_FORGN\IF #200='1'\JUMP USE_CANNED\ELSE\IF #200='2'\JUMP USE_SHOW_PCX\ELSE\IF #200='3'\JUMP USE_CMDLN\ELSE\JUMP USE_P11_IMAGE\ENDIF \X LOGO_OUT\IF LOGO_ACTV<>'Y'\MOVE 'N' TO LOGO_ACTV\ENDIF\JUMP LABSRL \X LOGOPOSI\LOC #320,0\BLA #320,0,639,#322\WID #321 DOTS\HEI 400 DOTS Now you should position the logo where you want it to print. Use the cursor keys or your mouse to move the crosshairs to the upper left edge of the desired position. You will be able to see what it will look like and change it if you like. \" If you are using the keyboard, use the number keys above the QWERTY portion of the keyboard to make the cursor move faster. Set it back to 1 (above the "Q") to position yourself EXACTLY. Click any mouse button or press when finished. \" NOTE #1: The horizontal axis will be rounded down to the nearest 8-dot boundary. \" NOTE #2: Press the space bar NOW to skip this step and not have a logo at all. \ON KEY 14624 JUMP NOLOGO \CALLM PR_LBL\CALLM SHOW_DISKDATA\CALLM SHOW_LABELINFO\CALLM SHOW_COMPANY\CALLM SHOW_LOGO \IF LABTYPE='3.5"'\MOVE LOWYPRN+100 TO #200\ELSE\MOVE LOWYPRN+10 TO #200\ENDIF \CLEAR MOUSE\MOUSE L=LOGOXLOW,LOGOYLOW W=LOWXPRN+10,#200,HIGHXPRN-20,HIGHYPRN-20 ROUNDS=-1 FRAME=10,0\+ \MOVE D TO LOGOXLOW\MOVE E TO LOGOYLOW \CALL DSPL_LBL \X RELOGO\LOC #320,0\BLA #320,0,639,#322 Are you satisfied with this location or do you wish to reposition the logo image? (Y if satisfied, N if not) \CURS CRSR_XLOC,4,80,4\MOVE 'Y' TO #200\QUES #200,1\IF #200<>'Y' AND #200<>'N'\BEEP 55,99\JUMP RELOGO\ENDIF\+ \IF #200='N'\JUMP LOGOPOSI\ENDIF \JUMP LABSRL \X NOLOGO\CLEAR ON ERRORS\MOVE 'N' TO LOGO_ACTV\CALL DSPL_LBL\JUMP LABSRL \X REDO_ALL\IF LOGO_ACTV<>'Y'\MOVE 'N' TO LOGO_ACTV\ENDIF\WAIT LIM -1\READ K:LAB_DATA.TXT \X DSPL_LBL\CALLM PR_LBL\CALLM SHOW_DISKDATA\CALLM SHOW_LABELINFO\CALLM SHOW_COMPANY\ON ERROR JUMP NOLOGO\CALLM SHOW_LOGO\CLEAR ON ERROR\WID #321 DOTS\RETURN \X USE_CANNED\READ K:LOGOS.PIC\MOVE LOGO_NMBR TO U \X LOGOCHOOSE\CALLM PR_LBL\FRAME ?\CLEAR SHOW\BLA #320,0,639,#322\LOC #320,0\IF U>A\MOVE A TO U\ENDIF\IF U<1\MOVE 1 TO U\ENDIF Shown below is the current choice. To view the next one, press . To view the previous one, press . When you find the one you want, press . \" Total frames in file, this frame: \X LOGPICK\IF LABTYPE='3.5"'\CURS 58,5,80,5\ELSE\CURS 8,3,80,3\ENDIF\DISPLAY A,U \IF LABTYPE='5.25"'\BLA 0,#301,639,412\ENDIF\BLA 376,300,639,479\SHOW 376,300,U\WAIT NOW -1 \IF B=18688 OR B=18745\IF U>1\SUB 1 FROM U\ELSE\MOVE A TO U\ENDIF\IF B=20736 OR B=20787\IF U(#505)\CLEAR ON ERROR\IF A=-1\JUMP BADSHOW\ELSE\IF A=0 AND C<>0\JUMP BADSHOW\ENDIF \X ISOLATE_LOGO\SAVE SCREEN\LOC #320,0\BLA #320,0,639,#322\HEI 400 You now must mark the image's upper left and lower right boundaries. Then you will locate the image in the label. This process will be automated for future use. \" Use your mouse or the cursor arrows to move the cross-hair. To move the cross-hair quickly when using the keyboard, press the numeric keys above the QWERTY portion of the keyboard. \" When you are close to the desired location set the movement to ONE (1) dot by pressing the one above the "Q". \" Note: Piece will be shifted to the nearest 8-dot boundary on the horizontal axis. \" Press any key to set the upper left edge. \" Press to re-enter the logo information. \ON KEY F2 JUMP DROP_OUT\ON KEY F10 JUMP DROP_OUT_BYE \X WAIT1\WAIT NOW -1\IF F<>0\JUMP WAIT1\ENDIF\ON KEY F2\CLEAR MOUSE\RESTORE SCRE\MOUSE L=LOGO_XLORIG,LOGO_YLORIG\MOVE D TO LOGO_XLORIG\MOVE E TO LOGO_YLORIG \ON KEY F10 JUMP REDO_ALL\SAVE SCRE\LOC #320,0\BLA #320,0,639,#322 Now just do the same thing to set the lower right boundary. Press any key to begin... \X WAIT2\WAIT NOW -1\IF F<>0\JUMP WAIT2\ENDIF\CLEAR MOUSE\RESTORE SCREEN\MOUSE L=LOGO_XHORIG,LOGO_YHORIG\MOVE D TO LOGO_XHORIG\MOVE E TO LOGO_YHORIG \CLEAR PICS\FRAME LOGO_XLORIG,LOGO_YLORIG,LOGO_XHORIG-LOGO_XLORIG,LOGO_YHORIG-LOGO_YLORIG\MOVE 1 TO LOGO_NMBR \JUMP LOGOPOSI \X USE_CMDLN\BLA #320,0,639,#322\LOC #320,0 Enter the command line exactly as you would enter it from DOS, EXCEPT: \" Be sure to include the extension, .EXE or .COM, even though from DOS this would be optional. \" Note: Many picture display programs do not leave the image on the screen when they exit. If you have trouble getting your image to display properly, you may want to consider converting it to .PCX format and then displaying it with our utility program. \" Example: E:PCTR.EXE MY-LOGO.GIF \IF LABTYPE='5.25"'\CURS CRSR_XLOC,8,80,9\LINE 430,10,475,10,1\ELSE\CURS CRSR_XLOC,13,80,15\LINE 545,22,590,22,1\ENDIF \MOVE #505 TO #200\QUEST #200,70\IF #200=' '\BLA #320,0,639,#322\BEEP 78,61\JUMP USE_CMDLN\ENDIF \CLEAR SCREEN\MOVE #200 TO #505\CURS 0,25,80,25\WAIT LIM 0\QUES Q,0\WAIT LIM -1\ON ERROR JUMP BADFORGN\EXEC DOS>(#505)\CLEAR ON ERROR\IF A=-1\JUMP BADFORGN\ENDIF\JUMP ISOLATE_LOGO \X USE_P11_IMAGE\BLA #320,0,639,#322\LOC #320,0 Enter the name of the P11 picture file. File must ALREADY have been placed in the current directory. Do not include the extention, which must be .PIC. \CURSR CRSR_XLOC,4,80,4\MOVE ' ' TO #200\QUEST #200,8\IF #200=' '\BLA #320,0,639,#322\BEEP 78,71\JUMP USE_P11_IMAGE\ENDIF\BUILD #505=#200,'.PIC' \ON ERROR JUMP BADP11RD\DOT 0,0,1\MOVE 2 TO Z\READ (#505)\CLEAR ON ERROR\DOT 0,0,?\IF A<>1\MOVE A TO Z\JUMP BADP11RD\ENDIF \MOVE 'Y' TO LOGO_ACTV\MOVE LOGO_NMBR TO U\IF U<1\MOVE 1 TO U\ENDIF\JUMP LOGOCHOOSE \X BADP11RD\SCREEN 0,0,17\BLA #320,0,639,#322\LOC #320,0\BEEP 129,62\MOVE 'X' TO LOGO_ACTV\CALLM PR_LBL \IF Z=2 That file was not found in the current directory. \ELSE The screen mode for that picture file is wrong (it must be mode 17, 640 by 480 dots, 2 colors.) \ENDIF \X BAD_RTN \" You'll have to do the logo over! \WAIT RET -1 " PRESS TO CONTINUE..." \JUMP SET_LOGO \X BADSHOW\BLA #320,0,639,#322\LOC #320,0 \BLA #320,0,639,#322\LOC #320,0\BEEP 129,52\MOVE 'N' TO LOGO_ACTV\CALLM PR_LBL There was a problem displaying that image. Be sure your drive, path, and filename are correct. \JUMP BAD_RTN \X BADFORGN\BLA #320,0,639,#322\LOC #320,0 Your program did not run properly. Be sure you specifed the drive, path, and filename correctly. \JUMP BAD_RTN\X DROP_OUT\IF LOGO_ACTV='Y'\MOVE 'Y' TO CHGD_LBL\ENDIF\MOVE 'N' TO LOGO_ACTV\ON KEY F2\CLEAR PICS\JUMP SET_LOGO \X DROP_OUT_BYE\IF LOGO_ACTV='Y'\MOVE 'Y' TO CHGD_LBL\ENDIF\MOVE 'N' TO LOGO_ACTV\ON KEY F2\CLEAR PICS\JUMP REDO_ALL