README.TXT -------------------------------------------- Windows NT Client setup Run SETUP.EXE to install the UI. At the end of the installation, you will be prompted for the server directory location. You need to enter the location of the Gold-Fax Server directory using the UNC path to the share "\\node\GOLDFAX". Use the "Printers" icon to create the GOLDFAX queue on your local machine. This queue will prompt for fax addressing when documents are printed to it. GOLDFAX prompting queue Choose "Create Printer", type GOLDFAX under printer name, choose "HP LaserJet III" in the Driver field, and select "GOLDFAX" from the "Print to:" pull down. Select "Settings" to verify the correct processing queue (such as "\\node\GFAX_HP") and choose OK. Choose the Details button and turn off (un-check) the "Delete jobs after printing" option. Choose OK on both dialog boxes. If "GOLDFAX" is not in the "Print to" pull down, select "Other..", select "Gold-Fax Ports" and choose OK. In the Select Gold-Fax Port Type dialog box, select Client for the Port type and choose OK. Uninstalling Client Software Close the Gold-Fax Service program. Select the UnInstall icon from the Gold-Fax Server group and then Reboot. After rebooting, delete the file: \WINNT35\SYSTEM32\GFMON.DLL -------------------------------------------- Windows 95 Client setup Choose Control Panel Add/Remove Programs to install Gold-Fax Client. Follow the prompts and Run SETUP.EXE from the Installation disk. At the end of the installation, you will be prompted for the server directory location. You need to enter the location of the Gold-Fax Server directory using the UNC path to the share "\\node\GOLDFAX". GOLDFAX prompting queue Choose "Settings" and "Printers" from the Start menu to create the GoldFax queue on your local machine. This queue will prompt for fax addressing when documents are printed to it. Choose "Add Printer", select Next, choose "Local Printer" and select Next. Scroll to "HP" under Manufactures, "HP LaserJet III" under Printers and select Next. Choose GOLDFAX under "Available Ports:". Select the "Configure Port" button and verify the correct processing queue (such as "\\node\GFAX_HP") and choose OK from the Set Up Client Port dialog box. Choose Next and then enter the printer name GoldFax. Choose Next, select No for printing a test page and select Finish. Uninstalling Client Software Choose Control Panel Add/Remove Programs to remove the Gold-Fax Client and then Reboot. After rebooting, delete the file: \WINDOWS\SYSTEM\GFMON.DLL SMS Installation The file GOLDFAX.PDF contains commands to Install, ReInstall, and DeInstall the Gold-Fax client software. The command that invokes the Install ("Complete") command will need to change from "\\server\GOLDFAX" to the correct node and and share of your GoldFax Server. The "Setup -s" command reads the SETUP.ISS file for responses to the setup dialog boxes. If you would like to change these defaults, modify the SETUP.ISS file. If you change the default installation directory, the DeInstall command must also change to reflect the correct path to the uninst.dll file. After installing the client software, the target system(s) must be rebooted.