2 Gold-Fax 3 \nGFPhBk\nGFPHBK Document\nPhonebook Files (*.gfp)\n.gfp\nGFPhBkFileType\nGold-Fax Phonebook File Type 4 \n 5 \n 8 \nFaxMsg\nGFMSG Document\nFax Message Files (*.txt)\n.txt\nGFFaxMsgFileType\nGold-Fax Message File Type 10 000 unread 11 10:00 XM 12 DataProcessingDesign 13 SOFTWARE\DataProcessingDesign\GoldFax 19 Create a Fax Message 20 Open Personal Phonebook 21 Open System Phonebook 22 Sent Fax Status 23 Print 24 Print Preview 25 Help 26 Add 27 Edit 28 View 29 Delete 30 Copy 31 Move 32 Edit Information 33 Forward 34 Open Folder 35 New Folder 36 Delete Folder 37 Find Folder 38 Search 39 Refresh 40 Stop Fax 41 Delete From Listing 42 Resend 46 Delete Status 47 This Job/Fax must be aborted first in order to delete. Ok to abort? 49 Status File 50 Received Faxes 51 No more system timers available. Certain functions in Gold-Fax for Windows will not work properly until more system timers are made available. Try closing other applications that use timers and restarting this one. 52 %3lu unread 53 Pages: 54 To: 55 From: 56 Keywords: 57 Subject: 58 Unknown 59 Gold-Fax: Print Fax List Error 60 Not enought room on page to print anything. 61 Gold-Fax Received Faxes in Folder: 62 Page %d 63 Received: 64 Routed: 65 Calling Station ID: 66 Status: 67 Gold-Fax: View Fax Error 68 Error opening 69 Error writing to 70 Nothing selected. 71 Gold-Fax: Update Fax Information Error 72 Gold-Fax: Edit Fax Information Error 73 Gold-Fax: Move to Folder 74 Gold-Fax: Copy to Folder 75 Move to: 76 Copy to: 77 Gold-Fax: Move Fax Error 78 Gold-Fax: Copy Fax Error 79 Cannot move an unrouted fax. 80 Cannot copy an unrouted fax. 81 Gold-Fax: Confirm Delete Forwarded Fax 82 Are you sure you want to delete the fax after forwarding? 83 Gold-Fax: Delete Forwarded Fax Error 84 Gold-Fax: Forward Fax Error 85 Gold-Fax: Delete Fax Error 86 Gold-Fax: Confirm Delete Fax 87 Are you sure you want to delete the selected fax? 88 Could not launch the Gold-Fax Viewer.\n 89 Gold-Fax: Open Folder Error 90 Gold-Fax: New Folder Error 91 Gold-Fax: Delete Folder Error 92 Cannot delete a system folder. 93 Gold-Fax: Confirm Delete Folder 94 All faxes in this folder are about to be deleted. Are you sure?\nFolder: 95 Gold-Fax: Get Name List Error 96 Fax ID was not found in this folder. 97 Unrouted 98 InBox 99 Gold-Fax: Open Received Faxes Window Error 100 Out of memory. 101 No open folder. 102 Error creating fax list.\n 103 Error updating 104 Source and destination folders are the same. 105 This folder can not hold more faxes (it is full). Try creating a new folder in a different directory. 106 Error copying 107 Error deleting 108 Error renaming 109 Cannot unroute a fax. 110 Internal error: Folder was not found in the folder list. 111 Internal error: Fax was not found in this folder's fax list. 112 No names specified. 113 Could not create folder: 114 Error creating directory: 115 Could not add folder: 116 Directory does not exist: 117 File already exists: 118 File does not exist: 119 Could not delete folder: 120 Error reading 121 Read 122 Unread 123 Received with Errors 124 Deleted 125 Annotated 126 98 dpi 127 196 dpi 128 Expiring Soon 129 Gold-Fax: Find Folder 130 Gold-Fax Folders (*.gff)|*.gff|All Files (*.*)|*.*| 131 Gold-Fax: Find Folder Error 132 Folder file: %s\nalready exists in your folder list as: %s 133 Gold-Fax: Create Directory 134 Directory: %s\ndoes not exits. Do you want to create it? 135 Gold-Fax: Select New Folder File 136 Cannot move unrouted faxes. 137 Cannot copy unrouted faxes. 138 Gold-Fax: Confirm Delete Forwarded Faxes 139 Are you sure you want to delete the faxes after forwarding? 140 Gold-Fax: Confirm Delete Faxes 141 Are you sure you want to delete the selected faxes? 142 \nDo you want to continue this operation with the remaining faxes? 143 \nDo you want to continue this operation? 144 Gold-Fax: Set Automatic Forwarding Error 145 "%s" is not in the forward list. 146 There was a problem attempting to have the Gold-Fax Viewer close (stop using) a fax image which was selected for deletion. If the viewer is running, try closing it before attemptting the deletion again. 147 GOLDFAX$SCRATCH:GFPC_ 148 Gold-Fax: Text Search 149 '%s' not found. 160 New 161 Open File 162 Save 163 Undo 164 Cut 165 Copy 166 Paste 167 Find 168 Find Next 169 Send Fax 170 Scroll Left 171 Scroll Right 501 Unknown error: %u 502 System was out of memory, executable file was currupt, or relocations were invalid. 503 File was not found. 504 Path was not found. 505 Attempt was made to dynamically link a task, or there was a sharing or netowrk-protection error. 506 Library required separate data segments for each task. 507 There was insufficient memory to start the application. 508 Windows version was incorrect. 509 Executable file was invalid. Either it was not a Windows application or there was an error in the .EXE image. 510 Application was designed for a different operating system. 511 Application was designed for MS-DOS 4.0. 512 Type of executable file was unknown. 513 Attempt was made to load a real-mode application (developed for an earlier version of Windows). 514 Attempt was made to load a second instance of an executable file containing multiple data segments that were not marked read-only. 515 Attempt was made to load a compressed executable file. The file must be decompressed before it can be loaded. 516 Dynamic-link library (DLL) file was invalid. One of the DLLs required to run this application was corrupt. 517 Application requires Microsoft Windows 32-bit extensions. 518 You are not authorized to run Gold-Fax or your license has expired. 600 Unable to Resend Fax.\nOriginal fax file on server possibly missing. 601 Resend Error 602 RPC not responding. 603 RPC Error 604 Unable to send Fax due to a server error. 605 Send Error 606 Gold-Fax Security Violation 701 View a previously sent fax\nView Sent Fax 702 Error %ld copying file to server. 1100 Gold-Fax Error 1101 No profile was created. Gold-Fax is exiting. 1200 Gold-Fax 1203 Gold-Fax Error 1204 Error deleting distribution list file %1\n%2 1301 Gold-Fax Phonebook Error 1302 Gold-Fax Phonebook - %1 - Page %2 1303 Gold-Fax: Copy Phonebook Name 1304 Gold-Fax: Move Phonebook Name 1305 Phonebook: 1306 Phonebook [Read Only]: 1307 Error opening phonebook %1\n%2 1308 Error creating new phonebook %1\n%2 1312 Error adding name '%1' to phonebook %2 1315 Error editing name '%1' in phonebook %2 1316 Error viewing name '%1' in phonebook %2 1319 Error deleting name '%1' from phonebook %2 1320 Delete all selected names from phonebook %1?\n(%2 names are selected) 1322 Error copying name '%1' from phonebook %2 1323 Error copying name '%s' from phonebook %s to phonebook %s\n%s 1325 Error moving name '%1' from phonebook %2 1326 Error moving name '%s' from phonebook %s to phonebook %s\n%s 1327 Name '%1' already exists in phonebook %2. Would you like to replace it? 1328 Error collecting names from phonebook %1\n%2 1330 Error moving to the beginning of the phonebook file %1\n%2\n\nOperation aborted. 1331 %1 is not a valid phonebook. 1332 Nothing to print. 1401 Gold-Fax Status Error 1402 Gold-Fax Status - %1 Page %2 1403 Sent Fax Status 1404 Sent Fax Status 1405 Error opening status file %1:\n%2 1406 Unable to begin printing - Error [%d] 1407 Error viewing fax status details:\n%1 1408 Error collecting fax status entries:\n%1 1409 Error moving to the first fax status entry\n%1\n\nOperation aborted. 1410 User '%1' not found in the status file. 1411 Gold-Fax Detail Status 1412 Gold-Fax: Confirm Stop Fax 1413 Are you sure you want to stop the selected fax? 1414 No status entries found for user '%1'. 1500 Gold-Fax Status Detail 1501 Gold-Fax Status Detail Error 1502 View Fax Status Information 1503 Status: 1504 Faxes Sent: \n Success: %ld Warning: %ld \n Failed: %ld Retries: %ld 1505 To: 1506 From: 1507 Subject: 1508 Fax submitted to: 1509 Submitted: 1510 Completed: 1511 FAX #: 1512 Company: 1513 Address: 1514 Elapsed: 1515 Pages Sent: %ld out of %ld 1516 Name: 1517 Phonebook: 1518 Cover page: 1519 Fax completed at: 1520 ID: %ld 1521 Unable to begin printing - Error [%d] 1522 Error allocating memory 4406 Directory '%s' does not contain Gold-Fax for Windows. Do you want to use it anyway? 5120 Personal Phonebook... 5121 System Phonebook... 5122 Gold-Fax: Create Distribution List 5123 Gold-Fax: Modify Distribution List 5124 Gold-Fax: Distribution List Maintenance Error 5125 Error appending DIAL string 5126 Error appending NAME string 5127 Invalid string from list box 5128 No data for entry in Fax Addressees list box 5129 Must have a selection! 5130 Error opening phonebook %s:\n%s 5131 Error reading %s from phonebook %s:\n%s 5132 Error opening distribution list %s:\n%s 5133 Error reading from distribution list %s:\n%s 5134 Error creating distribution list %s:\n%s 5135 Error writing %s to distribution list %s:\n%s 5136 %s is not a valid phonebook. 5320 Distribution Lists 5321 All Files 5322 Gold-Fax: Open Distribution Lists 5323 Gold-Fax: Create Distribution List 5324 Gold-Fax: Create Distribution List Error 5325 Gold-Fax: Modify Distribution List 5326 Gold-Fax: Delete Distribution Lists 5327 Error in distribution list file name '%s'\nTry again! 5328 Distribution list file '%s' already exists.\nTry again! 5330 Phonebooks 5331 VMS Phonebooks 5332 All Files 5333 Gold-Fax: Open Phonebook 5334 Gold-Fax: Create Phonebook 5335 Gold-Fax: Create Phonebook Error 5336 Gold-Fax: Save Phonebook As 5337 Gold-Fax: Copy Phonebook Name 5338 Gold-Fax: Copy Phonebook Name Error 5339 Gold-Fax: Move Phonebook Name 5340 Gold-Fax: Move Phonebook Name Error 5350 Error in phonebook file name '%s'\nTry again! 5351 Phonebook file '%s' already exists.\nTry again! 5352 '%s' is a VMS phonebook file and will be opened read-only. Do you want to open it anyway? 5353 You cannot create a VMS phonebook.\nTry again! 5354 '%s' is not a valid phonebook file for copying names.\nTry again! 5355 '%s' is not a valid phonebook file for moving names.\nTry again! 5620 Gold-Fax: Keyword Error 5621 Error locking DIAL list entry 5622 Error allocating memory for DIAL string 5623 Error locking NAME list entry 5624 Error allocating memory for NAME string 5625 Error reading '%s' from phonebook %s\n%s 5626 Name '%s' was not found in phonebook %s.\nIt will be ignored. 5627 Distribution list %s does not exist. 5628 Invalid name '%s' in keyword list. 5720 Gold-Fax: Phonebook Name Error 5721 Gold-Fax: Save Name to Phonebook 5722 Invalid name specified 5723 Invalid fax number specified 5724 Invalid to name specified 5725 Invalid company name specified 5726 Invalid address specified 5727 Error adding name '%s' to phonebook:\n%s 5728 A name must be specified. 5729 %1 already exists in the phonebook. 5730 Invalid voice number specified 5820 Gold-Fax: Preferences Error 5821 Invalid profile. Please see your system manager. 5822 A drive must be specified.\nTry again. 5823 %s is an invalid drive.\nTry again. 5824 '%s' is an invalid directory.\nTry again. 5825 You must specify all fields.\nTry again. 5826 Directory '%s' does not exist. Create it? 5827 Error creating directory '%s' 5828 Please specify a server directory. 5829 GOLDFAX.EXE 5920 General 5921 goldfax.ini 5930 Cover Page Directory (PC) 5931 Cover Page Directory (Server) 5932 System Phonebook Directory (PC) 5934 Status File Directory (PC) 5935 Server Windows Directory (PC) 5936 Received Faxes Directory (PC) 5937 Local Default Directory 5938 Installation Directory 5939 Server Type 5940 Mail Address 5941 Notify By Mail 5942 Send Cover Page 5943 Default Cover Page 5944 Personal Name 5945 Phone Number 5946 Fax Number 5947 Billing Code 5948 Received Faxes Notify By Message Box 5949 Received Faxes Query Interval 5950 Disable DCE 5951 Message Send Cover Page 5952 Message Cover Page 5953 Message Include On Cover Page 5954 Message Line Length 5955 \CVRPAGES\ 5956 GOLDFAX$CVRPAGES: 5957 \PHONEBK\ 5959 \STATUS\ 5960 \NETWORK\ 5961 \RECEIVE\ 5962 C:\GOLDFAX\ 5963 C:\GOLDFAX\ 5964 NEVER 5965 YES 5966 DEFAULT 5967 YES 5968 30 5969 0 5970 YES 5971 YES 5972 DEFAULT 5973 8.0 5974 VMS 6420 Gold-Fax: Open System Phonebook Error 6421 System phonebook location is unknown.\nPlease see your system manager 6422 No system phonebooks found. 6423 Please select a system phonebook from the list box. 6424 SYSTEM 6520 Gold-Fax: Server Connection Error 6521 You have received 1 new fax.\n 6522 You have received %lu new faxes.\n 6523 InBox contains 1 unread fax. 6524 InBox contains %lu unread faxes. 6525 Gold-Fax has received 1 new fax.\n 6526 Gold-Fax has received %lu new faxes.\n 6527 There is 1 unread unrouted fax. 6528 There are %lu unread unrouted faxes. 6529 Could not establish communications with the Gold-Fax Server. Some features disabled. 6540 Unknown GFS error: 0x%08lX. 6541 Normal. 6542 The fax was not added for %s. 6543 %s already has a copy of this fax. The fax information was not changed. 6544 The fax was not deleted. 6545 An error occurred counting the new faxes in the database. 6546 An error occurred reading the fax entries in the database. 6547 An error occurred reading the received faxes database. 6548 An error occurred updating the received faxes database. 6549 User %s is not authorized to access received faxes. 6550 An error occurred opening %s. 6551 An error occurred closing %s. 6552 An error occurred reading %s. 6553 An error occurred writing %s. 6554 An error occurred opening the received faxes database. 6555 An error occurred closing the received faxes database. 6556 An error occurred reading the received faxes database. 6557 An error occurred writing to the received faxes database. 6558 The database file is open for write by another user. 6559 The database file has no available unique IDs (i.e. it's full). 6560 An error occurred stopping the fax. 6561 An error occurred getting your automatic forwarding name. 6562 An error occurred setting your automatic forwarding name to %s. 6563 The automatic forward file is currently locked (in use) by another user. 6564 An error occurred creating the complete forwarding list. 6565 The fax was not forwarded. The list of users to foward to was empty because a loop exists in the automatic forward database with all users in the loop using the "Delete fax after forwarding" option. 6566 The user you chose for automatic forwarding results in a loop, which is not allowed. 6620 Remote Procedure Call (RPC) error reported (%lu):\n 6621 Undefined error code. 6622 The call has completed successfully. 6623 The specified argument is not valid. 6624 The string binding is invalid. 6625 The needed memory is not available. 6626 The binding handle is not the correct type. 6627 The binding handle is invalid. 6628 The RPC protocol sequence is not supported. 6629 The RPC protocol sequence is invalid. 6630 The string UUID is invalid. 6631 The endpoint format is invalid. 6632 The network address is invalid. 6633 The network-address family is invalid. 6634 No endpoint has been found. 6635 The timeout value is invalid. 6636 The object UUID has not been found. 6637 The object UUID has already been registered. 6638 The type UUID has already been registered. 6639 The server is already listening. 6640 No protocol sequences have been registered. 6641 The server is not listening. 6642 The RPC run-time library was not able to create another thread. 6643 The manager type is unknown. 6644 The interface is unknown. 6645 There are no bindings. 6646 There are no protocol sequences. 6647 The endpoint cannot be created. 6648 Not enough resources are available to complete this operation. 6649 The server is unavailable. 6650 The server is too busy to complete this operation. 6651 The network options are invalid. 6652 There is no remote procedure call active in this thread. 6653 The level parameter is invalid. 6654 The requested operation is not supported. 6655 The remote procedure call failed. 6656 The remote procedure call failed and did not execute. 6657 An RPC protocol error has occurred. 6660 The transfer syntax is not supported by the server. 6661 The buffer used to transmit data is too small. 6662 No security context is available to allow impersonation. 6663 The server has insufficient memory to complete this operation. 6664 The type UUID is not supported. 6665 The server has attempted an integer divide by zero. 6666 An addressing error has occurred on the server. 6667 A floating-point operation at the server has caused a divide by zero. 6668 A floating-point underflow occurred at the server. 6669 A floating-point overflow has occurred at the server. 6670 The discriminant value does not match any of the case values. There is no default case. 6671 The array bounds are invalid. 6672 The binding does not contain an entry name. 6673 The name syntax is invalid. 6674 The name syntax is not supported. 6676 No network address is available for constructing a UUID. 6677 The endpoint is a duplicate. 6678 The security descriptor is not in the valid format. 6679 The user does not have sufficient privilege to complete the operation. 6680 The authentication type is unknown. 6681 The maximum number of calls is too small. 6682 The string is too long. 6683 The RPC protocol sequence has not been found. 6684 The procedure number is out of range. 6685 The binding does not contain any authentication information. 6686 The authentication service is unknown. 6687 The authentication level is unknown. 6688 The security context is invalid. 6689 The authorization service is unknown. 6690 The entry is invalid. 6691 The operation cannot be performed. 6692 There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint-map database. 6693 There is nothing to export. 6694 The entry name is incomplete. 6695 There are no interfaces. 6696 The version option is invalid. 6697 There are no more members. 6698 Not all objects are unexported. 6699 The interface has not been found. 6700 The entry already exists. 6701 The entry is not found. 6702 The name service is unavailable. 6703 A remote procedure call is already in progress for this thread. 6704 There are no more bindings. 6705 The group member has not been found. 6706 The endpoint-map database cannot be created. 6707 The object is invalid. 6722 An internal error has occurred in a remote procedure call. 6878 The list of servers available for the auto_handle binding has been exhausted. 6879 Insufficient memory is available. 6880 The specified bounds of an array are inconsistent. 6881 The discriminant value does not match any of the case values. There is no default case. 6882 The file designated by DCERPCCHARTRANS cannot be opened. 6883 The file containing the character-translation table has fewer than 512 bytes. 6884 A null context handle is passed in an in parameter position. 6885 The context handle does not match any known context handles. 6886 The context handle changed during a call. Only raised on the client side. 6887 The binding handles passed to a remote procedure call do not match. 6888 The stub is unable to get the call handle. 6889 A null reference pointer has been passed to the stub. 6890 The enumeration value is out of range. 6891 The byte count is too small. 6892 The stub has received bad data. 9060 Normal successful completion 9061 Record not found (recordNotFound) 9062 File has not been opened yet (fileNotOpenBefore) 9063 File has been superceded (fileSuperceded) 9064 Invalid status file (invalidStatusFile) 9065 Unknown status file database exception 9260 Error getting the network username:\n%s 9261 No network is currently installed. 9262 Error getting handle to NETAPI. 9263 Error getting workstation information length. 9264 Error getting workstation information. 9265 Error allocating memory to get network connection information. 9266 Error getting LPT port connection information from the network:\n%s 9267 Error opening the user info file:\n%s 9268 Error reading from the user info file:\n%s 9269 You are not authorized to send faxes or view the status file from this PC. 9270 An invalid username was specified for your node in the user info file. 9271 Unknown connection error 9280 Success 9285 A security violation occurred 9288 The system was out of memory 9330 The function was not supported 9339 An error occurred on the network 9360 Successful 9361 Warning 9362 Error 9363 Failed 9364 Pending 9365 Holding 9366 The password was invalid 9367 An invalid LPT port was specified 9368 Deleted 9369 Sending 9370 [Busy] 9371 [Disconnect] 9372 [No Answer] 9373 [Not Group 3 Fax] 9374 [No Such Node] 9375 [Node Unreachable] 9376 Unknown status (%%%08.8lX) 9377 Processing 9378 Aborted 9380 SYSTEM-S-NORMAL, Normal successful completion 9381 SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, Access violation, reason mask=!XB, virtual address=!XL, PC=!XL, PSL=!XL 9382 SYSTEM-F-ABORT, Abort 9383 SYSTEM-F-NODATA, Mailbox is empty 9384 SYSTEM-F-NOLOGNAM, No logical name match 9385 SYSTEM-F-TIMEOUT, Device timeout 9386 SYSTEM-F-NOSUCHNODE, Remote node is unknown 9387 SYSTEM-F-HANGUP, Data set hang-up 9388 SYSTEM-S-BUFFEROVF, Output buffer overflow 9389 SYSTEM-W-DATAOVERUN, Data overrun 9390 SYSTEM-W-NOTQUEUED, Request not queued 9391 SYSTEM-F-UNREACHABLE, Remote node is not currently reachable 9392 JBC-S-NORMAL, Normal successful completion 9393 JBC-E-NOSUCHQUE, No such queue 9394 JBC-E-NOSUCHJOB, No such job 9395 Job aborted during execution 9396 Job aborted during execution because queue was reset 9397 JBC-E-NOSUCHFORM, No such form 9398 JBC-E-NOSUCHFILE, No such file 9399 JBC-E-NOSUCHNODE, Remote node is unknown or not reachable 9400 JBC-E-NOSUCHENT, No such entry 9401 RMS-S-NORMAL, Normal successful completion 9402 RMS-S-CREATED, File/selection did not exist - was created 9403 RMS-S-OK_RLK, Record locked but read anyway 9404 RMS-S-OK_RNF, Nonexistent record successfully accessed 9405 RMS-W-TMO, Timeout period expired 9406 RMS-E-EOF, End of file detected 9407 RMS-E-FLK, File currently locked by another user 9408 RMS-E-FNF, File not found 9409 RMS-E-PRV, Insufficient privilege or file protection violation 9410 RMS-E-RLK, Target record currently locked by another stream 9411 RMS-E-RNF, Record not found 9412 RMS-E-WLK, Device currently write locked 9413 RMS-E-NMF, No more files found 9414 RMS-F-CHG, Invalid key change in $UPDATE (CHG not set) 9415 RMS-F-ISI, Invalid internal stream identifier (ISI) value 9416 RMS-E-ACC, ACP file access failed 9417 RMS-E-DNF, Directory not found 9418 RMS-F-ACC_RUJ, Recovery unit journal can not be accessed 9419 RMS-F-ACC_AIJ, After image journal can not be accessed 9420 RMS-F-ACC_BIJ, Before image journal can not be accessed 9421 RMS-F-ACC_ATJ, Audit trail journal can not be accessed 9422 DPD-S-NORMAL, Normal successful completion 9423 DPD-S-TRUNCATED, Output line was truncated 9424 LATREJ-W-UNKNOWN, Unknown LAT rejection 9425 LATREJ-E-SYSSHUT, System shutdown in progress 9426 LATREJ-E-INSUFRES, Insufficient resources at server 9427 LATREJ-E-PRTSRVINUSE, Port or service in use 9428 LATREJ-E-NOSUCHSRV, No such service 9429 LATREJ-E-SRVDSB, Service is disabled 9430 LATREJ-E-SRVNOTOFF, Service is not offered on the requested port 9431 LATREJ-E-PORTNAMUNK, Port name is unknown 9432 LATREJ-E-IMMACCREJ, Immediate access rejected 9433 LATREJ-E-ACCDENIED, Access denied 9434 LATREJ-E-CORRUPTREQ, Corrupted request 9435 LATREJ-E-FUNCNOTSUPP, Requested function is not supported 9436 LATREJ-E-SESSNOTSTRTD, Session cannot be started 9437 LATREJ-E-ENTDEL, Queue entry deleted by server 9438 LATREJ-E-ILLPARAM, Illegal request parameters 9439 GOLDFAX-S-NORMAL, Normal successful completion 9440 NORMAL, Normal successful completion 9441 NORMAL1, Normal successful completion 9442 CPKEYWORD, A keyword was found on the cover page line 9443 GOLDFAXL-S-CPGRKEYWORD, A GRAPHIC keyword was found on the cover page line 9444 FAXQUE, Fax queue to !AD 9445 FINEVR, Using fine vertical resolution 9446 STDVR, Using standard vertical resolution 9447 FAXPNDTIM, Fax pending until !AD in !AD 9448 FAXPND, Fax pending in !AD 9449 CALLRECUR, Distribution list '!AD' called recursively or multiple times -- ignored 9450 TRANRECUR, Logical name '!AD' translated recursively 9451 PRINTIMAGE, File is a print image 9452 TRANLOG, Error translating logical '!AD' 9453 INVTIM, Error in specified Send Time: !AD 9454 INVLOGTIM, Error in logical specified time: !AD:!AD 9455 NOPOSTSCRIPT, The PostScript option has not been install.\nPlease contact Data Processing Design for information on the Gold-Fax PostScript option. 9456 NOHPLJ, The HP option has not been installed.\nPleas contact Data Processing Design for information on the Gold-Fax HP option. 9457 CRESTRLSTENT, Error creating a string entry for '!AD' 9458 LOCKNOTAVAIL, Lock not available 9459 PRFLMEM, Insufficient memory for Profile 9460 NOPRFL, No profile yet created for this user. Enter Gold-Fax to Create 9461 NOFAXDIR, Unable to find !AD.\nPlease contact the System Manager for assistance 9462 QUESTART, Error starting job in queue !AD 9463 INVNAME, No valid fax numbers found for '!AD' 9464 CVRPGSYM, Error translating GOLDFAX$COVERPAGE 9465 NODATA, No message was created to send and cover page was not selected 9466 CURTIM, Error getting the current time 9467 CRTKEYFIL, Error creating keyword file '!AD' 9468 CONKEYFIL, Error connecting to keyword file '!AD' 9469 UNIQDELM, Error finding unique delimeter for !AD 9470 WRTKEYFIL, Error writing\n!AD\nto !AD 9471 OLDTRANLOG, Error translating logical '!AD' 9472 OLDINVTIM, Error in specified Send Time: !AD 9473 OLDINVLOGTIM, Error in logical specified time: !AD:!AD 9474 NODISLIS, Error in distribution list '!AD' 9475 OPNDISLIS, Error opening distribution list file '!AD' 9476 RDDISLIS, Error reading from distribution list file '!AD' 9477 INVADR, '!AD' not found in phone book(s) 9478 GRPHTXT, A graphics character was found in the text file 9479 INVGRAFIL, Invalid format for Gold-Fax graphic file 9480 BADGRPOS, Graphic file positioned improperly 9481 TRUNCATED, Encountered line(s) needing to be truncated (over 80 characters) 9482 INDENTAMT, Invalid indent: Valid range for left margin indent is [0 through 255] 9483 FILACC, Error accessing !AD 9484 NOTFAX, The file '!AD' is not a faxable file 9485 ABORTFAX, Unable to send FAX 9486 OPNPHONBK, Error opening Gold-Fax phonebook '!AD' 9487 READNAME, Error finding name '!AD' in phonebook '!AD' 9488 WRTKEYFIL2, Error writing '!AD' to keyword file '!AD' 9489 INVQUEUE, Invalid queue selected for file. Please send through !AD queue 9490 NOTAFONT, Not a Gold-Fax font file. 9491 BADFONTVER, Invalid Gold-Fax font file version. 9492 GETMDMTYPE, Error getting information about the draft queue modem type 9493 INITRASRTNS, Error initializing the Epson emulation rasterizing routines 9494 NOTMSGFILE, Specified file is not a Gold-Fax Message File 9495 INVMDMTYPE, Invalid modem type specified 9496 FILECOPY, Error copying '!AD' to '!AD' 9497 DISALLOW, This user or PC is prohibited from using Gold-Fax 9498 OVERNODE, Your have exceeded your PC license limit 9499 NOWINDOWS, Your license does not authorize sending faxes from Windows 9500 NOPHONE, No phone number specified 9501 NONEDIT, Unable to include this non-editable file on a cover page 9502 OVERNODEMAC, Your have exceeded your Macintosh license limit 9503 NOMAC, You license does not authorize sending faxes from a Macintosh 9504 Normal successful completion 9505 Normal successful completion 9506 Fax successfully sent 9507 File is still open 9508 Keyword file parsed successfully 9509 Total of !SL faxes attempted:\n Successful: !SL\n Invalid: !SL\n Failed: !SL\n Retrying: !SL 9510 Underrun call termination 9511 GOLDFAXDS-W-BUSYRETRYOLD, Number was busy -- Retrying 9512 GOLDFAXDS-W-DISCONRETRYOLD, Line failure caused call to terminate -- Retrying 9513 GOLDFAXDS-W-NOANSRETRYOLD, Remote fax did not answer -- Retrying 9514 The buffer was too small 9515 Some pages were sent with errors 9516 Unknown success status encountered 9517 Done parsing modem sequences while receiving a fax 9518 Error allocating memory for the cover page 9519 Error allocating memory for a cover page string 9520 Number was busy 9521 Error clearing the typeahead buffer 9522 Error connecting to LAT device 9523 Line failure caused call to terminate 9524 Modem command error 9525 Error getting exclusive lock on LAT device 9526 Error finding name in phonebook 9527 First file of job was lost due to previous queue abort 9528 Error hanging read on queue device 9529 Error initializing buffers for cover page graphic 9530 Invalid format for Gold-Fax graphic file 9531 Remote fax did not answer 9532 No phone number specified 9533 Remote machine is not a Group 3 Fax 9534 Local fax modem is not ready 9535 Error opening body file for fax 9536 Error opening cover page template file 9537 Error opening cover page graphic file 9538 Error opening keyword file 9539 Error opening phonebook 9540 Error opening system phonebook 9541 GOLDFAXDS-E-PAGEERROROLD, Some pages were sent with errors 9542 Error reading from body file 9543 Error reading from cover page template file 9544 Error reading from cover page graphic file 9545 Error reading from keyword file 9546 Error resetting the fax modem 9547 Local modem timed out without responding 9548 GOLDFAXDS-E-UNKSUCCOLD, Unknown success status encountered 9549 Error writing dial string to the fax queue device 9550 Error writing data to the fax queue device 9551 No cover page or fax message specified 9552 Error allocating memory 9553 Error allocating memory for a keyword 9554 Error reading the Gold-Fax user profile entry 9555 Error creating retry files 9556 Error converting after time to binary 9557 Error adding retry file !AD for submitting 9558 Error submitting a job for a fax retry 9559 Invalid phone number specified 9560 Error accessing cover page file 9561 Error accessing cover page graphic file 9562 Security violation 9563 Fax data lost due to heavy system load 9564 No dial tone 9565 Remote fax machine's CSI did not match the specified CSI 9566 Failed to Train 9567 Number was busy -- Retrying 9568 Line failure caused call to terminate -- Retrying 9569 Remote fax did not answer -- Retrying 9570 Remote machine is not a Group 3 Fax -- Retrying 9571 Node does not exist 9572 Remote node unreachable -- Retrying 9573 Error preparing to send a page 9574 Error wrapping up a page send 9575 Text fax messages are not supported with Service Class 2 fax modems 9576 Extra files in the job found when using a Service Class 2 fax modem 9577 Error allocating memory for a Gold-Fax Message File Context 9578 Error allocating memory for a read buffer 9579 Error allocating memory for the banner line compressed data 9580 Error allocating memory for a Write I/O Status Block 9581 Gold-Fax Message File does not contain a data format that is supported by the fax modem 9582 Error rasterizing a banner line 9583 Error rasterizing a cover page line 9584 Host-to-modem speed must be higher than speeds at which the modem can send faxes 9585 Error setting privileges 9586 Error getting system information 9587 IOSB Error getting system information 9588 Error getting job/process information 9589 IOSB Error getting job/process information 9590 Error allocating an event flag 9591 Error initializing resources in !AD 9592 Page negotiation timed out 9593 Page negotiation timed out -- Retrying 9594 GOLDFAXDS-W-NOTG3FAXRETRYOLD, Receiving modem is not a Group 3 Fax -- Retrying 9595 GOLDFAXES-S-NORMAL, Normal successful completion 9596 INVINPUTSPEC, Invalid input file specification 9597 INPUTOPEN, Can't open input file 9598 INPUTCNCT, Can't open input file 9599 INDEXEDINPUT, Can't print input file 9600 PRSINFIL, Unable to create output file name 9601 PRINITFAILURE, Unable to initialize HP printer simulator 9602 INSFMEMIMAGE, Insufficient memory for page 9603 STOPTASK1, Job aborted by user 9604 STOPTASK2, Job aborted by user 9605 STOPTASK3, Job aborted by user 9606 STOPTASK4, Job aborted by user 9607 CNVTFAILURE, Unable to convert HP file to fax image 9608 OUTPUTOPEN, Can't open output file 9609 WRITEPREFAX, Can't write to output file 9610 WRITEPREFIL, Can't write to output file 9611 WRITEBTWNPG, Can't write to output file 9612 WRITEPREPG, Can't write to output file 9613 WRITERLHUFF, Can't write to output file 9614 WRITERLHRECS, Can't write to output file 9615 WRITEPOSTPG, Can't write to output file 9616 WRITEPOSTFIL, Can't write to output file 9617 WRITEPOSTFAX, Can't write to output file 9618 WRITEIMAGEHDR, Can't write to output file 9619 WRITEIMAGE, Can't write to output file 9620 OUTPUTREOPEN, Can't open output file 9621 DUPLCMD, Can't initialize HP printer symbiont 9622 INSFMEMESCP, Can't initialize HP printer symbiont 9623 INSFMEMRIMG, Insufficient memory for HP graphics image 9624 PACKFAILURE, Unable to pack data for fax transmission 9625 INSFMEMCINP, Insufficient memory to create input buffer 9626 FNTOUTFILCRT, Can't open output font file 9627 FNTOUTFILCNCT, Can't open output font file 9628 FNTWRITEIDNT, Can't write to output font file 9629 FNTWRITESTYP, Can't write to output font file 9630 FNTWRITESIZE, Can't write to output font file 9631 FNTWRITEHDR, Can't write to output font file 9632 FNTWRITECHDR, Can't write to output font file 9633 FNTWRITECHR, Can't write to output font file 9634 FNTINFILOPEN, Can't open input font file 9635 FNTINFILCNCT, Can't open input font file 9636 FNTINFILINIT, Can't open input font file 9637 FNTREADIDNT, Can't read from input font file 9638 FNTNOTFNTFIL, Not a Gold-Fax font file 9639 FNTREADSTYP, Can't read from input font file 9640 FNTREADSIZE, Can't read from input font file 9641 FNTINSFMEM, Insufficient memory for font storage 9642 FNTREADFONT, Can't read from input font file 9643 FNTROTCHAR, Invalid HP font 9644 FNTINSFMEMAFC, Insufficient memory to select font 9645 FNTADDCAND, Unable to select font 9646 RLHINSFMEM, Insufficient memory to pack data for fax transmission 9647 RLHINVPACK, Invalid bit pattern; cannot pack 9648 FNTSNOTFND, Rom fonts not found 9649 SRVRADDFILK, Can't submit key file to send queue 9650 SRVRADDFILB, Can't submit body file to send queue 9651 SRVRCANTSUB, Can't submit to send queue 9652 GETPRFLERR, Error reading the Gold-Fax user profile entry 9653 GOLDFAXPS-E-UNKNOWN, Unknown postscript error 9654 GOLDFAXPS-E-DICTFULL, PS Dictionary is full 9655 GOLDFAXPS-E-DICTSOFL, PS Dictionary stack overflowed 9656 GOLDFAXPS-E-DICTSUFL, PS Dictionary stack underflowed 9657 GOLDFAXPS-E-EXECSOFL, PS Execution stack overflowed 9658 GOLDFAXPS-E-INT, Interrupt 9659 GOLDFAXPS-E-INVLACC, Invalid PS access 9660 GOLDFAXPS-E-INVLXIT, Invalid PS exit 9661 GOLDFAXPS-E-INVLFACC, Invalid PS file access 9662 GOLDFAXPS-E-INVLFNT, Invalid PS font 9663 GOLDFAXPS-E-INVLRST, Invalid PS restore 9664 GOLDFAXPS-E-IOERR, PS I/O error 9665 GOLDFAXPS-E-GETPRFLERR, Error retrieving user's goldfax-profile 9666 GOLDFAXPS-E-LIMCHK, Limit check 9667 GOLDFAXPS-E-NOCURPT, PS No current point 9668 GOLDFAXPS-E-RNGCHK, PS Range check 9669 GOLDFAXPS-E-STKOFL, PS Operand Stack overflow 9670 GOLDFAXPS-E-STKUFL, PS Operand Stack underflow 9671 GOLDFAXPS-E-SYNTAX, Postscript syntax error 9672 GOLDFAXPS-E-TIMOUT, PS Timeout 9673 GOLDFAXPS-E-TYPCHK, PS Type check 9674 GOLDFAXPS-E-UNDEF, Undefined Postscript Operation 9675 GOLDFAXPS-E-UNDEFFIL, Undefined PS filename 9676 GOLDFAXPS-E-UNDEFRSLT, Undefined PS result 9677 GOLDFAXPS-E-UNMTCHMRK, Unmatched PS mark 9678 GOLDFAXPS-E-VMERR, VM error 9679 GOLDFAXPS-E-NOTFAX, Encountered a non-FAXable file 9680 GOLDFAXUT-S-NORMAL, Normal successful completion 9681 GOLDFAXUT-I-EXPIRING, Status entries before !%D will expire and will be deleted 9682 GOLDFAXUT-I-TOTSTATS1, Total # Entries Found: !UL, Copied: !UL 9683 GOLDFAXUT-I-USERSTATS1, User !AD Total # Entries Found: !UL, Copied: !UL 9684 GOLDFAXUT-I-STATS2, Expired: !UL Marked as deleted: !UL # Files deleted: !UL # Errors deleting files: !UL 9685 GOLDFAXUT-I-NOTFOUND, No users were found which match your selection. 9686 GOLDFAXUT-I-STATFILE, The status report is in !AD. 9687 GOLDFAXUT-I-DCLVER, Gold-Fax Send version !AD 9688 GOLDFAXUT-W-DELERR, Error deleting body file !AD for user !AD 9689 GOLDFAXUT-E-FILINV, Invalid filename: !AD 9690 GOLDFAXUT-E-CRTNEWFIL, Error creating output status file !AD 9691 GOLDFAXUT-E-EXPCVTERR, Error converting the expiration days '!AD' 9692 GOLDFAXUT-E-MAICRTERR, Error creating the mail log file !AD 9693 GOLDFAXUT-E-OPNORIGFIL, Error opening the original status file\n !AD\n for exclusive write 9694 GOLDFAXUT-E-RDDTTMIDXERR, Error reading a date/time index block for user !AD\nfrom the file !AD 9695 GOLDFAXUT-E-RDHDRERR, Error reading header block from original status file\n\y!AD\n 9696 GOLDFAXUT-E-RDSTSERR, Error reading a status entry for user !AD\n from the file !AD 9697 GOLDFAXUT-E-RDUSRIDXERR, Error reading user index block from original status file\n !AD\n 9698 GOLDFAXUT-E-SETSPRCD, Error setting the supercede flag in the original file header\n !AD\n 9699 GOLDFAXUT-E-WRTSTSERR, Error writing a status entry for user !AD\n to the file !AD 9767 The pointer was invalid 10340 Normal successful completion 10341 Record not found (recordNotFound) 10342 File has not been opened yet (fileNotOpenBefore) 10343 Invalid seek offset (invalidSeekOffset) 10344 Unknown flat database file exception 10440 Normal successful completion 10441 An unspecified error occurred 10442 The file could not be located (fileNotFound) 10443 All or part of the path is invalid (badPath) 10444 The permitted number of open files was exceeded (tooManyOpenFiles) 10445 The file could not be accessed (accessDenied) 10446 There was an attempt to use an invalid file handle (invalidFile) 10447 Current working directory cannot be removed (removeCurrentDir) 10448 There are no more directory entries (directoyFull) 10449 There was an error trying to set the file pointer (badSeek) 10450 There was a hardware error (hardIO) 10451 SHARE.EXE was not loaded, or shared region was locked (sharingViolation) 10452 There was an attempt to lock a region that was already locked (lockViolation) 10453 The disk is full (diskFull) 10454 The end of file was reached (endOfFile) 10455 Unknown file exception 11530 The LPT port was not a redirected local device 11540 Jan 11541 Feb 11542 Mar 11543 Apr 11544 May 11545 Jun 11546 Jul 11547 Aug 11548 Sep 11549 Oct 11550 Nov 11551 Dec 11552 INVALID-DATE 32768 Display status information for faxes you have sent\nSent Fax Status 32769 Change preferences for sending faxes 32770 Display information about received faxes\nReceived Faxes 32771 Print the status file index 32772 Print the detail display 32773 Print the current fax 32774 Print the fax list for the current folder 32788 Create a new personal phonebook 32789 Open a personal phonebook\nOpen Personal Phonebook 32791 Open a system phonebook\nOpen System Phonebook 32808 Create a distribution list 32809 Modify a distribution list 32810 Delete distribution lists 32828 Add a name to the phonebook\nAdd 32829 Edit the current phonebook name\nEdit 32830 View the current phonebook name\nView 32831 Delete selected names from the phonebook\nDelete 32832 Copy selected names to another phonebook\nCopy 32833 Move selected names to another phonebook\nMove 32834 Search for a specific name in the current phonebook\nSearch 32848 Refresh the display from the status file\nRefresh 32849 Open or close the current index entry 32850 Stop the current index entry\nStop Fax 32851 Resend the current index entry\nResend 32852 Delete the current index entry from the status\nDelete From Listing 32868 View the selected fax\nView 32869 Edit information about the selected fax\nEdit Information 32870 Copy the selected faxes to a different folder\nCopy 32871 Move the selected faxes to a different folder\nMove 32872 Forward the selected faxes\nForward 32873 Delete the selected faxes\nDelete 32874 Open the selected fax folder\nOpen Folder 32875 Create a new fax folder\nNew Folder 32876 Delete the selected fax folder\nDelete Folder 32877 Find an existing fax folder\nFind Folder 32878 Change automatic forwarding options 34768 Display help for current task or command\nHelp 34769 Display help on the Main window 34770 Display help on the Phonebook window 34771 Display help on the Sent Fax Status window 34772 Search for a help topic by typing or selecting a keyword 34773 Display help on the Received Faxes window 34774 Display help on the Message window 35772 Sends the fax message\nSend Fax 35781 Creates a new fax message document\nNew 35785 Create a fax message\nCreate a Fax Message 57344 GoldFax 57345 For Help, press F1 57346 Select an object on which to get Help 57601 Opens an existing text file\nOpen File 57602 Close the active document 57603 Saves the current message\nSave 57604 Saves the current message with a different name 57606 Change the printer and printing options 57607 Print the active document\nPrint 57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview 57616 Open this document 57617 Open this document 57618 Open this document 57619 Open this document 57632 Erases the selection 57634 Copies the selection and puts it on the Clipboard\nCopy 57635 Removes the selection and puts it on the Clipboard\nCut 57636 Finds the specified text\nFind 57637 Inserts Clipboard contents at this insertion point\nPaste 57640 Finds the next occurrence of the previously specified text\nFind Next 57641 Replaces specific text with different text 57643 Undoes the last action\nUndo 57648 Open another window for the active document 57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window 57650 Arrange windows so they overlap 57651 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles 57652 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles 57653 Split the active window into panes 57664 Display copyright and version information 57665 Quit the application 57666 Display help topics 57668 Display instructions about how to use help 57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows 57670 Display help for current task or command 57680 Switch to the next window pane 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59392 Show or hide the toolbar 59393 Show or hide the status bar 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an icon 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61188 Switch to the next document window 61189 Switch to the previous document window 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents 61202 Restore the window to normal size 61203 Activate Task List 61215 Activate this window 61440 Open 61441 Save As 61442 All Files (*.*) 61443 Untitled 61457 &Hide 61472 No error message is available. 61473 An unsupported operation was attempted. 61474 A required resource was unavailable. 61475 Out of memory. 61476 An unknown error has occurred. 61504 on %1 61505 &One Page 61506 &Two Page 61507 Page %u 61508 Page %u\nPages %u-%u\n 61509 prn 61510 Output.prn 61511 Printer Files (*.prn)|*.prn|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 61512 Print to File 61513 to %1 61588 Linked %s 61589 Unknown Type 61696 Invalid filename. 61697 Failed to open document. 61698 Failed to save document. 61699 Save changes to %1? 61700 Failed to create empty document. 61701 The file is too large to open. 61702 Could not start print job. 61703 Failed to launch help. 61704 Internal application error. 61705 Command failed. 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation. 61712 Please enter an integer. 61713 Please enter a number. 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2. 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2. 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters. 61717 Please select a button. 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255. 61719 Please enter a positive integer. 61720 Please enter a date and/or time. 61721 Please enter a currency. 61728 Unexpected file format. 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given. 61730 Destination disk drive is full. 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else. 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else. 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1. 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1. 61829 %1\nUnable to register document.\nThe document may already be open. 61836 Unable to read write-only property. 61837 Unable to write read-only property. 61840 Unable to load mail system support. 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid. 61842 Send Mail failed to send message. 61856 No error occurred. 61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61858 %1 was not found. 61859 %1 contains an invalid path. 61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files. 61861 Access to %1 was denied. 61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1. 61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory. 61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full. 61865 Seek failed on %1 61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1. 61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1. 61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1. 61869 Disk full while accessing %1. 61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61872 No error occurred. 61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1. 61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1. 61877 %1 has a bad format. 61878 %1 contained an unexpected object. 61879 %1 contains an incorrect schema. 61888 pixels