Gold-Fax for Windows V4.1 Release Information / Read Me File Thank you for purchasing Gold-Fax for Windows. This file includes additional information and corrections that became available after the Gold-Fax for Windows manuals were printed. =============================================================================== Compressed Installation files The files that end with a _ on the installation disk are compressed. They can be uncompressed manually using the Extract program on the installation disk. Enter the following: Extract /U[:destination] file For example, Extract /U:C:\test goldfax.ex_ =============================================================================== Pathworks Client V5.0 Restrictions (VMS Server only) Currently, Pathworks Client V5.0 does not support accessing an indexted file on the VAX through a file service. The current workaround is to convert the file to a flat file format as decribed in the "Reducing System Phonebook Delay on the PC" section below. =============================================================================== Reducing System Phonebook Delay on the PC (VMS Server Only) Gold-Fax for Windows users may experience a delay when accessing a Gold-Fax System Phonebook from the PC. The delay varies depending on the size of the phonebook and the speed of the PC attempting to read it, and is due to a limitation of PATHWORKS' ability to open an indexed file on the VAX. The following workaround will allow users to convert a Gold-Fax/VMS System Phonebook file to a sequential file format, allowing quicker access via PATHWORKS. One drawback to the workaround, however, is that the converted phonebook file will not be accessible from Gold-Fax/VMS. It will therefore be necessary to have two separate phonebooks -- one that is maintained from Gold-Fax/VMS, and another that has been converted for PC use. To convert a system phonebook, login to a VMS account and type the following, replacing vmsphonebook.fnd with the VMS phonebook file name, and replacing pcphonebook.fnd with the desired name of the converted phonebook file: $ CONVERT/FDL=GOLDFAX$:PHONEBK_CVT.FDL vmsphonebook.fnd pcphonebook.fnd You may wish to add this to your GOLDFAX_CLEANUP command procedure to automatically convert the system phonebook on a regular basis. Refer to the Gold-Fax/VMS Installation and Manager's Guide for further information on the CLEANUP procedure.