----------------------------------------------------------- Adabas D ----------------------------------------------------------- Dear User This file contains important information about this program. Please read this information very carefully before starting work. ----------------------------------------------------------- Notes on Installation ----------------------------------------------------------- If you have an older Adabas D database version installed on your system, this version can be installed parallel without any problem. Only the environment variables will be adjusted to the current version. The environment variables will need to be adjusted manually if you want to use the older version again. See below for more information on this. Make sure you have enough free memory in your Temp directory. ----------------------------------------------------------- Restrictions of this Adabas D Version ----------------------------------------------------------- This version of the Adabas D Database is restricted to a maximum of 3 users and 100 MB in size. Information about other versions of Adabas D can be found at http://www.adabas.com ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows 95/98/NT/2000 ----------------------------------------------------------- The following variables need to be set to use Adabas D: 1. DBROOT points to the installation directory of Adabas D e.g.: c:\adabas 2. DBCONFIG points to the directory %DBROOT%\sql 3. DBWORK points to the directory %DBROOT%\sql 4. PATH the environment variable PATH needs to contain the following paths: %DBROOT%\bin and %DBROOT%\pgm Should problems occur when working with Adabas D, check these variables first. Please note: Under Win95/98 the Adabas D setup defines the above mentioned variables in the AUTOEXEC.BAT. Therefore, you have to reboot your system after installing Adabas D. Under Windows NT/2000 the environment variables are defined in the user variables. It is not normally necessary to reboot your system after installation. But experience has shown, that this may have to be done in individual cases under Windows NT as well. ----------------------------------------------------------- Using Info-ZIP ----------------------------------------------------------- The installation program uses source text of Info-ZIP Group to compress data. This does not incur any extra costs or usage fees. The original source text is freely available on the Internet under the following addresses: http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/ ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/ ----------------------------------------------------------- StarOffice Help / User's Guide ----------------------------------------------------------- Due to technical reasons the User's Guide may not contain the most current information as alterations may have been made to the applications after the Guide has gone to press. The up-to-date information is to be found in the StarOffice Help. We hope you enjoy working with the Adabas D Database. ------------------------------------ Portions Copyright 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Copyright 1992 International Electronic Thesaurus and Copyright 1991 International CorrectSpell by Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. All rights reserved. Copyright 1996 Word for Word by Inso Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright 2000 Adabas D by Software AG. Third-party software, including font technology, is copyrighted and licensed from Sun suppliers.