1 Windows Script Host 3 Windows Script Host (debugging disabled) 100 Usage: CScript scriptname.extension [option...] [arguments...]\n\nOptions:\n //B Batch mode: Suppresses script errors and prompts from displaying\n //D Enable Active Debugging\n //E:engine Use engine for executing script\n //H:CScript Changes the default script host to CScript.exe\n //H:WScript Changes the default script host to WScript.exe (default)\n //I Interactive mode (default, opposite of //B)\n //Job:xxxx Execute a WS job\n //Logo Display logo (default)\n //Nologo Prevent logo display: No banner will be shown at execution time\n //S Save current command line options for this user\n //T:nn Time out in seconds: Maximum time a script is permitted to run\n //X Execute script in debugger\n //U Use Unicode for redirected I/O from the console 101 Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version %u.%u for %s\nCopyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-1999. All rights reserved.\n 103 This Unicode version of CScript will only execute under Windows NT.\n\nPlease use the ANSI version of CScript." 104 Usage: CScript scriptname.extension [option...] [arguments...]\n\nOptions:\n //B Batch mode: Suppresses script errors and prompts from displaying\n //D Enable Active Debugging\n //E:engine Use engine for executing script\n //H:CScript Changes the default script host to CScript.exe\n //H:WScript Changes the default script host to WScript.exe (default)\n //I Interactive mode (default, opposite of //B)\n //Job:xxxx Execute a WS job\n //Logo Display logo (default)\n //Nologo Prevent logo display: No banner will be shown at execution time\n //S Save current command line options for this user\n //T:nn Time out in seconds: Maximum time a script is permitted to run\n //X Execute script in debugger\n 200 CScript Error 201 Input Error 500 The Windows Script Host settings have been reset to default. 501 Command line options are saved. 502 The default script host is now set to "wscript.exe". 503 The default script host is now set to "cscript.exe". 1000 Script execution time was exceeded on script "%1".\nScript execution was terminated. 1001 Could not locate automation class named "%1". 1002 Could not connect object. 2000 Initialization of the Windows Script Host failed. 2001 Can't find script engine "%2" for script "%1". 2002 Can't change default script host. 2003 An attempt at saving your settings via the //S option failed. 2004 Loading script "%1" failed (%2). 2005 Loading your settings failed. 2006 Execution of the Windows Script Host failed. 2007 Unexpected error of the Windows Script Host. 3000 //T option requires timeout value. 3001 Invalid timeout value for //T option. 3002 Unknown option "%1" specified. 3003 Extra argument specified to option "%1". 3004 There is no script file specified. 3005 Command line option mismatch. 3006 There is no file extension in "%1". 3007 //H option requires host name. 3008 Host name for //H option must be "cscript" or "wscript". 3009 There is no script engine for file extension "%1". 3010 Can not find script file "%1". 3011 Invalid pathname. 3012 Need -E option. 3013 -E option requires name of script engine. 3014 Can't read script from stdin. 3015 //CP option requires code page value. 3016 Invalid code page value for //CP option. 3017 Missing job name. 3018 Unicode is not supported on this platform. 4000 Script setting file "%1" is invalid. 4001 Invalid #codepage directive. 5000 Win32 Error 0x%X 5001 %1 (%2)