PC Accelerator Disc README File. Instructions: 1. Insert the PC Accelerator Disc in your CD-ROM drive. 2. In Windows 95 open "My Computer." 3. Double-click on your CD-ROM drive (usually D:) 4. Double-click on PCXL: The Disc. 5. The interface should launch at this time. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Minimum System Requirements Windows 95 Pentium 133Mhz 32 MB RAM DirectX 5.0 Mouse 100% compatible Sound Blaster card -------------------------------------------------------------------- The PCXL Disc Mini-Faq: Q: Why is my disc not working under Windows 98? A: At this point, the disc is Windows 95 compatible only. We're working on getting full compatibility with '98 starting next month but Microsoft lied about backwards compatibility so blame them, not us. Q: Why are the colors screwed up? You idiots! A: Make sure your desktop is set to 16-bit color before running. Q: Why is my CD cracked in half? You f%$@&^g idiots! A: No good answer to that one. If this happens give your postman a good talking to and call 1-800-678-3643 to get a replacement. Q: Why is the sky blue? A: Go ask your parents. We're not role models. This CD-ROM is compiled from a variety of independent sources. Imagine Media, Inc. makes no claim that all programs will work on all systems. Please refer to the legal disclaimer file included on the disc. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Troubleshooting common problems: Problem : The colors on my monitor flash red whenever I run the PCXL disc: Solution: Reset your display from 256 Colors to High Color (16 Bit) or TrueColor (24 or 32 Bit) color. You can accomplish this by opening the Display control panel, and choosing High Color or True Color under the settings tab. Problem : The PCXL screen does not display properly. There is a large black rectangle in the center of the screen. Solution: You may be experiencing a conflict between the DirectDraw Driver and your Direct-X hardware. The solution is to disable DirectDraw hardware acceleration using "Dxtool" in the Engine/Support/DirectX setup folder. But you CAN keep the "Use Direct 3D Hardware Acceleration" feature turned ON. For furtherPCXL Disc support, please go to http://support.imaginemedia.com or send email to: disceditor@pcxl.com.maginemedia.com or send email to disceditor@pcxl.com