David Aylott's Utilities for Windows Version 2.4 Introduction: This collection of utilities performs some useful tasks for users of Windows 3.x, Windows 95 and Windows NT. The utilities have been released as Shareware - you are welcome to try them out free of charge for a period of 30 days. If you find them useful please pay the author as detailed below otherwise you are required to delete them from your PC. Your support will make it possible to produce updates and additional Windows applications. You are encouraged to pass these utilities on to friends and colleagues but please keep them in their original format and with all files included in the package. Installation: Copy all of the files into any folder (eg C:\WINUTILS). To make life easier for you, the folder should be included in your PATH. You can then have shortcuts to the utilities at your fingertips (eg on the Windows 95 desktop). The Utilities: CLOSEALL - closes all applications and windows CLOSEWIN - closes all Win95 explorer windows and folders DEFPRINT - Changes the default printer ENDSHARE - bypasses the Sharing Dialog when closing down Win95 ENDWIN - exits from Windows EXIT2DOS - exits Win95 to the DOS prompt INIEDIT - Opens the WINUTILS.INI file in notepad for editing MINALL - minimises all applications and windows NPAD - allows the notepad default fonts, margins and filetype to be changed PLAYSND - plays a single .WAV file REGISTER - registers the Windows Utilities RESTWIN - restarts windows without rebooting RUNQUIT - runs a program and then exits from Windows RUNSND - allows a different sound to be associated with each and every application SHUTDOWN - runs any number of cleanup tasks before closing down Win95 SHUTOPTN - changes the default Windows 95 Shutdown Option (eg to Restart the PC) STARTSND - plays a different sound at user specified times (eg at startup) TIMEPROG - runs a program for a specified time (eg to limit the use of games) WINTIME - windows scheduler that runs programs or send messages at specified times WPAD - allows the wordpad default fonts, margins and filetype to be changed For more information please refer to the WINUTILS.HLP file History v2.1 - Initial Release as Shareware 12/6/97 v2.2 - Addition of SHUTDOWN & SHUTOPTN utilities 7/9/97 v2.3 - Released 10/10/97 Many utilities rewritten Addition of DEFPRINT, ENDSHARE & STARTSND PLAYSND and RUNSND now use SNDREC32 if running Win95 New Max entry for NPAD & WPAD to open maximised Performance increased when using SHUTOPTN utility Ability to hide SHUTOPTN, ENDSHARE & WINTIME whilst running Option to register several individual utilities introduced CLOSEALL enhanced to allow closing of nominated windows All utilitites can now be run from the DOS command line (eg in a batch file) 2.3b added the optional parameter to RESTWIN to delay the restart process 2.3c ability to register RUNQUIT utility v2.4 - Released 9/3/98 Updated WPAD for NT 4 Several minor changes to routines to enable operation with NT Addition of INIEDIT and CLOSEWIN routines Email: daylott@bigfoot.com http://www.ozemail.com.au/~daylott/ If you have requirements for any Windows Applications or Utilities please contact us. We welcome any comments and suggestions for improvement.