High Country Software, October 1996 ORDER.TXT ---------- You can order from High Country Software with cash (UK£, US$, DM), cheque (UK Bank), credit card (Visa or Mastercard), or money order. Telephone orders: +44(0)181-731-6360 during the hours of 10:00 to 17:00 UK time, Monday to Friday. Name: Address: Country: Post Code: Telephone: Credit card Type: Expiration date: Credit card number: Signature: ------------------------------------------------------------ please circle the product(s) you would like to order: 1. Mobile Map Viewer version 1.00 (with a free basic map editor). price: £50, $ 70, DM 120 in EU: + 17.5% VAT sales tax. postage outside EU: + 5% for p&p. 2. Mobile Map Viewer site licence. price: £250, $350, DM 600 in EU: + 17.5% VAT sales tax. 3. Professional Mobile Map Editor. (release date: Dec 96) price: to be announced. TOTAL PAYMENT MADE: --------------------------------------------------------------- Make cheques payable to: High Country Software. Send to: Sales Department, High Country Software, 22 Wycombe Gardens, Golders Green, London NW11 8AL, United Kingdom.