Key Function Global Keys F1 Control Room Screen F2 Periscope Screen F3 TBT screen F4 Bridge Screen F5 Chart Screen F6 TDC Screen F7 Gauges Screen F8 Status/Damage Screen F9 Radar Screen F10 Log Book + Increase Time Rate - Decrease Time Rate ENTER Normal Time 1/1 0 All Stop 1...5 Engines Ahead 6...9 Engines Back Right Arrow Right Rudder Left Arrow Left Rudder Up Arrow Dive Planes Up Down Arrow Dive Planes Down Keypad 5 Straight and Level B Blow Tanks S Surface P Periscope Depth C Crash Dive H Heading to view V View to heading R Radar Depth BackSpace Repeat Last Message Alt-1..0 Fire Tubes 1..10 Alt-D Detail Level Dialog Alt-T Padlock View Alt-S SJ radar toggle Alt-A SD radar toggle ALT-P Periscope Up-Down Alt-Q Quit to DOS Chart Screen Z Zoom In X Zoom Out TBT Screen Periscope Screen SPACE Select/Deselect Target Z Zoom T TDC Gauges N Nav Gauges < Rotate Left > Rotate Right