$Unique_ID{PAR00439} $Pretitle{} $Title{Pregnancy: The Ninth Month: Your Changing Body} $Subtitle{} $Author{ Editors of Consumer Guide Ellis, Jeffrey W Ellis, Maria} $Subject{Ninth Month Changing Body physical emotional changes dropped lightening labor uterus diaphragm lungs breathe breathing bladder urinate urinating frequently frequent urination} $Log{ Your Changing Body (Ninth Month)*0043901.tif The time that you have been waiting for is nearly here*0060501.tif} Miracle of Birth The Ninth Month: Your Changing Body The time that you have been waiting for is nearly here. You are now in the final weeks of your pregnancy. As you plan for the arrival of your new baby, you will go through further physical and emotional changes--changes that, rest assured, are quite normal. One thing that you will probably feel this month is that the baby has "dropped" in your abdomen. The baby will now be situated farther down in your pelvis in preparation for delivery. If you have already had a baby, this dropping (also called "lightening") may not occur until you go into labor. Once the baby is resting lower in your abdomen, several things are likely to occur. Your uterus will put less pressure on your diaphragm and lungs, so you will be able to breathe much more easily. Unfortunately, the baby's body is also likely to press against your bladder, so, as in the first trimester, you may find that you need to urinate more frequently. And finally, because of the increased pressure that the baby's body puts on the blood vessels in your abdomen and pelvis, you may find that hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and swelling of your legs become worse. This is especially true if you have given birth before, since the muscles in your lower abdomen and pelvis may be weaker. Another change that you may notice this month is an increase in Braxton Hicks contractions. Though still relatively painless and infrequent, these contractions are actually causing slight changes in the cervix that prepare it for the onset of labor. If you have already had a baby, these contractions may be somewhat stronger and more frequent. Other signs that may occur that will tell you that your body is preparing itself for labor are an increase in vaginal secretions and the passage of the mucous plug from your vagina. Fears about childbirth are very common during the last month of pregnancy. If this is your first baby, you are experiencing something new, and it is natural to have fear of the unknown. You may also wonder if you will be able to handle labor and delivery and cope with the pain. You may have fears about the health of the baby and may wonder if she will look normal. You may find yourself asking "Will I be a good mother?" and "Will my baby love me?" The expectant father may have similar fears about the health of the baby and perhaps even about how he will act during your labor. This anxiety is all quite normal and will be over soon, because any day now you are going to have your baby. Since the last month of pregnancy is also the time in which most complications are likely to occur, you must always be aware of the following warning signs. - Any vaginal bleeding or spotting - Rupture or leakage of the amniotic sac - Persistent or severe headache - Sharp abdominal pain or severe continuous cramping - Blurred vision - Fever or chills - Dizziness - Persistent vomiting - Puffiness or swelling of the face, hands, or feet - Decreased movement of the baby It cannot be emphasized enough that if any of these symptoms occurs, you should consult your doctor immediately.