$Unique_ID{PAR00299} $Pretitle{} $Title{Emergency First Aid: MOUTH INJURIES} $Subtitle{} $Author{ Editors of Consumer Guide Siegfried, Donna M} $Subject{MOUTH INJURIES INJURY fall falls falling blow blows broken teeth tooth cut cuts bleed bleeds bleeding Lip lips Tongue Gums roof} $Log{ Step 2 (Lip)*0029901.tif Step 2 (Teeth)*0029902.tif Step 3*0029903.tif} The New Parents' Question & Answer Book MOUTH INJURIES CAUSES A fall or a direct blow to the mouth can injure the teeth and tissues in the mouth. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS - cuts - bleeding - broken teeth EMERGENCY TREATMENT 1. Check for more serious head injuries. See HEAD INJURIES, and BACK AND NECK INJURIES (previous sections). 2. Control bleeding: a) Lip: Place pressure on lip from both sides of wound. b) Tongue: Press both sides of tongue. c) Gums and roof of mouth: Place direct pressure on gums or roof of mouth. d) Teeth: Place direct pressure on tooth or socket, or have child bite down on cloth or dressing placed on tooth or socket. 3. Remove tooth fragments or knocked-out teeth. Wrap in cool, wet cloth or submerge in glass of milk, and take to doctor or dentist with child.