$Unique_ID{PAR00280} $Pretitle{} $Title{Emergency First Aid: BACK AND NECK INJURIES} $Subtitle{} $Author{ Editors of Consumer Guide Siegfried, Donna M} $Subject{BACK AND NECK INJURIES INJURy INJURe INJURed blow blows fall falls accident accidents spinal cord unconscious unconsciousness breathe breathing difficulty pain swelling sensation loss immobility} $Log{ Step 4*0028001.tif Step 5a*0028002.tif Step 5b*0028003.tif Step 5c*0028004.tif} The New Parents' Question & Answer Book BACK AND NECK INJURIES CAUSES Any severe blow, fall, or other accident involving the back or neck may result in injury to the neck, back, or spinal cord. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS - unconsciousness - breathing difficulty - pain - swelling - loss of sensation; inability to move EMERGENCY TREATMENT 1. SEEK MEDICAL ASSISTANCE IMMEDIATELY. Call 911 or operator. Until Ambulance Arrives: 2. DO NOT move child unless absolutely necessary to save child's life. 3. DO NOT bend or twist child's neck or body. Careful handling is EXTREMELY important. 4. Check child's breathing. If breathing stops, use jaw thrust to open airway, and attempt mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. See MOUTH-TO-MOUTH RESUSCITATION (previous section). 5. Maintain position in which child was found, and immobilize head, neck, shoulders, and torso: a) Roll up towels, blankets, jackets, or clothing, and place around head, neck, shoulders, and torso. b) If child is lying on his or her back, slide thin roll of cloth behind neck WITHOUT MOVING HEAD OR NECK. c) Keep rolls of material in place by surrounding with heavy books, rocks, or bricks. 6. Wait for medical professionals to transport child to hospital.