README for Beam Box 1.18 - 2/17/00 AUTHOR, LICENSE, ETC. Beam Box was written by me, Jeremy Radlow, in July of 1998. All rights reserved. Beam Box is shareware, and nag-free. If you find it useful, please register. Registered users will get updates (important ones only; no spam!) via email. Beam Box is available for purchase online from PalmPilotGear HQ at: REQUIREMENTS Beam Box requires beaming capabilities, i.e. PalmOS 3 and an infrared port. This means either a Palm III or a Palm Pilot with the PalmOS 3 upgrade. Anyone you beam to using Beam Box must also have a copy of Beam Box. You can just beam Beam Box to your friends using your built-in beamer. NOTES Let me know if you encounter any problems. For more information, visit: Enjoy Beam Box! Jeremy Radlow