ChOS(HiRes) for Sony CLIe N-Series/T-Series/SJ-Series/NR-Series 3.29

  1. Introduction
  2. Files in the archive
  3. Installation
  4. Ordering
  5. History
  6. FAQ
  7. Contact


Welcome to Chinese OS(HiRes) for Sony CLIe N-Series/T-Series/NR-Series. Now you can read/write chinese on Palm. Most programs, built-in and third party, will support Chinese automatically once Chinese OS is enabled. Sorting and searching can also be performed correctly.

Chinese OS (HiRes) is a special version of Chinese OS for Palm, which support High resolution mode (320x320) of Sony CLIe N-Series/T-Series. In order to fully utilitise the resolution of the display. Two new font sizes (16x16 and 24x24) are added. Now the system support four different font sizes (10 Pts, 12 Pts, 16 Pts and 24 Pts) which give you the clearest Chinese font display among all Palm models.

The program supports changjei, easy, juyin, pinyin and cantonese input method. For GB version, it only support pinyin input method.

Files in the archive

Before you install Chinese OS, you should decide which version you should use, there are two different version of Chinese OS:

1. GB(simplified) version
2. BIG5(traditional) version

GB and BIG5 are different encoding methods used to represent Chinese character. GB is used mostly in PRC (MainLand China) and BIG5 are used in Hongkong and Taiwan. You should choose the program with the same encoding method as your desktop computer so that you can view your Chinese information on your desktop computer.

Depends on the version of Chinese OS you downloaded, you will get the following files where '?' is:

'l' for BIG5(traditional) full version
'g' for GB(simplified) full version
's' for BIG5(traditional) light version
'h' for GB(simplified) light version

chos35.prc main program (for OS 3.5)
chosf35.prc main program (for OS 3.5, can flash to ROM)
chos40.prc main program (for OS 4.0)
chosf40.prc main program (for OS 4.0, can flash to ROM)
cfont24?.pdb 24x24 Points Chinese Fonts
cfont16?.pdb 16x16 Points Chinese Fonts
cfont12?.pdb 12x12 Points Chinese Fonts
cfont10?.pdb 10x10 Points Chinese Fonts
cjtable?.pdb Changjei input table (no need to install if you don't need changjei and easy input Chinese)
pytable?.pdb Pinyin input table (no need to install if you don't need pinyin input method)
jytable?.pdb Juyin input table (no need to install if you don't need juyin input method)
jptable?.pdb Japanese input table (no need to install if you don't need japanese input method)
sytable?.pdb Symbol input table (no need to install if you don't need symbol input method)
cntable?.pdb Cantonese input table (no need to install if you don't need cantonese input method)
b5gb.pdb Big5<->GB lookup table (no need to install if you don't need to view GB code in BIG5 version of Chinese OS or vice versa)
phrase.pdb Lookup table for Phrase Input (no need to install if you don't need phrase input)
files inside local Resource files for localization, if you want to have a complete Chinese interface, you should install all files in this directory and enable Chinese Localization in the Chinese OS main menu. There has a folder called "updateloc", if you have intalled the updated version of AudioPlayer 2.0 or MSGate 2.0 to your CLIE, please also install this files to your CLIE after you install other localization files.


Choose which files to install

Water's Suggestion:
HongKong Users chos.prc, cfont10l.pdb, cfont12l.pdb, cfont16l.pdb, cfont24l.pdb, cjtablel.pdb(Changjei)
Taiwan Users chos.prc, cfont10l.pdb, cfont12l.pdb, cfont16l.pdb, cfont24l.pdb, jytablel.pdb(Juyin)
PRC Users chos.prc, cfont10g.pdb, cfont12g.pdb, cfont16g.pdb, cfont24g.pdb, pytableg.pdb(Pinyin)

Install the files

HotSync chos??.prc and cfont?.pdb to you Palm. If you want to have changjei or easy input method, also install cjtable?.pdb. If you want to have pinyin input method, install pytable?.pdb. If you want to have the localization features, please install pdb files inside the directory local. If you already have an older version of Chinese OS for Palm on your Palm, you can skip the installation of *.pdb since the databases are seldom changed.

Enable Chinese OS

Once you have installed the programs, click the 'Chinese OS' icon. Check 'Enable Chinese OS' to enable the OS. Check 'Enable Chinese Keyboard' if you want to have Chinese input. Check "Localize User Interface if you want to localize the user interface.

Using Chinese OS

Click 'Appl' icon to get back to Launcher, now you can view Chinese in any application. I have tested it in Address Book, Memo and Doc. If you want to enter Chinese, invoke the Chinese Keyboard Dialog in the same way you invoke the original Keyboard Dialog, that is, Command-K, clicking the lower corner of Graffiti area or using menu. The interface is trivial and you should know how to use if you have used old Keyboard Dialog and changjei input method. You can also invoke the keyboard once more to get back to the original english keyboard.

There has several functions in menu under Chinese Keyboard:

  1. Cut/Copy and Paste
  2. Toggle Chinese/English
    For keyboard user, you can user graffiti(keyboard) to input Chinese and english at the same time, you only need to use this command to change the mode.
  3. 3. Input Code Lookup
    This function is useful for user to learn input method or Chinese, it will show the input code of the current selected text. The step is as follows:
    1. Highlight the text your want to lookup.
    2. Choose the input method you want at the bottom of Chinese Keyboard.
    3. Choose this command.
    4. A dialog will pop up and show the result.

If you want to use Chinese OS to view chinese webpage in avantgo, remember to enable 'avantgo fix' in the options dialog of Chinese OS.



The price of the program is US$20 or HK$150. A registration code will be given to you after registration. This code can also be used in the future versions of Chinese OS (HiRes). Notice that the registration code for ChOS(HiRes) is different from Chinese OS for Palm.

Registration Code

Upon receipt of payment, a registration code will be computed using your Palm user name and emailed to you. The username can be found in Hotsync and Chinese OS in your pilot, in the startup screen of HotSync or Chinese OS, there has a message 'ID: XXX' where XXX is the username I need. The username is also shown at the top-right corner of HotSync program.

Important: An incorrect Palm user name (e.g., incorrect upper and lower cases, omitted spaces, punctuation marks or special characters) will result in unusable registration code.

Payment Methods

By HK$ Checks
By Cash Deposit/Transfer
By Credit Card
Accept checks
  • In Hong Kong Dollar (HK$)
  • Issued by bank branches in Hong Kong
  • Crossed ordered
  • Payable to LOU CHI WAI
DO NOT send checks in other currencies or checks issued by branches outside Hong Kong. They involve remittances with handling fees as much as HK$100!

Mark down the check number and then send the check along with your Palm user name and email address to me at:

LOU Chi Wai
416, Han Ching House, Yee Ching Court
Shamshuipo, HONG KONG

If you are in Hong Kong but do not have any checking account or credit card, you may deposit or transfer the money to my account at HangSeng Bank. The account number will be e-mailed to you upon request.

Make a photocopy of the voucher and then send the original voucher, your Palm user name and email address to me at:

LOU Chi Wai
416, Han Ching House, Yee Ching Court
Shamshuipo, HONG KONG


Pay with your credit card. Put your Palm user name in the 'additional comments for the vendor' field.




1. Can it work with Japanese version of CLIE?

Yes, if you use the localization features of Chinese OS. All user interface will change to Chinese. However, most of the japanese features of the devices will be malfunction, which mean that you cannot have Chinese and Japanese at the same time.

2. How many performance loss after Chinese OS is enabled?

We have tried to optimized the code as fast as possible, but it still have some performance penalty. Normally, you didn't notice the difference. For the drawing routine, the speed should have at least 95% of original speed with Chinese OS disabled.

3. Can you translate the interface to English rather than Chinese?

Technical Yes. However, since this package is Chinese OS, we didn't plan to translate the user interface to English.

4. Can I only install 16 Pts and 24 Pts fonts only since I didn't need the old 10 Pts and 12 Pts Fonts?

You must at least install one of 10 or 12 Pts Fonts (10 Pts font is suggested since it is smaller and it give better emulation to 12 Pts font), because there has many chance that the OS want these smaller old fonts. So the Chinese OS will check the availability of these fonts and won't start if they are missing.




Any comment, please e-mail to or visit