//Input Method text file format introduction //Lines starting with '//' is comment //All [section] and key=??? marked with * is necessary //*[Description] // This section describe basic attributes of Input Method. //*CharSet=ChineseBIG5 // The char set of current DBCS(Double Byte Character Set) // Maybe: ChineseGB, ChineseBIG5, JapaneseJIS, JapaneseSJIS, KoreanKSC // //*ID=XXXX // Identifying this Input Method. This field must be unique // in different Input Method, and must be within 4 characters length. // If you want setup a Input Method, you'd better apply a unique // Id from us. // //*FullName=Sample Input Method // The full name of this Input Method can be ASCII string // or DBCS in current CharSet. The maximum reaches 28 characters long. // //*Name=Samp // The short name of this Input method can be ASCII string // or DBCS string in this CharSet. The maximum reaches 4 characters long. // //Version=Version 1.0 //Copyright=XXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXxxx //Author=XXXX XXX //*CodingStyle=2 // 1:Coded with equal length, has less multiple codes (WBZX, CangJie, etc.) // 2:Coded with different length, has more multiple codes (PinYin, Cantonese, ZhuYin, etc.) // //*UsedCodes=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwyz // Codes to used to input with this Input Method // //DispalyCodes=a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,w,y,z // UsedCodes display as DispalyCodes, DispalyCodes contrasting with UsedCodes one by one // can be ASCII or DBCS // //WildChar=? // Query key, used to lookup Input Method darkly. // //SeparateChar=' // This is valid when CodingStyle=2, used to separate input code string. // system can separate input code string automaticly, but sometimes it can't. // Example: pi'ao, it can be "piao" or "pi ao", so you must use SeparateChar // to separate. // //*MaxCodes=6 // The max length of codes of DBCS. // //*AutoSelectKeys=5 // System can auto select after AutoSelectKeys codes has been input. // //KeyboardBitmap=IMSample.bmp // The bitmap file of keyboard, only accept 16 bit 2 color bitmap, // and must be 156X53 or 154X54. // //KeyboardBitmapHDD=IMSampleHDD.bmp // The High Density bitmap file of keyboard, only accept 16 bit 2 color bitmap, // and must be 312X106 or 308X108. // // //[KeyMapTable] // This section describe kebaord map of Input Method. // The keyboard is 4 Rows and 12 Columns, you can map a key to a ASCII // or a DBCS character. // when you map a key to ',' or control key, you must use hex format, // example:0x2C,0xA, 0x0...... // Use above method, you can map a key to LineFeed, Backspace, Tab, // LeftArrow, RightArrow, UpArrow, DownArrow, PageUp, PageDown, etc. // 0x2C=',', 0xA=LineFeed, 0x8=Backspace, 0x09=Tab // 0x1C=LeftArrow, 0x1D=RightArrow, 0x1E=UpArrow, 0x1F=DownArrow // 0x0B=PageUp, 0x0C=PageDown // Example ////COl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 //Row1= 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ', ?,0x1E //Row2= q, w, e, r, t, y, u, i, o, p,,0x1F //Row3= a, s, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, ;,,0x1C //Row4= z, x, c, v, b, n, m, 0x2C, .,,,0x1D // // //[Rules] // This section describe The rules for phrase coding, to be used to input DBCS phrase. // Rules are constituted with several expression, which have following format: // p[Logic][Phrase length]=[Order Type][DBCS Order][Code Order] // +[Order Type][DBCS Order][Code Order] // +{[Order Type][DBCS Order][Code Order]+...} //explanation //Phrase ID p:Phrase, must be p //Logic e:equal, a:equal or above //Phrase length 1-F indicate phrase length is 1-15 DBCSs //Order Type f:Forward, b:Backward //DBCS Order 1-F indicate the 1st-15st DBCS //Code Order DBCS code order, Range:0-MaxCodes. 0->use all code of the DBCS // //example //pe2=f11+f12+f21+f22 Two DBCSs phrase, code phrase with the 1st code and 2nd code of 1st DBCS, and the 1st code and 2nd code of 2nd DBCS. //pe2=f10+f20 Two DBCSs phrase, code phrase with all codes of 1st DBCS and 2nd DBCS. //pa4=f11+f21+f31+b11 four or above four DBCSs phrase, code phrase with the 1st code of 1st, 2nd, 3rd DBCS, and the 1st code of the last one DBCS. //[Help] // Some introdution of this Input Method // //*[Text] //DBCS coding section //exaple: //gaap C //jaat D [Description] CharSet=ChineseBIG5 ID=hkCT FullName=BIG5 Cantonese HongKong Name=HKCT Version=Version 1.0 CodingStyle=2 UsedCodes=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwyz DispalyCodes=a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,w,y,z WildChar=? SeparateChar=' MaxCodes=6 AutoSelectKeys=5 KeyboardBitmap=IMHKCT.bmp KeyboardBitmapHDD=IMHKCTHDD.bmp [KeyMapTable] //COl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Row1= ',N,A,\,,,Y,,,,K,A Row2= q, w, e, r, t, y, u, i, o, p,G,C Row3= a, s, d, f, g, h, j, k, l,,I,B Row4= z, x, c, v, b, n, m,i,],F,H,u [Rules] pa4=f10+f20+f30+f40 pe2=f10+f20 pe3=f10+f20+f30 [Help] c餤sFrJk ҽkd:? սsXWh: j:' Gr: Ĥ@BGrsXC Tr: Ĥ@BGBTrsXC |rΥ|rHW: Ĥ@BGBTB|rsXC [Text] am B ham B hom B hum B gaap C jaat D tum E leung H ya J au K ngaau K chuen L wan M hung N daam P haau Q hau Q bo R saam S chong T laap U lap U nip X chung Y joh Z na [ dei _ toi ` ngaam b ngam b gip c bei d heung g yin i paau j fung k lum l num l dau m je n jeh n gaai o kai o bo q po q chea r cheh r gaan z kan z ha } gwa ~ dang lee lei chung king jeuk ngan ja au ngau oh or dick dik hai daap dip ga geh gei kei ki aak ak ngaak lip wooi wui kwo chong jong na goh ko koh sau shau ye yeah yeh saai ma ma chi leng tong ap up boh fan fun jaang yun wai nung koi sung gip kip kam kum moh mor lai baan chaang jak wa waak wak tit kong kwong lap law loh lei nei ni kuet ngoi kwan chung jung baak suen daam sin taai tai kau bo jaak geung keung leung yiu @ chong A hok B jin C cheung D daam H kei K taai L jin M mong N kwan P sin ] biu g jui chung juk suk chue chui ha chaak oi ho moh mor hak pin [ seung n sheung n chun jun gaan kan wo woh hin ho M oi U lau n gaan p kan p foo fu baang man lun mat fat seung O sheung O so m sok m gaan x kan x toh } sin fat ngo ngoh ngor gai kai