=================== VIRUS WARNING: =================== ALTHOUGH THE PUBLISHER HAS CHECKED THIS CD-ROM FOR POSSIBLE VIRUS AND HAS FOUND NONE, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER/USER OF THIS CD-ROM TO DOUBLE-CHECK FOR ANY VIRUS BEFORE COPYING ANY PROGRAM INTO HIS/HER COMPUTER. THE PUBLISHER AND ANYONE INVOLVED IN THE MANUFACTURING AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS CD-ROM WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGES AND/OR LOSS OF PROFITS AS A RESULT OF USING THIS CD-ROM. MOST VIRUS-DETECTION SOFTWARE DO NOT DETECT VIRUS HIDDED IN COMPRESSED FILES (ZIP FILES), SO YOU MUST EXERCISE JUDGEMENT BEFORE COPYING ZIP FILES INTO YOUR COMPUTER. ============================================================= W I N D O W S ' N T ® S U P E R T U N E - U P K I T ============================================================= THANK YOU FOR BUYING THIS CD-ROM. This CD-ROM includes a huge collection of utilities, benchmarks, drivers, data converters, fixes, patches and info that will make your life as a Win'NT user a lot easier. This CD-ROM is especially useful for helpdesk and technical support people. This disc will save you many hours of calling your vendors for technical support and downloading time. It will take you over one month to search and download the 860Mb data from the internet and BBSes. We have the latest Win'NT service pack and fixes in this CD. Please note that some of the drivers, patches and upgrades included in this collection are intended for legitimate owners of related hardware or software ONLY. Some software programs are evalution copies that might expires after certain time. Some programs are released to the public free of charge by the original copyright-holder. The publisher has NOT charged you any money for the programs in this CD-ROM. The price that you paid for is for the manufacturing and distribution costs of this CD-ROM only. Due to the diversity of programs and the complexity of these topics, it is difficult to write a front-end that will take care of everything. We have settled on a combination of a DOS and Windows-based viewer and program launcher for this CD. The idea is to let you to view the documentation on the program, if you like it, you simply copy it to your hard disk, or launch the program, or do nothing. We have tried our best to let you test-run programs directly from the the CD-ROM without hard disk installation. Some programs run fine on CD-ROM as long as NO new data are added or created. You will get an error message when trying to save new data onto the CD-ROM (a read-only media). This problem will go away when the program is installed into your hard disk. We have made your test-run as easy as possible and have automated most hard disk installation and deletion process. We hope you will like this feature. For your convenience, you may want to print out the "TABLE OF CONENTS", so that you have an idea of what is available. After you have copied the programs to your hard disk, you may want to exit the viewer, or if under WIN'NT, simply run the loader program of your choice to try the new programs. P.I.E. CD Director, the program viewer and launcher, is special written for this CD-ROM. It is easy to use and powerful. See TROUBLE-SHOOTING section for more help if you still have problems. No installation is needed if you use our Windows-based file viewer. It also does not install any icon or program group in your Windows desktop either. Most people like this low profile feature. You may, however, install a program group in your Windows. P.I.E. CD Director lets you see any text file (.DOC, .TXT, or .ASC) and ZIP file. It lets you unzip file to the directory of your choice. (NOTE: Most programs are unzipped for your convenience). Please use WINDOWS "RUN" command to read .WRI and .HLP files. To start browsing, simply click on the any directory that you want to examine. Then you will see a list of sub-directories. Click on any subdirectory will give you a list of file names. Click on any text or document file for descriptions of the programs. A good place to start is to click on the .DIZ file if available. .DIZ file lists a concise description of the program. Click on any .EXE or .BAT file will test run the program. Click on any .ZIP file will let you "see" inside the content of the compressed file. You can also unzip the ZIP file to your hard drive by clicking on the copy to hard disk button. Some programs may not run if its files has an "R" attribute, especially the data files that most family tree programs create. You will have "path/access error" if your data files are flagged with the "R" attribute. ALL files on CD-ROM is flagged "R" to prevent your PC from writing on the CD-ROM. This "R" attribute will stay with the file even though you copy the file into your hard disk. To remove this attribute, log into the subdirectory and type: ATTRIB *.* -r < ENTER > If you miss this step, you may get "path/file access" errors. ============== INSTALLATION ============== We assume Windows is in your DOS path and that you will use P.I.E. File Viewer. Simply type GO after logging on your CD-ROM drive to launch the installation menu. If you want to by-pass the installation menu. Simply do the following: WINDOWS '95/NT USERS ----------------- If you use Windows '95, no installation is need, the CD will launch the P.I.E. CD Director automatically. If you are inside Windows '95/NT already, simply click on the TUNEUP.EXE on the CD-ROM to run the file viewer. ================================ HOW TO USE P.I.E. CD Director ================================ The following steps for operating the P.I.E. CD Director are suggestions only. You can develop your own ways. After loading P.I.E. CD Director, Click on any sub-directory, you may see another list of sub-directories. Click on any one of the directory will show you another list of sub-directories or a list of file names. To get an idea of the contents of the program, search for files with the following extensions: FILENAME.TXT FILENAME.DOC FILENAME.MAN FILE.DIZ (the first one to "click" if available) README.DOC README.1ST READ.ME MANUAL.DOC MANUAL.TXT You should get information on how to use or launch the program. P.I.E. CD Director lets you print out any text file on the screen. You may also click on the "FULL SCREEN VIEW" button if you want to read the text file in page-mode. To launch or test-run a program, look for files with the following extensions and double-click the file. FILENAME.BAT (batch file) FILENAME.EXE (executable files) FILENAME.COM (compiled file, executable) Some programs, especially the ones that write temporary files, scores, or records, will not run from the CD-ROM (read-only media). Your computer may freeze, hangs, or gives out error messages like "path not found" or "I/O errors". Simply copy programs to your hard disk and re-run program. Refer to TROUBLE-SHOOTING section if you have more questions. To look at the contents of a ZIP file (compressed file), simply click on it and a Windows of its file list pops up. You can view any text files with CW File Viewer. But you cannot launch any programs since they have not yet been decompressed. You can copy the directory to hard disk and launch program from there. To switch to different directory, simply click on any directory that you want to see on the directory tree. Then click on any files that you want to see or launch. ========== SHAREWARE ========== Some of the programs on this CD-ROM are SHAREWARE, meaning that you are required to register or pay for a program after a trial period of 7- 45 days (varies from publisher to publisher). Upon registration, you may get printed manuals, updated versions and technical support. Shareware is different from commercial software ONLY in the distribution method. Shareware authors get paid ONLY when you register. They do not get compensation from the price that you paid for this CD-ROM, which only covers distribution and manufacturing costs. Please register your program if you use it beyond the trial period. ===================================== FREEWARE AND PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE ===================================== Some programs in this CD-ROM are FREEWARE or PUBLIC DOMAIN software, meaning that you could use it in whatever manner you want without compensating the original author. The authors of freeware and public domain software normally retain the copyright of the programs. THIS CD-ROM IS TESTED WITH MCAFEE'S VIRUSES DETECTION PROGRAM "SCAN" AND HAS FOUND NO VIRUS. P.I.E. CD Director is copyrighted by P.I.E. and is NOT shareware. "Windows", "Windows '95" and "Windows NT" are registrated trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. P.I.E. is not affiliated with Microsoft Corporation, the copyright owner of Windows 'NT. All Trademarks recognized and are the properties of its respective copyright holders. (C) Copyright 1996-97, P.I.E.