======================================================================= W I N D O W ' NT ® S U P E R T U N E - U P K I T ======================================================================= VIRUS WARNING: Although the publisher has tested this CD-ROM for viruses and have found none, it is the responsibility of the user of this CD-ROM to DOUBLE-CHECK any program in this CD-ROM for possible virus BEFORE copying programs into their hard disk. Neither the publisher non anyone involved in the manufacturing and distributing of this CD-ROM will be responsible for any loss or damages resulting from the operation of this CD-ROM. Virus detection software does NOT check compressed files (ZIP files), so test every zip file after you have unzipped it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THANK YOU FOR BUYING THIS CD-ROM! This CD-ROM contains the largest selections of Win'NT 3.xx and 4.0 drivers, utilities, benchmark programs, patches, upgrades, important information and resources for any Win'NT users, helpdesk and technical support personnels. You will save many hours of calling vendor technical support, BBS and internet by browsing through this CD-ROM. Most of the programs on this CD-ROM are specially written for Windows 'NT. It will NOT run or give error messages if you try to run it under Windows 3.1x. --------------------------- HOW THE FILES ARE ORGANIZED --------------------------- There are over 860Mb of programs in this CD-ROM. The editors rely on the program's own documentations to categorize the programs. Each program is classified according to the function it does. Then it is transfered to the appropriate category. NO EXPIRATION UTILITY Some programs, especially the evaluation ones, may have an expiration date. We have found a great utility that will take over the system date/time to make the program believe that the current date is still within the evaluation period. After you have finished testing the program, this utility will reset system date to the current one. This utility is stored under NO_EXPIR directory. FILE MANAGER/ ZIP FILE VIEWER We have found a great file manager, WINDOWS COMMANDER (WCMD211 sub- directory, under the FILE_UTL directory). We prefer it to other commercial file manager. You can move, unzip, zip and view files at ease and at great speed. You can even execute DOS command easily with it. Great shareware! Please register it. IMPORTANT NOTES: The software updates, patches, drivers for selected hardware/software are for the LEGITIMATE OWNERS OF THE SAID HARDWARE/SOFTWARE ONLY. THESE DRIVERS ARE INCLUDED HERE FREE OF CHARGE, FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. Please do NOT use these drivers if you do not have a legal license for these related software/ hardware. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S DIRECTORY DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AUDIO SOUND AND MUSIC MANIPULATION PROGRAMS * AWAVE30 - Audio & wavetable instrument file format converter, editor & player * CDPLAYER - NT console CD player control utility * CORDINE - An NT freeware button accordion. * MIDIJBOX - MIDI Jukebox * PSMU32 - PrimaSoft Music Organizer * SET_VOL - Volume control for NT with C source code * TALKCLK - Talking Clock 2 * TEKMED32 - A multimedia player for sound, CD audio, AVI and more * VOLUME - Volume control for NT * WINRADIO - FMBoss for the REVEAL FM Radio Card BAT_UTL 8 PROGRAM AUTOMATION & BATCH PROCESSING UTILITIES BNCHMARK 11 BENCHMARK/FINE-TUNING PROGAMS INCLUDING WINTUNE95, WINBENCH, NETTUNE, PCBENCH, SERVER BENCH, WINSTONE AND MORE! BOOT_UTL 3 BOOT-UP UTILITIES CD_ROM 2 CD-ROM PLAYER AND UTILITIES CLIPBRD 3 CLIPBOARD UTILITIES COMM WinTel32 COMMUNICATION PROGRAM COMPRESS 17 COMPRESSION/DECOMPRESSION (ZIP/UNZIP) PROGRAMS CONVERTR 31 CONVERSION PROGRAMS THAT CONVERT DATA FROM ONE FORMAT TO ANOTHER, MAY SAVE YOU TONS OF MONEY FOR NOT NEEDING TO RE-KEY YOUR OLD DATA. * NOTE: Some programs in this collection are DOS-based. It is included here for you to convert your legacy (pre-windows) data to formats that you can use. CURSORS HUNDREDS OF ANIMATED CURSORS AND A FEW ANIMATION UTILITIES DATETIME 19 UTILITIES THAT CONTROL DATE AND TIME FUNCTIONS. DESKTOP 11 DESKTOP UTILITIES DIAGNSTC 5 DIAGNOSTIC/ SYSTEM MONITORING PROGRAMS * BSCAT25E - BRiNDYS CAT- File, directory, volume & drive analyzer * ISPY232 - InfoSpy is a resource monitor, cheduler, environment spy, system alarms, screen capturer and more * SCAN4DLL - Determines which DLL are current for system use * SLEUTH - Detects SCSI device types * TRACKIT - TrackIt, a good tech support program * VBSYS301 - VBSys Windows System Monitor DISK_UTL 26 DISK/HARD DISK/ BACKUP UTILITIES AND MORE DLL A huge library of popular runtime DLL like the VBx000.DLL; included here for your convenience. Some programs ask for certain DLL files. You can copy it from this directory DRIVERS A HUGE SELECTION OF HARDWARE DRIVERS! NOTES: If you cannot find your brand of hardware driver here, check the chipset used in your card (normally the biggest IC chip on your card). Many sound cards, video cards, modems, and the like, utilize similar chips to power their cards. Sometimes you can use the drivers from a certain chipset to run on your no-name card, as long as it uses the same chipset(like S3 chipset is used in Diamond Stealth card and many no-name video cards, Rockwell Chip is used in many name-brand modem cards and no-name cards). If you still cannot find your driver, check the website of your card manufacturer, check MICROSOFT.COM website, or check the INFO directory of this CD-ROM, which has a list of drivers and patches available with Microsoft's Technical Encyclopedia. To locate the website and phone number of your hardware manufacturer, the same INFO directory has a database of over 5000 hardware and software manufacturers. ALSO THE SERVICE PACKS FROM MICROSOFT (INCLUDED HERE FREE OF CHARGE) ALSO COME WITH MANY UPDATED DRIVES. COPY THE MAIN FILE (UP TO 16MB EACH!) INTO A TEMP DIRECTORY AND EXPAND IT TO FIND THE UPDATED DRIVERS. DRIVER LISTS: * IDE_CDRM - Altech, EIDE and Philips * MOUSE - Logitech bus and serial mouse * MULTIMEDIA - CINEPAK player * NETWORK - Drivers for popular network cards including: - CABLETRON - CISCO - COMPAQ - DEC - HP - IBM - INTEL - PROTEON - RACAL - SMC - THOMAS CONRAD - WAVELAN * PRINTER -Printer drivers for : - EPSON - HP - SEIKO * SCANNER - 2 twain drivers included * SCSI - Includes drivers for the following manufacturers: - ALWAYS - AMI - CMD - DTC - NCR - QLOGIC - TRANTOR - WESTERN DIGITAL * SCSI_CD - Includes drivers from the following manufacturers: - CHINON - MITSUMI - NEC/ TRANTOR - PHILIPS - SOUND BLASTER/ CRATIVE LAB. - TOSHIBA * SOUND - Sound card drivers from: - OPTI - SOUND BLASTER/ CREATIVE LAB. * TAPE_DRV - Drivers for tape drives - 4mm DDS2 DAT drives - EXABYTE 2501 - IBM 2GB 4mm - SANKYO - SONY 4mm * VIDEO - Video drivers for the following; - ARTIST - ATI - CIRRUS - DIAMOND - HERCULES - IIT - MATROX - MIRO - NUMBER9 - P9000 (WEITEK) - S3 - SPEA - TSENG EDITORS 8 GENERAL PURPOSE EDITORS, SOME ARE BETTER THAN WORDPAD. FAQ_TIPS Frequently Asked Questions and Tips FILE_UTL 15 FILE MANAGER/ MANIPULATION PROGRAMS FIX_35 FIXES & PATCHES FOR NT 3.5 * ICMPFIX - SMC Elite Ultra NIC patch for 3.50/3.51 * RUNME - Upgrade utility * WNT001 - Boot workaround for PS/2 and MCA system * WNT003 - Printing problem with HP Deskjet * WNT004 - Floppy disk setup problem * WNT005 - Patch for Cirrus Logic video cards FIX_351 FIXES & PATCHES FOR NT 3.51 * CRT_PART - Disk administrator corrupts partitions fix * FPNW_PAT - FPNW 4.0 patch to support Client32 * HOTFIX - A utility to install fixes * HPMON - Patch for HP Network port printing * MHZ-FIX - Patch to replace PCMCIA.SYS and SERIAL.SYS * RPCLTS3- - Replaces RPCLTS3.DLL * SMSS-FIX - Replaces SMSS.EXE * SRV-ACCE - Replaces SRV.SYS * SYN_ATTK - Replaces AFD.SYS, NETBT.SYS and TCPIP.SYS * TCPIP-FI - Replaces TCPIP.SYS FIX_40 FIXES & PATCHES FOR NT 4.0 * KERNL-FIX - Replaces NtOskrnl.exe file * SYN-ATTACK - SYN Attack patch for NT 3.51 and 4.0 FIX_MSII CMD/ BAT FIXES FOR MICROSOFT INTERNET INFORMATION SERVER FONT_UTL 8 FONT UTILITIES GRAPHICS 16 GRAPHICS MANIPULATION/ CONVERSION PROGRAMS HCL_35 HARDWARE COMPATIBLE LIST FOR NT 3.5 HCL_351 HARDWARE COMPATIBLE LIST FOR NT 3.51 HD_UTIL HARD DISK UTILITES - including data for Conner, Seagate, Fujitsu, Quantum, Maxtor and Western Digital hard disks,low level format utility for Conner drives (use at your own risk) and EIDE FAQ. ICON_UTL 2 ICON UTILITIES INFO 19 USEFUL INFORMATION AND RESOURCES * DOWNLOAD - A list of what is available for downloading at Microsoft website. * MSPHONE_ - Important phone support numbers at Microsoft * MS_TECH - A text file listing all the files in Micorsoft Technical Support Encylopedia, most of the files can be downloaded from MICROSOFT.COM or you can subscribe a copy. A MUST for any support and helpdesk professionals. * ONLINE - The Online World Resources Handbook * SURVGUID - The PC Owner's Survival Guide * VENDORS - A list of over 5000 computer/software vendors with addresses, phone numbers, and even internet addresses * PLUS MANY MORE INF_UTL INFCOPY UTILITY INI_UTL INI2REG UTILITY INTERNET OVER 118MB OF INTERNET UTILITIES, PLUGINS AND SERVERS-- ALL SEPARATED IN EASY TO FIND CATEGORIES KEYBOARD 2 KEYBOARD UTILITIES LAUNCHER 4 PROGRAM LAUNCHERS/ MENUS MAIL 2 Microsoft Mail utilities MEM_UTL 3 MEMORY TESTING/ MONITOR UTILITIES * MEMANALY - MemoryAnalyst * MEMSTAT - MemStatus * PHYSRAM - Physical RAM testing utility MODEMFAX 6 MODEM/FAX RELATED PROGRAMS MOUSE CLICKER MOUSE UTILITY MS_TEST SAMPLE TESTS FOR MICROSOFT CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL NETWORK 23 NETWORK RELATED UTILITIES - includes the Win'NT clients for WIN'95 and Novell NOTES Notes library for this CD-ROM NO_EXPIR "NO EXPIRE" UTILITY FOR OVER-RIDING TIME RESTRICTIONS ON SOME EVALUATION PROGRAMS AND SHAREWARE PRINTING 8 PRINTING UTILITIES, INCLUDING SOME LABEL PRINTING PROGRAMS REGISTRY 11 REGISTRY UTILITIES RESRCKIT MICROSOT NT RESOURCE KITS FOR 3.1, 3.5 AND 3.51 SCRNSAVR 12 SCREEN SAVER UTILITIES TO LIGHT UP YOUR DESKTOP SECURITY 11 SECURITY/ PASSWORD/ LOCK /ENCRYTION UTILITIES SETUP BACKUP INSTALLATION FILES FOR THIS CD-ROM SHELLS 14 SHELL PROGRAMS SVR_PACK WIN SERVICE PACK * NT351 - USSP1,2,3,4,5 * NT40 - USSP1 SVR_UTL 2 SERVER UTILITIES * MPR351I - Multi-Protocol Routing Service * PO20-I - Post Office SYSINFO SYSTEM INFORMATION CHECKING UTILITIES * NTBANNER - Shows memory utilization in system * NTCHKMEM - A memory monitor * PWATCH - Reports the usage of NT system resources * RESOURC32 - Shows available resources * RIPSPACE - Analyses disk space usage TALENTSOFT INCLUDES FULL FUNCTION EVALUATION COPIES OF TALENTSOFT'S WEBPLUS INTERNET APPLICATION GENERATOR, GREAT FOR INTERNET PROFESSIONALS. NO EXPIRATION DATE! YOU CAN CALL THEIR WEBSITE TO DOWNLOAD THEIR LATEST VERSION. TOOLBAR 3 TOOLBAR UTILITIES TRAY_UTL 1 TRAY UTILITIES UTILITY 13 MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES VB40032 Files required for running many Visual Basic 4.0 programs VIEWERS 7 VIEWERS/ BROWSERS, INCLUDING HTML AND WORD VIEWERS VIRUS_UT 1 VIRUS DETECTION PROGRAMS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * contents subject to change without notice (C)opyright 1996-97, P.I.E, All right reserved. Windows 3.1x, Windows '95, Windows 'NT are the registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. P.I.E. is in no way related or affiliated with Microsoft, the copyright owner of Windows 'NT. -- All trademarks recognized and are the properties of its respective owners.