================== VIRUS WARNING ================== ALTHOUGH THE PUBLISHER HAS SCANNED THIS CD-ROM FOR POSSIBLE VIRUSES AND HAVE FOUND NONE, YOU, THE USER/PURCHASER OF THIS CD-ROM ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DOUBLE-CHECKING FOR ANY VIRUS BEFORE COPYING ANY PROGRAM INTO YOUR HARD DISK. NEITHER THE PUBLISHER NOR ANYONE INVOLVED IN THE PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS CD-ROM WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE OPERATION OF THIS CD-ROM. MOST VIRUS-DETECTION PROGRAMS DO NOT DETECT VIRUS HIDDEN IN COMPRESSED FILES (ZIPPED FILES), SO BE EXTRA CAUTIOUS WHEN HANDLING COMPRESSED FILES. ================== DISCLAIMER: ================== P.I.E. has made best possible effort to identify and remove any programs and images that are known to be copyrighted by any third parties other than P.I.E. We assume no responsibility for any loss or damage caused by any of the programs, images, fonts and sound files found on this CD-ROM disc. The buyer also agrees to remove any programs, images, font and/or sound files font that is/are found to be copyrighted by the user, publisher, and/or the original copyright holder/s. The purchase of this CD-ROM assumes buyer accepts all the terms and conditions of this document. ======== TERMS: ======== THE SOFTWARE AND DATA ON THIS CD HAS NO GUARANTEE OF ANY TYPE WHATSOEVER. BY PURCHASING THIS CD, THE BUYER AGREES TO THAT AND ANYONE INVOLVED IN THE MANUFACTURING, PUBLISHING, AND DISTRIBUTION OF THIS CD, WILL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, SAVINGS, AND ANY OTHER CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF ANY IMAGES, FONTS, AND/OR PROGRAMS ON THIS CD. P.I.E 's ONLY WARRANTY IS LIMITED TO THE REPLACEMENT OF THIS CD DISC IF FOUND DEFECTIVE WITHIN THIRTY DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE. Some states do not allow the limitation of warranty and liability, so the above terms may not be applied to you. The programs collected in this CD-ROM are copyrighted by its respective software authors with or without their own conditions of uses. Please observe the requirements and conditions listed in these programs. The purchase price of this CD-ROM does not necessarily pay for the registration or usage rights of these programs. Programs in SETUP and MENU directory are licensed from different companies and are NOT shareware. All other programs are shareware, freeware, evaluations, or demos. The purchase price that you paid for this CD-ROM is for manufacturing and distribution costs. The shareware authors have received no compensation from your purchase price. They get paid ONLY when you send in your registration fees. Some of the programs in this collection require registration after a trial or evaluation period. There are some software upgrades, patches, demonstration and evaluation programs included in this CD-ROM. They are included here for your convenience and you are NOT charged for such inclusion. P.I.E. bears no responsibility and liability on your trying out of these programs. YOU ARE USING THESE DRIVERS AND PATCHES AT YOUR OWN RISK. This CD-ROM has been scanned with McAfee's VIRUSCAN program for known viruses and no virus is found. (c) Copyright 1996-97, P.I.E. -- All trademarks recognized and are properties of its respective owners. ========================================== NOTES TO SHAREWARE AUTHORS AND PUBLISHERS ========================================== We sincerely thank the authors and publishers who make it easy and simple for us to include their programs in this CD-ROM collections. While we cannot guarantee a registration rate increase for you, but your work will be evaluated by more potential customers. We will do our best to present your work in a favorable manner. We try to make it easy for computer users to test-run your program. Some authors and publishers impose conditions and terms that make the inclusion of their programs in this CD-ROM difficult. Some demand written permission while others forbids putting their programs on CD-ROM totally. Some of these programs can be identified quickly if they follow the ASP conventions of put VENDOR or LICENSE files in their program. Then we can identify and remove them pretty easily. Some programs do not follow the ASP convention and simply hide their policy in their documemtation files. Then it is difficult for us to identify and remove their programs. IF YOU FIND YOUR PROGRAM ON THIS CD-ROM AND YOU DON'T WANT IT TO BE THERE, WRITE OR LEAVE A MESSAGE TO YOUR DEALER, WE WILL REMOVE IT FROM OUR NEXT EDITION. You can also email to kenl@goweb.net to inform us to remove your programs. You can also email your program to us if you want us include it in our CD-ROM collection. If you want the shareware concept to work, you must make it easy for shareware vendor to publish and distribute your work. Our job is to bring you potential customers. Your job is to make your program as good as possible and offer some premium to motivate people to register your programs.