------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dock 2000 V1.11 Shareware Version -------------------------------- Author: Manfred Lugmayr (Vienna, Austria) Dock 2000 is a 32 bit Windows NT 3.5x application. only intel version available. Filelist: dock21.exe dockh.dll dock21.hlp hot.txt readme.txt install: place dock21.exe in a directory put dockh.dll in the /system32 directory you can put dock21.exe in the autostart group of the Program Manager start Dock 2000. see hot.txt for bugfixes and new features How to register: ---------------- To register Dock 2000 go to Compuserve service SWREG and register with the following ID:5163 or search for Dock 2000. The price of Dock 2000 is 47,00 $. After I got the confirmation I send you via Compuserve the registered version of Dock 2000. (version without waitloop) If you donīt have access to Compuserve you can send me email via internet, snow@via.at. Snailmail Manfred Lugmayr Neulerchenfelderstrasse 21/5a A-1160 Wien AUSTRIA /EUROPE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORDER FORM for email or postal order -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:_____________________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________ City:______________________________________ State:________________________ Postal or zip code:__________________________________________________________ Country:___________________________________________________________________ E-mail Address (Internet, CIS, AOL, etc)________________________________________ Price: $47.00 Count of Licences: ______ (mail for special prices for more than 10 licences) Total: _______________ Company and personal checks are accepted as well as money orders (prefered). Purchase orders are accepted from companies and educational institutions. The amount shown above is in U.S. dollars. Please make checks payable to: Manfred Lugmayr Send To: Manfred Lugmayr Neulerchenfelderstrasse 21/5a A-1160 VIENNA AUSTRIA /EUROPE Thank you for purchasing Dock 2000 support: -------- If you encounter troubles with Dock 2000 or have some ideas for it, you can send me mail to my Compuserve ID: 100340,3461. the author: Manfred Lugmayr (Vienna, Austria) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shareware disclaimer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright by Manfred Lugmayr 1994-1995 This is shareware, all rights are by the author. After a period of 30 days you must register if you want use the program further on, else you must delete all files of Dock 2000 package (see file list). No distribution with any commercial product is allowed without the prior permission of the author. THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS-IS". NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE MADE AS TO IT OR ANY MEDIUM IT MAY BE ON. WE WILL PROVIDE NO REMEDY FOR INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM IT, INCLUDING SUCH FROM NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR BREACH OF WARRANTY OR CONTRACT, EVEN AFTER NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. This License terminates upon 30 days prior written notice by either us to the other. If terminated by us by such notice, you may use the Program until the earlier of 30 days after the termination date in the notice.