Sheet: (0, 1) Control Macros (0, 3) (0, 5) Subroutine Macros (0, 7) (0, 16) (0, 18) (0, 20) Command table (1, 0) Names (1, 1) Formulas (1, 2) Comments (1, 3) (1, 4) Names (1, 5) Formulas (1, 6) Comments (1, 7) (1, 8) Item (1, 9) x (1, 10) y (1, 11) width (1, 12) hgt (1, 13) Text (1, 14) Init/Result (1, 15) Lists (1, 16) (1, 17) Names (1, 18) Macro Names (1, 19) Keys (1, 20) Status Bar Text (1, 21) Custom Help Topics (2, 1) (2, 2) (2, 3) (2, 5) (2, 6) (2, 7) (2, 8) (2, 9) (2, 10) (2, 11) (2, 12) (2, 13) (2, 14) (2, 15) (2, 16) (2, 17) - (2, 18) (2, 19) (2, 20) (2, 21) (3, 0) Prefix: Setup (3, 1) Setup() (3, 2) (3, 4) Prefix: ExFile (3, 5) Extract_Filename() (3, 6) Return last piece of ExFile_Path (3, 17) New &Inflation Worksheet (3, 18) Setup (3, 19) (3, 20) Create a new resource rate inflation worksheet (3, 21) (4, 0) (4, 2) " (4, 4) (4, 5) (4, 6) (4, 17) Ca&lculate Rates... (4, 18) AutoCalculate (4, 20) Calculate inflated resource rates (5, 0) qq (5, 2) "; " (5, 4) (5, 6) Complete path of file (5, 17) &Attach Rate Tables (5, 18) AttachTablesToRes (5, 20) Attach a worksheet rate table object to each resource (6, 0) (6, 1) (6, 2) (6, 4) ExFile_PathChar (6, 6) Character b/w directories (6, 13) AutocalcDB1 (6, 17) Calculate &Inflated Costs (6, 18) CalcInflFactors (6, 20) Calculate inflated costs and add them to the project (7, 0) (7, 2) Speed up execution (7, 4) (7, 5) (7, 6) (7, 8) (7, 9) (7, 10) (7, 11) 294 (7, 12) 228 (7, 13) Auto-Calculate (7, 14) (7, 15) AutocalcDB1_Period (7, 17) Restore Ori&ginal Costs (7, 18) RestoreOrigCosts (7, 20) Restore project Fixed Cost values to pre-inflated state (8, 0) Setup_SysChnl (8, 2) (8, 4) ExFile_Replace (8, 6) Replace up through first path character (8, 8) 14 (8, 9) 11 (8, 10) 4 (8, 11) 167 (8, 12) 68 (8, 13) Fields to calculate (8, 14) (8, 15) week(s) (9, 0) (9, 2) Change Microsoft Project list separator to comma (9, 4) (9, 6) If replace successful, remember result (9, 8) 13 (9, 9) (9, 10) (9, 11) (9, 12) (9, 13) S&tandard Rate (9, 14) TRUE (9, 15) month(s) (10, 0) Setup_ProjectName (10, 2) Setup sheet for current project (10, 4) (10, 6) Do it again until not successful (10, 8) 13 (10, 9) (10, 10) (10, 11) (10, 12) (10, 13) O&vertime Rate (10, 14) FALSE (10, 15) quarter(s) (11, 0) Setup_DataChnl (11, 2) Start DDE conversation with Microsoft Project (11, 4) (11, 5) (11, 6) (11, 8) 13 (11, 9) (11, 10) (11, 11) (11, 12) (11, 13) &Cost per Use (11, 14) FALSE (11, 15) year(s) (12, 0) Setup_NumRes (12, 2) Make sure there is at least one resource (12, 4) ExFile_Done (12, 6) Filename with no path information (12, 8) 14 (12, 9) 11 (12, 10) 81 (12, 11) 269 (12, 12) 38 (12, 13) Increase by (12, 14) (13, 0) (13, 2) If not, don't create worksheet (13, 4) (13, 5) (13, 6) (13, 8) 8 (13, 9) 20 (13, 10) 96 (13, 11) 55 (13, 12) (13, 13) AutocalcDB1_Rate (13, 14) 1 (13, 15) AutocalcDB1_HowOften (14, 0) (14, 2) Turn redraw back on for alert (14, 4) Prefix: Inf (14, 5) Inflate(Inf_Rate, Inf_Type, Inf_Count) (14, 6) (14, 8) 21 (14, 9) 82 (14, 10) 96 (14, 11) 189 (14, 12) 40 (14, 13) AutocalcDB1_HowOften (14, 14) 3 (14, 15) percent annually (15, 0) (15, 2) (15, 4) (15, 5) (15, 6) (15, 8) 5 (15, 9) 10 (15, 10) 127 (15, 11) (15, 12) (15, 13) 1 period is (15, 14) (15, 15) percent per period (16, 0) (16, 2) (16, 4) (16, 6) Rate of inflation (16, 8) 7 (16, 9) 94 (16, 10) 124 (16, 11) 41 (16, 12) (16, 13) AutocalcDB1_Count (16, 14) 2 (16, 15) units per period (17, 0) (17, 2) (17, 4) (17, 6) Type of inflation (17, 8) 21 (17, 9) 142 (17, 10) 124 (17, 11) 130 (17, 12) 50 (17, 13) AutocalcDB1_Period (17, 14) 2 (18, 0) (18, 1) (18, 2) (18, 4) (18, 6) How many periods to calculate (18, 8) 5 (18, 9) 10 (18, 10) 147 (18, 11) (18, 12) (18, 13) Calculate rates for (18, 14) (19, 0) (19, 2) Get the path to open template sheet (19, 4) Inf_Weeks (19, 6) Weeks per year (default) (19, 8) 7 (19, 9) 156 (19, 10) 144 (19, 11) 41 (19, 12) (19, 13) AutocalcDB1_HowMany (19, 14) 3 (20, 0) (20, 2) Turn redraw back on for any OPEN() alerts (20, 4) (20, 5) (20, 6) (20, 8) 5 (20, 9) 203 (20, 10) 147 (20, 11) (20, 12) (20, 13) periods (20, 14) (21, 0) (21, 2) Start a new worksheet from the template (21, 4) (21, 6) If it's an annual percent... (21, 8) 14 (21, 9) 11 (21, 10) 171 (21, 11) 269 (21, 12) 51 (21, 13) Calculate fields for (21, 14) (22, 0) (22, 2) Speed up execution (22, 4) Inf_NPerYear (22, 6) Change the rate appropriately (22, 8) 11 (22, 9) (22, 10) (22, 11) (22, 12) (22, 13) (22, 14) 1 (23, 0) (23, 2) Microsoft Project filename with .XLS extension (23, 4) (23, 6) Calculate the periodic rate (23, 8) 12 (23, 9) (23, 10) (23, 11) (23, 12) (23, 13) &All resources on worksheet (23, 14) (24, 0) (24, 2) Save the sheet with the new name (24, 4) (24, 6) Set the operation for a relative change (24, 8) 12 (24, 9) (24, 10) (24, 11) (24, 12) (24, 13) &Selected resource (24, 14) (25, 0) Setup_Resources (25, 2) Request info on all resources (25, 4) (25, 6) If it's a periodic percent... (25, 8) 1 (25, 9) 193 (25, 10) 9 (25, 11) 88 (25, 12) (25, 13) OK (25, 14) (26, 0) (26, 1) (26, 2) (26, 4) (26, 6) Change the rate appropriately (26, 8) 2 (26, 9) 193 (26, 10) 33 (26, 11) 88 (26, 12) (26, 13) Cancel (26, 14) (27, 0) (27, 2) (27, 4) (27, 6) Set the operation for a relative change (27, 8) (27, 9) (27, 10) (27, 11) (27, 12) (27, 13) (27, 14) (28, 0) (28, 2) Select cell to begin making tables (28, 4) (28, 6) Otherwise it's an absolute change... (28, 8) (28, 9) (28, 10) (28, 11) (28, 12) (28, 13) (28, 14) (29, 0) Setup_Loop (29, 2) Loop through resources and create tables (29, 4) (29, 6) Set the operation for an absolute change (29, 8) (29, 9) (29, 10) (29, 11) (29, 12) (29, 13) (29, 14) (30, 0) (30, 2) Resource Name (30, 4) (30, 6) (30, 8) (30, 9) (30, 10) (30, 11) (30, 12) (30, 13) (30, 14) (31, 0) (31, 2) Resource Unique ID (31, 4) (31, 5) (31, 6) (31, 8) (31, 9) (31, 10) (31, 11) (31, 12) (31, 13) (31, 14) (32, 0) (32, 2) Column titles (32, 4) (32, 6) Fill in the appropriate formula (32, 8) (32, 9) (32, 10) (32, 11) (32, 12) (32, 13) (32, 14) (33, 0) (33, 2) First effective date (33, 4) (33, 5) (33, 6) (33, 8) (33, 9) (33, 10) (33, 11) (33, 12) (33, 13) (33, 14) (34, 0) (34, 2) Mark end of calculation (34, 4) (34, 6) (34, 8) (34, 9) (34, 10) (34, 11) (34, 12) (34, 13) (34, 14) (35, 0) Setup_Std (35, 2) Starting standard rate (35, 8) (35, 9) (35, 10) (35, 11) (35, 12) (35, 13) (35, 14) (36, 0) (36, 2) Insert rate, truncating time period info (36, 4) Prefix: SelRes (36, 5) SelectCurRes() (36, 6) Select name cell of resource the active cell is in (36, 8) (36, 9) (36, 10) (36, 11) (36, 12) (36, 13) (36, 14) (37, 0) Setup_Ovt (37, 2) Starting overtime rate (37, 4) SelRes_Row (37, 6) Get the active row (37, 8) (37, 9) (37, 10) (37, 11) (37, 12) (37, 13) (37, 14) (38, 0) (38, 2) Insert rate, truncating time period info (38, 4) (38, 6) Determine the closest row with a name (38, 8) (38, 9) (38, 10) (38, 11) (38, 12) (38, 13) (38, 14) (39, 0) (39, 2) Starting cost per use (39, 4) (39, 6) (39, 8) (39, 9) (39, 10) (39, 11) (39, 12) (39, 13) (39, 14) (40, 0) (40, 2) Move to next position (40, 4) (40, 5) (40, 6) (40, 8) (40, 9) (40, 10) (40, 11) (40, 12) (40, 13) (40, 14) (41, 0) (41, 2) (41, 4) (41, 6) (41, 8) (41, 9) (41, 10) (41, 11) (41, 12) (41, 13) (41, 14) (42, 0) (42, 1) (42, 2) (42, 4) (43, 0) (43, 2) (43, 4) Prefix: GetSep (43, 5) GetListSeparator() (43, 6) Remember old list separator and set it to a comma (44, 0) (44, 2) Get formatting info from template table (44, 4) GetSep_SysChnl (44, 6) Start DDE conversation with Microsoft Project (45, 0) Setup_Loop2 (45, 2) Format each table appropriately (45, 4) (45, 6) Prepare MS Project to accept SEND.KEYS (46, 0) (46, 2) (46, 4) (46, 6) Copy list separator to the Clipboard (47, 0) (47, 2) (47, 4) (47, 6) (47, 13) (47, 14) (47, 15) (48, 0) (48, 2) (48, 4) GetSep_StartingCell (48, 6) Remember cell selected now (48, 13) (48, 14) (48, 15) (49, 0) (49, 1) (49, 2) (49, 3) (49, 4) (49, 6) Select cell for list separator (49, 7) (49, 8) (49, 9) (49, 10) (49, 11) (49, 12) (49, 16) (49, 17) (50, 0) Setup_ProjInfo (50, 2) Request general project information (50, 3) (50, 4) (50, 6) Paste list separator into the active cell (50, 7) (50, 8) (50, 9) (50, 10) (50, 11) (50, 12) (50, 16) (50, 17) (51, 0) (51, 2) (51, 3) (51, 4) ListSep (51, 6) Remember list separator (51, 7) (51, 8) (51, 9) (51, 10) (51, 11) (51, 12) (51, 16) (51, 17) (52, 0) (52, 2) Put in project name (52, 3) (52, 4) (52, 6) Clear list separator cell (52, 7) (52, 8) (52, 9) (52, 10) (52, 11) (52, 12) (52, 16) (52, 17) (53, 0) (53, 2) Put in project start date (53, 3) (53, 4) (53, 6) Set list separator to be a comma (53, 7) (53, 8) (53, 9) (53, 10) (53, 11) (53, 12) (53, 16) (53, 17) (54, 0) (54, 2) Put in project finish date (54, 3) (54, 4) (54, 6) End DDE conversation (54, 7) (54, 8) (54, 9) (54, 10) (54, 11) (54, 12) (54, 13) (54, 14) (54, 15) (54, 16) (54, 17) (55, 0) (55, 2) Put in project file name (55, 3) (55, 4) (55, 6) Reset selection to pre-macro state (55, 7) (55, 8) (55, 9) (55, 10) (55, 11) (55, 12) (55, 13) (55, 14) (55, 15) (55, 16) (55, 17) (56, 0) (56, 2) Save completed worksheet (56, 3) (56, 4) (56, 6) (56, 7) (56, 8) (56, 9) (56, 10) (56, 11) (56, 12) (56, 13) (56, 14) (56, 15) (56, 16) (56, 17) (57, 0) (57, 1) (57, 2) (57, 3) (57, 4) (57, 5) (57, 6) (57, 7) (57, 8) (57, 9) (57, 10) (57, 11) (57, 12) (57, 13) (57, 14) (57, 15) (57, 16) (57, 17) (58, 0) Setup_Done (58, 2) Close DDE data channel (58, 3) (58, 4) Prefix: RestSep (58, 5) RestoreListSeparator() (58, 6) Restore original list separator in MS Project (58, 7) (58, 8) (58, 9) (58, 10) (58, 11) (58, 12) (58, 13) (58, 14) (58, 15) (58, 16) (58, 17) (59, 0) (59, 2) Close DDE System channel (59, 3) (59, 4) RestSep_SysChnl (59, 6) Start DDE conversation with Microsoft Project (59, 7) (59, 8) (59, 9) (59, 10) (59, 11) (59, 12) (59, 13) (59, 14) (59, 15) (59, 16) (59, 17) (60, 0) (60, 2) Restore MS Project list separator to pre-macro state (60, 3) (60, 4) (60, 6) Restore list separator (60, 7) (60, 8) (60, 9) (60, 10) (60, 11) (60, 12) (60, 13) (60, 14) (60, 15) (60, 16) (60, 17) (61, 0) (61, 2) (61, 3) (61, 4) (61, 6) End DDE conversation (61, 7) (61, 8) (61, 9) (61, 10) (61, 11) (61, 12) (61, 13) (61, 14) (61, 15) (61, 16) (61, 17) (62, 0) (62, 1) (62, 2) (62, 3) (62, 4) (62, 6) (62, 7) (62, 8) (62, 9) (62, 10) (62, 11) (62, 12) (62, 13) (62, 14) (62, 15) (62, 16) (62, 17) (63, 0) Prefix: Autocalc (63, 1) AutoCalculate() (63, 2) (63, 3) (63, 4) (63, 5) (63, 6) (63, 7) (63, 8) (63, 9) (63, 10) (63, 11) (63, 12) (63, 13) (63, 14) (63, 15) (63, 16) (63, 17) (64, 0) (64, 1) (64, 2) (64, 3) (64, 4) Prefix: VFO (64, 5) ViewFileOpen() (64, 6) Open the given view file (64, 7) (64, 8) (64, 9) (64, 10) (64, 11) (64, 12) (64, 13) (64, 14) (64, 15) (64, 16) (64, 17) (65, 0) (65, 2) Speed up execution (65, 3) (65, 4) (65, 6) Complete path of view file to open (65, 7) (65, 8) (65, 9) (65, 10) (65, 11) (65, 12) (65, 13) (65, 14) (65, 15) (65, 16) (65, 17) (66, 0) Autocalc_StartingCell (66, 2) Remember cell selected now (66, 4) (66, 6) (67, 0) (67, 2) Display Calculate Rates dialog box (67, 4) VFO_SysChnl (67, 6) Start DDE conversation with Microsoft Project (68, 0) (68, 2) Do nothing if user cancelled (68, 4) (68, 6) Display message in status bar (69, 0) (69, 1) (69, 2) (69, 4) (69, 6) Prepare MS Project to display merge dialog (70, 0) Autocalc_YInc (70, 2) Set the year increment (70, 4) (70, 6) Open view file with needed views and tables (71, 0) Autocalc_MInc (71, 2) Set the month increment (71, 4) (71, 6) Return to Microsoft Excel (72, 0) Autocalc_DInc (72, 2) Set the day increment (by weeks) (72, 4) (72, 5) (72, 6) (73, 0) (73, 1) (73, 2) (73, 4) (73, 6) End DDE conversation (74, 0) (74, 2) Select appropriate resource name (74, 4) (74, 6) Refresh screen (75, 0) (75, 2) (75, 4) (75, 6) (76, 0) Autocalc_Loop1 (76, 2) Enter new inflation dates (76, 4) (76, 6) (77, 0) (77, 2) Mark END of inflated rates (78, 0) (78, 1) (78, 2) (79, 0) (79, 2) Select first standard rate (80, 0) (80, 2) If calculating standard rates... (81, 0) (81, 2) Select first overtime rate (82, 0) (82, 2) If calculating overtime rates... (83, 0) (83, 2) Select first cost per use (84, 0) (84, 2) If calculating costs per use... (85, 0) (85, 1) (85, 2) (86, 0) (86, 2) Return to name cell (87, 0) (87, 2) Go to next resource (88, 0) (88, 2) If ID cell is not empty, continue loop (89, 0) (89, 1) (89, 2) (90, 0) Autocalc_Done (90, 2) Reset selection to pre-macro state (91, 0) (91, 2) (92, 0) (92, 1) (92, 2) (93, 0) Prefix: Calc (93, 1) CalcInflFactors() (93, 2) (94, 0) cq (94, 2) " (95, 0) (95, 1) (95, 2) (96, 0) Calc_StartingCell (96, 2) Remember cell selected now (97, 0) (97, 2) (98, 0) (98, 2) Speed up execution (99, 0) (99, 1) (99, 2) (100, 0) (100, 2) Display message in status bar (101, 0) (101, 2) Change Microsoft Project list separator to comma (102, 0) (102, 2) (103, 0) Calc_FinDate (103, 2) Project finish date (104, 0) Calc_DataChnl (104, 2) Start DDE conversation with MS Project (105, 0) Calc_SysChnl (105, 2) Start DDE conversation with MS Project (106, 0) (106, 2) Initialize to first resource's name cell (107, 0) (107, 1) (107, 2) (108, 0) (108, 2) Get the path to open template sheet (109, 0) (109, 2) (110, 0) (110, 2) Set up task sheet/resource usage view (111, 0) (111, 2) Close bottom pane so SetField is faster (112, 0) (112, 2) (113, 0) (113, 2) (114, 0) (114, 2) (115, 0) (115, 2) Save Fixed Cost in Number5 field (116, 0) (116, 2) Set hours as work unit (same as rates on sheet) (117, 0) (117, 2) Set up task sheet/resource usage view (117, 4) (117, 6) (118, 0) (118, 1) (118, 2) (119, 0) Calc_ResLoop (119, 1) Calc_ResLoop (119, 2) Loop through resources with inflation info (119, 5) (120, 0) Calc_ResID (120, 2) Unique ID of resource to calculate (121, 0) Calc_ResName (121, 2) Name of resource to calculate (122, 0) Calc_ResCost (122, 2) Base std rate of resource to calculate (123, 0) (123, 1) (123, 2) (124, 0) (124, 2) Select first date (125, 0) Calc_PeriodLoop (125, 2) Loop through all entered rates for Calc_Res (126, 0) Calc_Start (126, 2) Start date of this period (127, 0) (127, 2) Do no calculations if no inflated rates (128, 0) (128, 2) Finish date of this period... (129, 0) Calc_Finish (129, 2) ...where END=later of project finish or Start+1 day (130, 0) Calc_PerCost (130, 2) Std rate of resource during this period (131, 0) Calc_TaskList (131, 2) Request array of tasks using resource (132, 0) (132, 1) (132, 2) (133, 0) Calc_NumTasks (133, 2) The number of tasks to loop through (134, 0) Calc_TaskLoop (134, 2) Loop through all tasks in this period with (135, 0) (135, 1) (135, 2) Calc_Res working on them (136, 0) (136, 2) Display message in status bar (137, 0) (137, 2) Select the first task... (138, 0) (138, 2) ...then find the current task (139, 0) (139, 2) Activate Resource Usage view (140, 0) (140, 2) Show usage information for the selected tasks only (141, 0) (141, 2) Select the current resource (142, 0) (142, 2) Copy work information (143, 0) Calc_OldSel (143, 2) Remember selection (144, 0) (144, 2) Select cell for start of work information (145, 0) (145, 2) Paste work into worksheet (146, 0) Calc_WorkSum (146, 2) Add up work (147, 0) (147, 2) Clear work from worksheet (148, 0) (148, 2) Flash message bar (149, 0) (149, 2) Additional cost of work in this period (150, 0) (150, 2) Restore selection (151, 0) (151, 2) Activate task view (152, 0) (152, 2) Request the fixed cost of the task (153, 0) (153, 2) Existing fixed cost + inflated costs (154, 0) (154, 2) Poke the supplemented fixed cost (155, 0) (155, 2) (156, 0) (156, 1) (156, 2) (157, 0) (157, 2) Display message in status bar (158, 0) (158, 2) If not at end of rates, continue loop (159, 0) Calc_ResLoopDone (159, 2) Select this resource's name cell (160, 0) (160, 2) Select next resource's name cell (161, 0) (161, 2) If ID cell is not empty, continue loop (162, 0) (162, 1) (162, 2) (163, 0) Calc_Done (163, 2) Reset selection to pre-macro state (164, 0) (164, 2) Close bottom pane (165, 0) (165, 2) Restore status bar text (166, 0) (166, 2) Close DDE System channel (167, 0) (167, 2) Close DDE data channel (168, 0) (168, 2) Restore MS Project list separator to pre-macro state (168, 8) (168, 9) (168, 10) (168, 11) (168, 12) (168, 13) (168, 14) (168, 15) (169, 0) (169, 2) (171, 0) Prefix: Attach (171, 1) AttachTablesToRes() (171, 2) (172, 0) (172, 2) Speed up execution (173, 0) Attach_SysChnl (173, 2) (174, 0) Attach_StartingCell (174, 2) Remember cell selected now (175, 0) (175, 2) Change Microsoft Project list separator to comma (176, 0) (176, 1) (176, 2) (177, 0) (177, 2) Initialize loop (178, 0) (178, 2) (178, 3) (178, 4) (178, 5) (178, 6) (178, 7) (178, 8) (178, 9) (178, 10) (178, 11) (178, 12) (178, 13) (178, 14) (178, 15) (178, 16) (178, 17) (178, 18) (178, 19) (178, 20) (178, 21) (179, 0) (179, 2) Get the path to open template sheet (179, 17) (179, 18) (179, 19) (179, 20) (179, 21) (180, 0) (180, 2) (181, 0) (181, 2) Resource sheet over resource form (182, 0) (182, 2) (183, 0) (183, 2) Select resource sheet view (184, 0) (184, 1) (184, 2) (185, 0) Attach_Loop (185, 1) Attach_Loop (185, 2) (186, 0) (186, 2) Go to the first resource (187, 0) (187, 2) Find resource with correct Unique ID (188, 0) (188, 2) Select resource form view (189, 0) (189, 2) Copy information from worksheet (190, 0) Attach_FirstCell (190, 2) Prepare to make block selection (191, 0) (191, 2) Select "END" marker (192, 0) (192, 2) Select last rate in inflation chart (193, 0) (193, 2) Block select all of inflation chart (194, 0) (194, 2) Copy inflation chart (195, 0) (195, 2) Display message in status bar (196, 0) (196, 2) Select object viewer (197, 0) (197, 2) Attach the worksheet object (198, 0) (198, 2) Display status bar message (199, 0) (199, 2) Select the next resource name (200, 0) (200, 2) Select resource sheet pane (201, 0) (201, 2) If ID cell is not empty, continue loop (202, 0) (202, 1) (202, 2) (203, 0) (203, 2) Close DDE system channel (204, 0) (204, 2) Reset selection to pre-macro state (205, 0) (205, 2) Restore MS Project list separator to pre-macro state (206, 0) (206, 2) (207, 0) (207, 1) (207, 2) (208, 0) Prefix: AutoOpen (208, 1) Auto_Open() (208, 2) Add menu commands (209, 0) (209, 2) Don't do anything if already added (210, 0) (210, 2) Worksheet menu bar, full menus (211, 0) (211, 2) (212, 0) (212, 2) (213, 0) (213, 2) Worksheet menu bar, short menus (214, 0) (214, 2) (215, 0) (215, 2) (216, 0) (216, 2) Chart menu bar, full menus (217, 0) (217, 2) Chart menu bar, short menus (218, 0) (218, 2) Null menu bar (219, 0) (219, 2) Info window menu bar (220, 0) (220, 2) (221, 0) (221, 1) (221, 2) (222, 0) Prefix: AutoClose (222, 1) Auto_Close() (222, 2) Remove menu commands (223, 0) (223, 2) Don't do anything if not there (224, 0) (224, 2) Position one below menu separator (225, 0) (225, 2) Worksheet menu bar, full menus (226, 0) (226, 2) (227, 0) (227, 2) (228, 0) (228, 2) (229, 0) (229, 2) (230, 0) (230, 2) (231, 0) (231, 2) Position one below menu separator (232, 0) (232, 2) Worksheet menu bar, short menus (233, 0) (233, 2) (234, 0) (234, 2) (235, 0) (235, 2) (236, 0) (236, 2) (237, 0) (237, 2) (238, 0) (238, 2) Chart menu bar, full menus (239, 0) (239, 2) Chart menu bar, short menus (240, 0) (240, 2) Null menu bar (241, 0) (241, 2) Info window menu bar (242, 0) (242, 2) (244, 0) Prefix: Restore (244, 1) RestoreOrigCosts() (244, 2) Copy Number5 to FixedCost (245, 0) (245, 2) Speed up execution (246, 0) (246, 2) Change Microsoft Project list separator to comma (247, 0) Restore_StartingCell (247, 2) Remember cell selected now (248, 0) (248, 2) (249, 0) Restore_DataChnl (249, 2) Start DDE conversation with MS Project (250, 0) Restore_OrigFCs (250, 2) Request original fixed costs from Number5 (251, 0) (251, 2) (252, 0) (252, 2) (253, 0) (253, 2) Put the array on a worksheet for POKE (254, 0) (254, 2) Poke original fixed costs into Fixed Cost (255, 0) (255, 2) Discard worksheet (256, 0) (256, 2) Close DDE data channel (257, 0) (257, 2) Reset selection to pre-macro state (258, 0) (258, 2) Restore MS Project list separator to pre-macro state (259, 0) (259, 2)