---------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOKMANAGER ONLINE BOOKS DEMONSTRATION This CD-ROM contains a multimedia demonstration called Online Electronic Books: A New Alternative. This demonstration introduces you to: o Online books on CD-ROM o The IBM Online Library o The BookManager READ products for workstation o Creating your own online books The introduction to the BookManager READ products offers you a particularly helpful tutorial that shows you how to use the BookManager READ/2 and READ/6000 products. --------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT KIND OF WORKSTATION DO YOU NEED TO RUN THIS DEMONSTRATION? This demonstration is designed to work with the following software and hardware. If your workstation meets these requirements, you can go to "How to Start The Demonstration" and prepare to run the demonstration. REQUIRED SOFTWARE FOR OS/2 o IBM Operating System/2* (OS/2) Standard Edition (SE), Version 1.3 or higher, or IBM Operating System/2 (OS/2) Extended Edition (EE), Version 1.3 or higher o IBM DOS Release 3.3 or higher REQUIRED SOFTWARE FOR DOS o IBM DOS Release 3.3 or higher REQUIRED HARDWARE o Any 386 or 486 workstation that runs the required software o A Video Graphics Adapter (VGA) or equivalent o A minimum of 512KB of memory (in addition to the memory required by the edition of OS/2 or DOS you are using) o A CD-ROM drive and the equipment needed to attach it to your workstation o A mouse ------------------------------ HOW TO START THE DEMONSTRATION To run this demonstration, do the following: 1. Remove the CD-ROM from its protective case. 2. Insert the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive. If you are not sure how to use your CD-ROM drive, refer to its instruction manual to learn how to insert CD-ROMs correctly. 3. Go to a command prompt. FOR OS/2: Go to the DOS command prompt in a DOS full-screen session. FOR DOS: Go to the DOS command prompt. 4. Switch to the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive that now contains the CD-ROM. For example, if this CD-ROM drive is "D", type: d: If you have more than one CD-ROM drive, you can use any one of them. 5. Change to the directory on the CD-ROM that contains the demonstration. Type: cd \bkmdemo 6. To start the demonstration, type the following:. FOR 386 WORKSTATIONS: start386 FOR 486 WORKSTATIONS: start486 The IBM logo appears on your screen. The logo will disappear. Several introductory screens will appear. Wait for instructions. When they appear on your screen, follow the instructions to continue with the demonstration.