INSTALLING THE LATEST IBM CD-ROM DRIVER ON AN OS/2 WORKSTATION If you received the following message when you started the IBM Library Reader installation program, SYS1059: The system cannot execute the specified program. you are probably using OS/2 Version 1.3 or lower, and have an IBM CDFS.IFS CD-ROM device driver dated earlier than 11-27-90. If so, you need to update this driver with the one provided on this CD-ROM. NOTE: OS/2 Version 2.0 users already have an up-to-date CDFS.IFS file and should not do this. NOTE: The following instructions assume your CD-ROM drive is D: and you have OS/2 installed on your C: drive. If this is not the case, you must make the appropriate substitutions in the instructions below. Follow these instructions: 1. Look in your CONFIG.SYS file for the "IFS=" statement: IFS=C:\OS2\CDFS.IFS This statement indicates the path to your CD-ROM driver. In this example, the driver named "CDFS.IFS" is on the "C" hard disk in the "\OS2" directory. 2. Verify that the CDFS.IFS file on your hard disk is older than 11-27-90. Type: dir c:\os2\cdfs.ifs 3. If the date of the CDFS.IFS file on your hard disk is older than 11-27-90, copy it to a backup file. Type: copy c:\os2\cdfs.ifs c:\os2\cdfs.bak 4. Copy the new CDFS.IFS file from the CD-ROM to your hard disk. Type: copy d:\ez2inst\cdfs.ifs c:\os2 5. Then shut down and restart your system by doing the following: A. Go to your Desktop Manager window, and on the action bar, select "Desktop". B. In the window that appears, select "Shutdown...". C. In the "Shutdown" window that appears, select "Shutdown". D. When the shutdown is complete, restart your system by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del. E. When your system is running again, go back to the beginning of the instructions for installing the IBM Library Reader.