OpenGL SuperBible CD-ROM ======================== This file contains a description of the contents of the CD. Any last minute changes will be included in this file as well. Additional samples, bug fixes, and a Q&A page can be accessed from the OpenGL SuperBible web page at There are eight subdirectories off the CD root directory. They are listed below with a description of their contents. \Book This subdirectory contains all the samples that are covered in OpenGL SuperBible. Each chapter has its own subdirectory, and each sample has yet another subdirectory beneath that. There are also some other "supplementary" examples here that may further demonstrate the material covered in the chapters. \Borland Here are some special support files for users of Borland C++ 5.0. \Borland\auxlib contains a special DLL version of the popular OpenGL AUX library. Also included are all of the AUX samples from Chapters 2 & 3 complete with Borland make files, and prebuilt .exes. \Extras Four samples that didn't really fall well within any particular chapter are included here. One demonstrates two OpenGL child windows. This seems to be a popular request in many OpenGL electronic forums. One is a relief map that demonstrates geophysical modeling. This sample may not run on low-end machines with less than 32MB of RAM. Scooch is an OpenGL MDI and the Unproj directory contains an example using gluUnProject. \MFC This subdirectory contains a handful of sample programs taken from the chapters and modified to work under MFC. \OWL Just like the \MFC directory, this contains sample programs that were modified to work with OWL. \OpenGL11 Version 1.1 of OpenGL was released as this book was being finalized. In this subdirectory, you will find a summary (summary.txt) of the new functions that were added with the 1.1 specificiation. There are also a few examples that use the new 1.1 functionality. \TGS\WebSpace This directory contains the installation disks for the WebSpace 3D VRML browser. You can install this directly from the CD by running the setup.exe program in the \DISK1 subdirectory. \Win95 This directory contains binary files of OpenGL version 1.1 DLLs for Windows 95. Copy the DLLs found here into your system directory, and Windows 95 supports all the features of OpenGL under Windows NT 4.0. Installation notes ================== Create and move into a directory on your hard drive that will contain the copied files. Use the following command to copy the contents of the CD-ROM to your hard drive: xcopy d:\. /v /s where /v tells xcopy to verify the files and /s tells xcopy to copy all the contents of the subdirectories. If your CD drive is something other than D:, substitute your system's CD drive letter for this example. If you decide to use Windows' built-in file managers, please don't forget to remove the read-only attribute of your copied files.