P A L M B E A C H C L U B ============================================================================== Title : Palm Beach Club File name : Palmclub.map Author : Laurent Sol ( CoolSpy ). I live in Toulouse, France and i am 21 years old. E-mail : rococo@worldnet.fr (it's not mine, since i don't have my own modem yet, but i'll get the mails, no problem). Web Page : None. Description : First of all, i would like to say that it is my first map. Well, i won't say like some people that my map is the best map ever, and add the word awesome in every sentences, but all i can say is that i think it worse the download time. Basically, this is a city map, with a bar, a cinema... Looks like the E1L2 in fact (The best deathmatch map in my opinion). I added lots of new ideas: check it by yourself !!! There are a lot of places to hide, and a lot of details too. I had to remove some details because the game was too slow : too bad ! So, I kept the more originals. I just hope it's not too slow for you guys with 486's machines.I got a Pentium 90 with Univbe installed and it's real fine on my machine. Try lower resolutions if you find it too slow (though i don't think it is slow enough for you to do that). Additional credits to : -3D-Realms. Oh Guys, you made the coolest game on earth. I think i'm in love with ya !!! And if anyone plays Duke 3d and didn't buy it, PLEASE, buy it right now, or i'll come to kick your easy-loader butt !!! No, seriously, these guys really deserve it... And i mean it !!! -Klaus Breuer for his editing Faq. DANKE, Klaus, your Faq helped me all along the creation of my map. You did a great job... -My friend, Stephane Barberet, who allowed me to upload my level wherever i wanted. MERCI MEC !!! -My 2 other friends, Patrick Guitton and Pascal Bernardis, for testing my map with me in deathmatch and giving me their advices. -Pepsi cola, Haagen Dazs ice-creams, tortilla chips and pizzas for feeding me. -Giant, Joe Satriani, Skid Row, Yngwie Malmsteen and Van Halen for the cool inspiration music. -My bed for being so close to the Computer so i could easily fall on it when i got too tired late at night. -Anti-Mosquitos for keeping those ugly flyers far away from me when i opened my windows during hot summer nights. He, he, go and see the neighbors!!! Phew, I guess i thanked everybody !!! ============================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : This is a user level. Single Player : Nope, but if i receive tons of E-mails for it... DukeMatch Level : Yeah, sure, it was meant for it! New Graphics : Nope New Sounds : I added the intro of "How Many Times", a song by Toto, to replace the Barmusic.voc file. Sounds pretty cool, i think... It is perfect for the "Stripper Bar Athmosphere" i was seeking. All you have to do is to copy the file Barmusic.voc to your Duke3d directory. Difficulty Settings : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : BUILD Build Time : About 70 hours. Damn, that's a lotta time, isn't it? Known Bugs : I think i killed them all, but if anybody finds any, please send me e-mail. * Some sites where you can get this MAP file * http://duke3d.crystalball.com/stereo/main.htm http://www.compusmart.ab.ca/mknox/pcgaming.htm http://members.aol.com/bklehr/duke3d.htm ftp.cdrom.com *IF YOU LIKED THIS MAP, OR JUST WANT TO MAKE REMARKS, SEND ME E-MAILS* * I HOPE YOU WILL HAVE GREAT FUN PLAYIN' THIS MAP WITH YOUR BUDDIES* ==============================================================================