NEWS & GOSSIPS ]---------------- By the whole Amazine team and friends. 90 per 100 of the news were checked. ] 1st news were written 3 months ago... SCOTT a very good friend of SNAKE has joined the REPLICANTS. He has already cracked many games ( eg : Adrenaline ). But not yet any file version. This new member should increase once again the huge production of the most famous french crew. ]--------------------------------------- [ Some of The latest cracks from HOTLINE [are not by them , but from ILLEGAL of [the International Cracking Service. Hotline take the cracks on the Ics'bbs, and just remove the intro. They though that nobody'd realize they were rippers because Illegal doesn't swap his production (except on the bbs),but some swedish and english bands downloaded the ICS'hacks and saw that HOTLINE were rippers ! ]--------------------------------------- Ruthless the famous leader of AWESOME, left his band for HOTLINE with the 2 crackers of his band.They are releasing menus for his new formation. ]--------------------------------------- [ Ruthless had spread cracks under his [name when he was in Awesome. But Guys [has tell us Ruthless ripped LOTUS2 and [put his name on the Snake's version. [There are also rumours about cracks [ripped by Ruthless to Cynix . For the [game MOONFALL , That was in fact a rip [of the CYNIX crack by Ruthless ! ]--------------------------------------- Fuzion has released a file version of EXILE & the game asks the same codes as the Factory's version which was spread 3 weeks earlier.We can think all that we want... But it looks like a rip even if there's no proof. But according to Factory , Fuzion simply ripped the whole game , without taking care at the codes . ]--------------------------------------- Fuzion and Factory are still fighting. Fuzion began for some obscure reasons. ]--------------------------------------- The Syndicate joined the European Swapping Crew. Current members of ESC are: TSB,TLS,TSC and Ripped Off. ]--------------------------------------- The Syndicate has now a french section which is supposed to release menus. But there are already problems , menus 51 & 52 were released by the swedish and the french sections ! But now ,All is going Well , with the CD 56 for example . ]--------------------------------------- The coding crew PENDRAGON split up. Some of the members join the OVR.Others create a new band nammed 'Prism'. ]--------------------------------------- The OVERLANDERS of the UNION are still looking for a good graphist. They have even published an advertissement on a french magazine ! ( eg : TILT ) ]--------------------------------------- SAMMY JOE of the lost boys left the band for DELTA FORCE. Because he moved to Germany.Next issues of Maggie will be released by Delta Force. Wizzcat the great coder of the Ession tracker (Norway) also joined them. ]--------------------------------------- The Gardian Angel of NPG stopped to make his famous intros compils. Because of a lack of motivation and because of a lack of coder for his loaders. Nevertheless big changes are coming from him,very soon... His last menu is the 31th and there's 2 intros from NPG. A megademo from NPG is comming... ]--------------------------------------- The LightningS and The Storm Brothers are working together to make intro CDs. ]--------------------------------------- There are hidden texts on sum versions of the MASSIVE ATTACK, of Mad Vision on the latest sectors of the disk. (Check them out Fuzion,and you will see I'm not rude with you. Def KLF ) ]--------------------------------------- If Automation is dead , D-BUG the new team led by Was (not was) has already released , more than 30 great compact disks ! Good luck to this new Group ! ]--------------------------------------- [ The Untouchables'demo nammed ' Light - [speed' has a screen called BEAM is [in fact just a rip of an old intro of [Mad Vision for the Replicants.There are [scrollers and equalizers but the colors [of the rasters , the wave , is exactly [like the original version.The ripper is [named TONY.B. Mad Vision fucks you up ! ]--------------------------------------- Blue boxing is over. After Germany and France. British police has finally ar- rested few Amiga owners and EDITMAN because they used Blue boxes .I've also heard that Blue boxing from Sweden was also over now . In fact , in france it is not the same , you are always able 2 Blue box ,BUT, 5 minutes after starting blue boing the cops are ringing at your door ! ]--------------------------------------- An association between France TELECOM and ATnT has been realised ! Now they are trying to catch all the guys that are using calling cards ! Take care ! The last solution is to use codes from US PRINT or MCI . ]--------------------------------------- Phenix is Dead ! , Some members of the Amiga section are now in a Swedish band and all the others has stopped. Mad Vision is having a try with Oxygene. About all the ST members , most of them will stop the ST and We don't have news about the leader of the group MR40. ]--------------------------------------- The Toxic mag 2 , final version is at least over now !This new version is now working on all ST/STE . The code is by ZX of TSB/BB in GFA. ]--------------------------------------- ZX of Bad Boys/TSB Will soon release a great GFA Intro for Bad Boys . It will include vertical rasters and a great animation coming from a NEMESIS intro on the amiga . We have seen the preview and That's really great ! Watch out for it ! ]-------------------------------------- Fuzion's members are making a public opinion poll about their crew. Only the frenchies are allowed to participate . With this public opinion poll they'll try to increase the quality of their releases . Good initiative ! ]--------------------------------------- [ Illegal has been caught by the french [APP. His ST, Amiga, Modems were took. [Bust ( Dee nasty ) leaves the ST scene. [Nevertheless ICS is not dead. ]--------------------------------------- Freddy is now on in CRYSTAL , one of the leading band on the wrong machine. Freddy's phone line is always out of order . After his 300 œ Phonebill for about 15 days ( Record ? ), His grandma decided to cut his phone. After 1 month his line is not yet back on the list ! Poor Little-swap ! ]-------------------------------------- An unknown ( german ? ) group,nammed: Vectronix has cracked Wings of Death 2 and Trex Warrior from Thalion.Check out their version of Trex Warrior,there's a great intro ( 3D , 16Khz ZAK ). ]--------------------------------------- The English group "FLATLINERS" opened a new section in Iceland. There's three members in this section that release some menus of Sound track musics. It's composed of Ozone, Ecstacy and Exorcist a former member of the Crack Connexion. ]--------------------------------------- Raton joined DEFLECT. The Swedish people who make up the band are a coder ,Onyxux and Raton.Rumours of a Swedish section of VMAX in Sweden is pure bull story. ]--------------------------------------- The Radical Bandits are dead. Because of the bad feeling that frevails in the band.( Especialy between Dereck MD and the Rude dude ).The coder & the GFX man are now in Pure Energy.Rude dude is now on PC. The Gangster is now in MAD VISION. ]--------------------------------------- Galtan 6 are working on a new disk-mag and Maggie routines would be improved in the next issue ( the 9th ). ]--------------------------------------- ST Waikiki of the Replicants closed their ' club ' on Rtel. Maxx-style opened one. Rtel is a kind of text bbs. Where some French bands can chat about latest releases and meet lamers that give their name to police,magazine... ]--------------------------------------- The Gardian Angel joined the french french band THE LIGHTNINGS.More in this with his interview. ]--------------------------------------- Altair left VMAX to work on the 4th release of his atomic packer,it's going to be sell all over europe. Atomik v3.5 has already been spread and it's PD. ]--------------------------------------- A new union is born. It is called ARMADA and it consists of the major finnish band:Aggression,Napalm Soldiers and Universal coders. We expect much more productions for this great union. They release a new disk-mag that show us that Finnish scene is not so little. ]--------------------------------------- [ A guy gave names and addresses of some [members of VMAX,FUZION,VMAX & MADVISION to many software houses and APP (that's like FAST in England ).They have lodged complaints against us and some of us had phone calls from soft companies. FRA of Vmax, Dragon of Fuzion,Factory leave the ST scene. ]--------------------------------------- [ Vmax is definitively dead ! ]--------------------------------------- SUPERIOR has just reached menu 100! It is on 3 disks! There's a new intro from 004 of Mad Vision. On the latest menus an intro from Aggression appeared. ]--------------------------------------- NO LIMITS opened a coding section: SYNERGY SYSTEM SOFTWARE. Does it mean they are about to be back on the cracking scene ? ]--------------------------------------- Cameo joined Fuzion under the name of 1772,BVCA of Vmax joined also them. ]--------------------------------------- The most nammed guy in these news has begun a new band under the name of Extreme of Quartex. And he began spreading bullshit about the membership of his band. RAL & ST WAIKIKI ARE NOT members of this band.And it has nothing to do with Quartex Amiga. You are definitively a stupid guy,James but thanks to you , I can fill these news up. ]--------------------------------------- RADIATION a new french band releases a few cracks. With a great 3D logo on their intro. ]--------------------------------------- SYNDICATE French department has a new member: BABY DOC. He cracks and codes. If you have an amiga,ask them their 1st menus,with a great intro. ]--------------------------------------- Now 5 have joined with XTC (the English crew) and are now called 'Pure Energy'. They have made some good CD's , but the first one had to be re-made 3 times before it worked properly ! ]--------------------------------------- The Derek MD Telephone Demo has been made by 'The Lamer Exterminator'. This demo is a sample of Derek MD slagging Cynix, Hal, Replicants, and Sledge of Hotline. The Lamer Exterminator is actually Ruthless using yet another name. Derek MD is not happy ! ]--------------------------------------- Someone put an advertisement in a computer magazine about Ruthless. The advertisement said ' 20 issues of Play Boy magazine Free to the first guy that telephones me' ! ( Play Boy is a famous pornographic magazine for ignorants ). Ruthless is not happy about this ! ]--------------------------------------- Genesis Inc. and Ruthless are having a big slagging war. First Genesis Inc. made a small demo / intro featuring sampled sound of Ruthless talking Bull Shit - and grafix of Ruthless doing bad things with a sheep. Ruthless replied by slagging all of Genesis Inc. on his Elite CD's. He said very bad things about them. We are waiting for Genesis to slag Ruthless back again ! ]--------------------------------------- Quartex are cracking and ripping a lot of new games very fast , and are now the second best cracking crew in Britain. So watch out Cynix , you may not be top for long. ]--------------------------------------- Derek MD was busted a few months ago for selling cracked software. He got a big fine. Now Derek MD has been caught by British Telecom for not paying his phone bill at his old house. He will again get another big fine to pay ! ]--------------------------------------- A new cracking band born , it's called BASTARDS INTERNATIONAL. They've already released GRAND PRIX from Microprose and many others.They have sections in EIRE, Scotland,France,Canada,Yougoslavia, and Israel !!! ( no joke ! ) ]--------------------------------------- Bad Boys Belgium joined the Replicants they spread the cracks. Get a look to NO BUDDIES LAND from Hotline cracked by R.AL. Brilliant linked version RAL ! ]--------------------------------------- [ DCD 32 has not been done by TGA of NPG [It was done by a lamer who wants to [damage TGA's name. The menu is a file [version of the PYM megademo. ]--------------------------------------- Today nothing to say about Ruthless , what a boring day ! ]--------------------------------------- Apollo & FAA left New Power Generation ]--------------------------------------- The latest intro from Fuzion is based upon the source of a Mad Vision's intro That's not the 1st time that Fuzion rips an intro. They already did it with an intro ripped from the 2nd winner group of the GEN4 challenge which I've forgotten the name ( NAOS i think ). ]--------------------------------------- [ RUTHLESS/EXTREME has been fired from [the Syndicate and from Adrenalyn. [ Nubuddies land version from Quartex is [actualy KOPA(ex VMAX) version. [ A movement against RUTHLESS is born: ]Members are THE REPLICANTS ] MAD VISION ] THE SYNDICATE + TSB ] GENESIS INC. ] BASTARDS INTERNATIONAL ] ADRENALYN ] KOPA ] the REAL QUARTEX on Amiga ! ] I.C.S. ]--------------------------------------- Bastards international, Fuzion, KOPA have been phoned by men from OCEAN and TITUS like MAD VISION. One of the guy from OCEAN says he was ..D. of THE EMPIRE, but that now he works for OCEAN SOFTWARE.They have been asked to stop cracking. ]--------------------------------------- [ MAD VISION and a few REPLICANTS STOP [THEIR HACKtivities ON ATARI ST. MAXI, ST WAIKIKI and SPY 3 are now on PC compatibles.SCOTT stops cracking. The rest of Mad vision France are waiting the new Atari ( FALCON ? )to be back on a computer scene. Current members of the REPLICANTS are COBRA,BAD BOYS BELGIUM,RAL,SNAKE. BASTARDS INTERNATIONAL,FUZION and KOPA are sleeping... ]--------------------------------------- Ruthless claims Mad Vision ripped Psyborg from Quartex. We give 10000$ to the person that can show us that game with a Mad vision's boot. We have never released that game ! RUTHLESS you're lamest than ever ! Everybody is laughing at you in France! ]--------------------------------------- BASTARDS int. closed their french section. The rest of the team seems to sleep too. ]--------------------------------------- 5-8 JUNE at Essen/Germany. A BMT coding party will be hold.(4 days for 30 D.M.) Ulm,Bmt,Acf,Tex,Braindrops, Light, Npg, Physics,Delta Force promised to come. for more info write to Cpt Headcrash. ]--------------------------------------- We've also received a paper for a CP in Norway held by Delta Force + IMAGINA but I've lost the paper. Write to Wizzcat for informations. ]--------------------------------------- A demo from the RESPECTABLES is coming. ]--------------------------------------- The swedish band OMEGA are about to release a megademo.Several screens have been shown at ELECTRA CP. And rumours are great... ]--------------------------------------- ZAPHOD ( ex TSC ) + ONIXUS & ENLING ( ex TSC ex DEFLECT ) are now in ICS. ZAPHOD has already released Elvira 2 ( the adventure game on 7 disks ). ]---------------------------------------