═══ 1. ZipStream ═══ ═══ 2. Copyright ═══ Copyright (C) Carbon Based Software 1993 - 1995. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, chemical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of Carbon Based Software. ═══ 3. What's New ═══ This section describes new features and functions that have been incorporated into ZipStream since the last major release. ═══ 3.1. New File System Options ═══ New options have been added to ZipStream that provide the following enhanced functions: 1. Prevention of automatic compression of new files. 2. Prevention of recompression of modified compressed files i.e. compressed files that are modified will be returned to an uncompressed state. 3. Disabling of file rename tracking. Note: These new options are recommended only in special cases where there is a clear need for the functionality. In most cases we suggest you operate ZipStream in its default configuration. Using the new options To use the new options you must add 'option command switches' to the 'run=c:\cbased\cbssvr.exe' line in your config.sys. Prevention of Automatic Compression of New Files This option is most useful when you wish to manually compress files with ZSPack to establish your compressed environment and you do not want any further automatic compression to take place. e.g. You have a Word Processing program that you compressed with ZSPack, but you do not want any new files created by the Word Processor to be compressed. To prevent compression of new files, add a '/P' switch to the cbssvr.exe line in your config.sys as follows: run=c:\cbased\cbssvr.exe /P Prevention of Recompression of Modified Compressed Files This option will disable the recompression of updated or modified files that were previously compressed. That is, a compressed file that is modified will be saved in uncompressed form. To prevent recompression, add an '/R' switch to the cbssvr.exe line in your config.sys as follows: run=c:\cbased\cbssvr.exe /R Disabling of file rename tracking This option will prevent ZipStream from monitoring rename operations. Normally, most Word Processors and similar programs update a file by writing to a temporary file and then renaming it to the actual file name. ZipStream will by default, track these operations to ensure that new or modified files that are renamed are automatically compressed. To prevent rename tracking, add a '/M' switch to the cbssvr.exe line in your config.sys as follows: run=c:\cbased\cbssvr.exe /M Note: The above configuration options can be combined in any order e.g. run=c:\cbased\cbssvr.exe /P /R /M will disable compression of new files, recompression of existing compressed files and rename tracking. ═══ 3.2. New Option for ZipStream Compress ═══ The ZipStream Compress utility (zspack.exe) now has an option to compress files that appear to be already in a compressed format. Normally the utility will not attempt to compress files that appear to be already in a foreign compressed format. This default operation can be overridden using a '/Z' switch e.g. zspack /Z filenames ═══ 3.3. New Option for ZipStream Attach ═══ A new option has been added to the ZipStream Attach utility (zsattach.exe) to cause it to attempt to reattach paths based on data in its persistent connection database. This operation is most useful when you have an attachment to a removable media device such as a Diskette, that may not be present during system startup. To cause reattachment to occur run the utility with a '/R' switch e.g. zsattach /r ═══ 4. Compression Ratios ═══ Many users ask for some idea of expected compression ratios that can be achieved with ZipStream. Examples AmiPro for OS/2 54% or 2.2:1 WinWord v2.0 50% or 2.0:1 Various Games 50% or 2.0:1 FaxWorks for OS/2 60% or 2.56:1 IBM CSet++ V2.1 64% or 2.82:1 ═══ 5. De-Installation of ZipStream ═══ De-Installation of ZipStream is fully automatic if you did a standard installation. To De-Install ZipStream, follow these instructions 1. Insert the ZipStream diskette into the A: drive (or B: if applicable) 2. Open an OS/2 Command Window or 3. Enter the following command a:zsinst -d (or b:zsinst -d ) That's all there is to it. Should you have any problems, please contact our technical support service. ═══ 5.1. Manual De-Installation ═══ These notes are provided to assist users who have modified the standard installation. 1. Edit your config.sys and remove the following lines IFS=x:\cbased\cbs.ifs RUN=x:\cbased\cbssvr.exe (where x: is your OS/2 boot drive) 2. From the ZipStream installation diskette run zsinst -u This removes the WPS objects 3. Reboot the system in the standard way. 4. Delete the following files x:\cbased\cbs4mbs.dll x:\cbased\cbscompr.dll x:\cbased\cbsfsf.dll x:\cbased\cbsfsfs.dll x:\cbased\cbs.ifs x:\cbased\cbssvr.exe x:\cbased\zspack.exe x:\cbased\zsunpack.exe x:\cbased\zsattach.exe x:\cbased\zssync.exe x:\cbased\zsstatus.exe x:\cbased\zsquery.exe x:\cbased\zsreg.exe x:\cbased\zsdemon.exe x:\cbased\zsfold.ico x:\cbased\zstream.inf x:\cbased\zsfold.ico x:\cbased\zsnew.inf x:\cbased\order.inf (where x: is your OS/2 boot drive) ═══ 6. Evaluation Period Timeout ═══ If you are using an Evaluation Copy of ZipStream, the transparent compression/decompression system will cease to operate after 45 days from installation. Files can always be interactivly decompressed with the ZSUnpack utility after the transparent compression system evaluation period has expired. We suggest that after the evaluation period is up you run the ZSUnpack command across all your system drives to decompress any compressed files. e.g. zsunpack /s c:\ d:\ ═══ 7. Using ZipStream with ═══ This section provides hints, tips, warnings etc when using ZipStream with various products. Basically, any product that runs with OS/2 can run compressed from a ZipStream path. The only real areas where problems can occur is where you have an existing product installed and then want to compress it. Some products have information keyed to their installation path so that compressing with the ZipStream utility 'zspack' and then running from the compressed path, may lead to problems. We will continually expand this section based on user feedback and will try to provide automated solutions where possible. If you have a solution to a problem with compressing an application, then let us know and we will add it to this section in future updates. ═══ 7.1. DOS ═══ At this stage ZipStream is an OS/2 only 'on the fly' compression product. We will introduce some DOS support utilities early in 1995, and we are planning to develop a compatible 'on the fly' version for DOS. ═══ 7.2. FaxWorks ═══ Installing and then using Faxworks from a ZipStream path can be done with no problems. Compressing an existing copy of Faxworks will lead to some problems. We recommend that you re-install to a ZipStream path. ═══ 7.3. Galactic Civilizations ═══ No problems occur with the nomal use of Galactic Civilizations from a ZipStream compressed path. Installing the gcfix04.exe update for Galactic Civilizations on a ZipStream path will cause the application to fail. This problem is under investigation. In the meantime you can install the update using the following method. 1. Decompress the application with ZSUnpack. 2. Apply the fix to the host path. That is, do not apply the fix to the ZipStream path. 3. Recompress the application again with ZSPack. ═══ 7.4. IBM Works ═══ No known compatibilty problems exist with the Works product. However, it is recommended that you install Works to a ZipStream path rather than compressing it after installation. Currently when installing Works to a ZipStream path, not all files will be automatically compressed. We are looking into this situation and will provide a solution as soon as possible. In the meantime, after installation is complete, re-compress the Works directory again with 'ZipStream Compress' (ZSPack). ═══ 7.5. OS/2 2.11 ═══ No real compatibility problems exist between ZipStream and OS/2 2.11 as such. When accessing shadow of a ZipStream path from the Workplace Shell, OS/2 can display a dialog box similar to the one shown below. Click on 'OK' or 'Cancel' as the message can be safely ignored. This error is due to a problem with the OS/2 Workplace Shell. A fix for this is available from IBM in response to problem report APAR PJ11057. You can obtain this fix as part of Fix Pak XR_A058. This can be downloaded from IBM OS/2 BBS sites around the world. ═══ 7.6. OS/2 Warp Version 3 ═══ No real compatibility problems exist between ZipStream and OS/2 Warp Version 3 as such. When accessing shadow of a ZipStream path from the Workplace Shell, OS/2 can display a dialog box similar to the one shown below Click on 'OK' or 'Cancel' as the message can be safely ignored. This error is due to a problem with the OS/2 Workplace Shell. A problem report has been raised by Carbon Based Software. A fix should be available from IBM in response to problem report APAR PJ11057. Please contact IBM OS/2 Warp Support for this fix. ═══ 8. Problems Attaching to a Path ═══ Sometimes it is possible for ZSAttach to report an error when trying to attach to an OS/2 path. The most likely cause for this is that your config.sys will have a statement similar to the one shown below: lastdrive=H This statement can be safely deleted from your config.sys. ═══ 9. Using ZSUnpack from OS/2 Boot Diskettes ═══ If you find yourself in the situation where you must boot OS/2 from diskettes and need to access compressed files, you can use ZSUnpack from the ZipStream Installation diskette to decompress any files you need to access. ZSUnpack requires several ZipStream support DLL's to function. It is therefore not sufficient just to copy the zsunpack.exe program to the OS/2 Installation diskettes. Running ZSUnpack from the ZipStream Installation diskette will ensure that all the required DLL's are available. Due to the virtual memory requirements of ZipStream, we do not recommend that you try to establish the ZipStream transparent compression system from boot diskettes. ═══ 10. Trademarks ═══ ZipStream is a trademark of Carbon Based Software. IBM OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Pentium is a trademark of Intel Corporation. ALL TRADEMARKS AND SERVICE MARKS ARE THE PROPERTY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS.