The Hottest Icon Manager / UpDater Around !!! A real Manager and UpDater! (c)1994 RAMSoftware. ////// /////// /////// //// // // // //////// /////// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //////// // // // // // // // //// // // // // // ////// //////// /////// // /// //////// // //////// ßßßßßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßßßßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßßß\ ßßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßßßßßß\ ßßßßß\ ßßßßß\ Digital Universe Online! WildCat 3.9 w/ RIP graphics HOME of the IconUpDater! Door ßßßßßß\ ßßßßßß\ ßßßßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßßßßßß\ ßßßßßß\ ßßßßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßß\ ßßßßßß\ ßßßßßß\ ßßßßßß\ (513)-860-1191 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ IconUpdater ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Copyright (c) 1994 ³ ³ With the most Features available ³ ³ in an Icon/File Login updater. ³ ³ And Great RIP Graphics interface. ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ICONUPD.EXE ver 2.70 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Sorry the following is not correct until I get my NEW FIDO #. You can file Freq this program and my other Doors from my BBS: DUOnline BBS (513)-860-1191 FIDO : I am awaiting my new fido address. Magic name: Program: Poll > ICONUPD - for IconUpDater DLDOOR - for DUO's D/L Door Plus BBSADS - for BBS-Ads Door RIPSL - for RIP Slide Show WCWWH - for WC Who Was Here SDPF - StreamLine's Fossil transfer protocol enegine! You will need this if you are running under a Fossil driver AND running a DigiBoard. |=======================================================================| | DUOnline & RAMSoftware Distribution BBS Sites | |=======================================================================| | | | MIDWest: Digital Universe Online (Cincinnati) | | 24 hours 7 days / 14,400 connections | | (513)-860-1191 | | | | SouthWest: Conceptual CAD Design (Tempe, AZ) | | 24 hours 7 days / 14,400 connections | | (602)-820-7861 | | | | MIDSouth: GiddyUp Go Truckstop (Dallas, TX) | | 24 hours 7 days / 14,400 connections | | (214)-557-4401 | | | |=======================================================================| |=======================================================================| | IMPORTANT | | You must create an ALLICONS.ZIP (or ARJ) file of all your | | BBS's can call it what you like, but you have | | to have one! | | For ICMAINT you must specify a path to your | | working Icons Directory (usually in RIPaint) | | of JUST your BBS's ICONS! for ICMAINT to work! | | *SEE ICMAINT.TXT for more information on this!!! | |=======================================================================| INTRODUCTION: This door was designed to decrease maintenance time for the sysop, while still offering other great options. The NEW menu driven ICSETUP.EXE program will make using IconUpDater easier than ever before. See the section on "Config Files." IconUpDater is a great program to use if you are one of the many sysops who is trying to get their uses to switch over to using RIPterm. IconUpDater runs for ANSI and RIP callers. And if you set IconUpDater as Login1.bat or Login2.bat then your ANSI callers will see IconUpDater and they will have the option of downloading your ALLICONS.ZIP file & a copy of RIPterm if you make it available to them as Menu Option #1, 2 or 3. Note: for all callers, especially 2400 baud, IconUpDater keeps track of how much time they have used while running, then when the user is finished, IconUpDater passes all the time back to Wildcat, so that the user didn't use any time at all. You can even force your ANSI callers to download RIPterm and your Icons before they continue to your BBS. Note for sysop: IconUpDater has many, many, many features! If you elect not to read all of the text files in ICMANUAL then you may miss out on some of them. The section "Main Menu" tells you most of them. The most recent one I have added is "+"... if you or the callers hit the plus sign (+) key he will be logged off. Same as select Goodbye from wildcat. DSZ & GSZ: You also need to make sure you have DSZ or GSZ in your DOS path or in the same directory as the IconUpDater program!! A shareware version of DSZ is available on DUOnline for download. SUPPORTS: This program supports COMs 1 - 4 and IRQs 1 thru 15. I know there have been problems in the past with running IconUpDater on Non-Standard setups. But starting with this version I have started testing IconUpDater on a non- standard com port on my on sysytem: COM 3 IRQ 5, and it seem to work great. In the confgi file I specified "3E8" for the Base (port) Address and "5" for the IRQ. DIGIBoard Systems.... IconUpDater works on DigiBoard systems BUT! GSZ & DSZ doesn't work on therefore I guess we can say IconUpDater doesn't work on Digi's. But if you like IconUpDater enough to give it a try on your DigiBoard, give me a call voice and lets talk. We maybe able to find a Transfer protocol other than DSZ that may work on your DigiBoard system. OTHER STUFF: You can create your own screens and use the 20 @-codes provided with IconUpDate... see section on "Menu File Names" It is also a good idea to setup another BAT file to run IconUpDater off your doors menu so that after a users is online they can still get to IconUpDater in case they need to do another scan. This is simple: just copy your LOGIN1.BAT to DOORxx.BAT. /||New note: A limit has been found... IconUpDater can not //||handle more than 425 Icons... at least on one BBS... I /\\||still have not tried to max it out myself... mainly | \||becuase I just do not have that many icons to test it with. | |_____ I am proud to say that I have cracked this limit barrier!!! ICFILE is now called ICFILER..and has been totally rewritten form scratch! I have yet to hit a limit on it. I added over 1100 Icons to the BBSICON.DAT file with NO errors! ICMAINT.EXE also managed and compiled the BBSICONS.DAT & OLDICONS.DAT with over 1100 icon files! 02/27/94 ----------------------------------------------------- RAMSoftware Ryan Andersen 513-860-9669