ICMAINT.EXE ----------- Your Icmaint Config file should look like this. c:\dlicon <-- Enter the path to your IconUpDater Directory c:\ripaint\duoicons <-- Enter the path to your Working Icons directoryÄ¿ 2 <-- # of nodes (same as number of config files) ³ c:\arc\pkzip.exe <-- The Full Path $ File name to PKZIP or ARJ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁ¿ ³(This directory should ONLY have the unarchived ³ ³ icons you are CURRENTLY USING on your BBS. ³ ³ DO NOT put your path and file name to ³ ³ your ALL icons archive!) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ But do not worry to much about it, because ICSETUP will write this file for you. So always use ICSETUP to make changes. **************** IMPORTANT WARNING !!!! *************** I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS DATA OF ANY KIND! Ryan Andersen DO NOT HAVE ANY OTHER FILES IN YOUR ICONS DIRECTORY! ONLY HAVE *.ICN files ICMAINT explained: Note: Starting with Version 2.70 ICMAINT.EXE has been totally rewritten along with ICFILE.EXE, to break to 400 icons limit. They can both now handle well over 1100 icons! This Icon Maintenance program is included free with IconUpDater. You can run it from the DOS prompt just by typing ICMAINT, or your can set it up as a EVENT for your BBS to run. IcMaintenance use to extract to ZIP (or ARJ) file to compare changes with you Working icons Directory. No more. It now keeps it's own data file "BBSICONS.DAT" SO DO NOT DELETE this file... IconUpDater, ICFILE, and ICMAINT all need to access this file!!! IcMaint will use this data file to compare the icons in Working Icons Directory. IcMaint will read all the *.ICN files in memory that are in the path you specified as your "Working Icons Directory." IcMaint will compare all the icons. If any icons were added to, deleted from, or update (becase the file date changed or the file SIZE has changed) then IcMaint will reZIP your Working Icons Directory in to your ALLICONS Zip file, then copy the ZIP file back to the path that you specified in ICSETUP. When IcMaint detects that Icons have been deleted from your Working Icons Directory, it will put them in to a data file for IconUpDater's Space Saver Option to use. This file is called: "OLDICONS.DAT"**. ** This datafile has the same name as the old one from version 2.67 and down...but you must delete it with this version (2.70)... they are in compatible!! After reading this you should realize the importance of maintaining your Working Icons Directory! When you get or create new icons for your BBS all you have to do is throw them in your Working Icons Directory and run ICMAINT from the DOS prompt and it will automatically update all your configs file with the current date the icons were last updated and re-zip your ALLICONS ZIP file with your new Icons. Realize that as you stop using certain icons, please remove them from your Working Icons Directory. If you want to keep them, then put them else where. This way your Callers Space-> can use the Space Save Option so they can delete old Saver icons off their Hard Drive. Remember, individual icons seems small, but when you have 1000 icons, it can eat up HD space. EVENTS: ICMAINT.EXE and ICMAINT.CFG MUST BE in the SAME directory as ICONUPD.EXE (IconUpDater)!! ex. ( of Event.Bat) c: cd\iconupd ICMAINT cd\wc30 exit Listings out what's in the data file. ------------------------------------- You can tell ICMaint to create a listing of the icons that are in your BBSICONS.DAT and OLDICONS.DAT file. It will create a text file with the full path and file name of each icon on a separate line... ideal when want to pass it to pkzip of gsz. To list the icons in your BBSICONS.DAT type the following at the DOS prompt in the IconUpDater Directory: c:\>icmaint /dat The switch "/dat", tells icmaint to just create a text file listing of all the icons in the dat file. To list the icons in your OLDICONS.DAT type the following at the DOS prompt in the IconUpDater Directory: c:\>icmaint /old -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RAMSoftware (c)1994