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Ctrl-C will clear the line amd Ctrl-R will replace the original text that was there when you first entered the line editor. This Program will Create the Config file "DNICON.CFG" if it does not exist; and enter some of the standard information for you. If your config file DOES exist then ICSETUP will load it so you can freely edit each config line painlessly. Important - if you are upgrading from an older version then you should print out your old DNICON.CFG file, then delete it. After you have done that run ICSETUP and create a new DNICON.CFG. ** If you are currently running IconUpDater version 2.51, then it is O.k to load in the config file from v 2.51. Make sure you compress ALL you BBS's Icons into a ZIP or ARJ format, and specify this FULL Path and Filename in the DNICON.CFG!! ÚMulti-Line¿ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ SysOps... You can now create Multiple CONFIG files in the same directory as ICONUPD.EXE (meaning NO multiple copies of the program.) Special NOTE! When you use the "Save as..." command in ICSETUP, and you want to Save Multiple Configs. Make sure you save the original DNICON.CFG file first and exit ICSETUP, then re-run ICSETUP and select "Save as..." to make multiple Config Files. The multiple config file names go something like: DNICON.CFG <--- Main CONFIG.FILE (You MUST have this file in your IconUpDater's DIR regardless of the number of nodes you have.) DNICON1.CFG <--- Node 1 Config File DNICON2.CFG <--- Node 2 Config File DNICON3.CFG <--- Node 3 Config File DNICONx.CFG <--- Node x Config File |----------------------------*-Wildcat Only-*------------------------------| | | | When IconUpDater starts up it reads in the environment variable | | %WCNODEID% if you have your config file set to Multi-line "Y". | | Then IconUpDater adds this variable to the end of your door.sys | | and reads in your DNICONx.CFG.... for example: | | | | say a user calls in on node #4 then IconUpDater will | | first look for DNICON4.CFG. and read in the proper info, | | like the IRQ for Node#4 and the Locked Baudrate. Then | | it will look for c:\wc30\wcwork\node4\door.sys, and next, | | it will search for c:\wc30\wcork\node4\userinfo.dat | | | | Get the picture? I hope this make it easier on you. | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| For other BBS software packages: In your login1.bat or door.bat pass the node # there... ex. c: c: cd\DownIcon cd\DownIcon iconupd 2 or iconupd %1 cd\bbs cd\bbs exit exit ^ |--- this would load DNICON2.CFG file! More on Configs: To change a Node# Config file, just pass the number to ICSETUP when you run in from the DOS prompt... like so... c:/>ICSETUP 2 This will run ICSETUP with DNICON2.CFG loaded. Making Duplicate Config files... the easy way: ICSETUP will duplicate Node# Configs for ya also... Select "Save As..." from the main menu then select Multiple, then type the number of confgis you want to create. If you enter "5", then ICSETUP will create DNICON1.CFG DNICON2.CFG ... DNICON5.CFG. REALIZE that you MUST compress all your icons for your BBS into one ALLICONS.ZIP file... or ARJ file. Once you do this and specify the path to this file in your DNICON.CFG file, which ICSETUP makes for you, IconUpDater, along with ICMAINT, will keep track of when you update your icons, whether you add them, remove some, or just change them... see ICMAINT.EXE for more info.... DigiBoards - You must specify FOSSIL on the IRQ line to of the config file. You should also specify DIGI on the Base Address line of the config file. Run ICSETUP.exe. When you specify DIGI on line #3, IconUpDater reads in the environment varible WCPORTID, to make sure the program pass the proper port to the com routines. Fossil - 1st DO NOT setup IconUpdater to run Fossil unless you are running DigiBoard or have talk to Ryan. When running DigiBoard and/or Fossil you must use Streamline's SDPF.EXE file. This is a Fossil driven trasfer protocol, that supports X,Y,Z and more modem. DSZ & GSZ do not support Digi, or fossil. When you specify FOSSIL on line #2 of the config, IconUpDater ignores whatevr is on line #7 (the GSZ or DSZ). When using Digi and/or fossil you must set an environment variable in your AUTOEXEC.BAT...: SET DSZPORT=DSZ.LOG If you do not set this then SDPF transfer protocol will not function properly, you must also Turn On the Fossil Driver or turn on the fossil drive for that com port. ICSETUP is very well document as your run the program, so there is not much here on it. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. My number is at the end of this document. * Imortant * DO NOT FORGET to fill out the ICMaintenance part of ICSETUP, or IconUpDater will not work properly. You MUST have a directory setup with only your BBS icons that your are current using on your BBS! IconUpDater and ICFILE.EXE and ICMAINT.EXE will all access and utilize this directory so you must have it. You must have ICMAINT.CFG and ICMAINT.EXE in your IconUpDater directory! You MUST have a ZIP or ARJ file of all your icons and specify the full path and filename to where this ZIP or ARJ file is. (and they can't be in your icons directory!) ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ CONFIG FILE PRINTS OUT WITH DESCRIPTION FOLLOW.... ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ WILDCAT < 1>..BBS software package. (or NON-WILDCAT) 0 < 2>..IRQ# (run ICSETUP.EXE for more Info.) 0 < 3>..base address if needed (RUN ICSETUP for this!!) 19200 < 4>..Locked BaudRate (leave at 19200 unless Higher) N < 5>..Multi Line BBS (Y/n) (run ICSETUP for more info) c:\wc30\wcwork\node1 < 6>..Path to your Door.sys file (just the path) c:\gsz\gsz.exe < 7>..The Full patht o Gsz or DSZ. Demo Version < 8>..Your BBS name if Registered! (see NOTE) USA < 9>..Date Format "USA"= Month/Day/Year Ryan <10>..Sysop's First Name Andersen <11>..Sysop's Last Name Y <12>..(Y/N) Local Waring sounds ON (yes or no) 07/29/93 <13>..Date you last updated your BBS's ICONS Y <14>..Allow ANSI caller (Yes or No) (should be Y) d:\icons\duoicpak.zip <15>..FULL Path and filename of your ALL ICON Packet. Y <16>..Scan user Last Time On Date to run ICUPD Y or N 0 <17>..Minimum security level access (see sysop.txt) N <18>..Force [A]uto Icon Scan D/L (Y/N) ON <19>..(ON/OFF)-Icon Scan Percentage Complete Bar embership File <20>..#1 Optional Menu item description M <21>..Optional Menu item Hot Key #1 D:\digital\duonline.reg <22>..FULL Path and filename to downloaded #1 DUOnline.REG 2.2 <23>..50 Char.Desc. or "DOOR" to run another door(#1) 0 <24>..Minimum security level to access #1 Y <25>..Forced File (Y/N) #1 he Download Door <26>..#2 Optional Menu item description T <27>..Optional Menu item Hot Key #2 C:\dldoor\dldoor.exe <28>..FULL Path and filename to downloaded #2 DOOR <29>..50 Char.Desc. or "DOOR" to run another door(#2) 0 <30>..Minimum security level for access #2 N <31>..Forced File or Door on user. (Y/N) #2 et RIPterm 1.53 <32>..#3 Optional Menu item description G <33>..Optional Menu item Hot Key #3 D:\rip\riptm154.exe <34>..FULL Path and filename to downloaded #2 RIPterm version 1.54 <35>..50 Char.Desc. or "DOOR" to run another door(#3) 0 <36>..Minimum security level to access #3 N <37>..Forced File (Y/N) #3 c:\wc30 <38>..Path to WildCat Activity Log 15 <39>..Maximum Icons before enabling auto sending. N <40>..RIP callers ONLY (Y/N) Y <41>..Prompt QModem Pro Users (Yes/No) A break down of the above follows....... NOTE! : this must be exactly "Demo Version" or IconUpDater will NOT run. If you have paid for a registered copy then put your BBS's name here exactly how you spelled it when you reegistered it. NOTE: It is Case Sensitive. USE ICSETUP TO SETUP THIS CONFIG FILE.!!!!!! =================================================================== Details follow..... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This is the first part of ICSETUP.EXE [ General Setting ] WILDCAT < 1>..BBS software package. (or NON-WILDCAT) 0 < 2>..IRQ# (run ICSETUP.EXE for more Info.) 0 < 3>..base address if needed (RUN ICSETUP for this!!) 19200 < 4>..Locked BaudRate (leave at 19200 unless Higher) N < 5>..Multi Line BBS (Y/n) (run ICSETUP for more info) c:\wc30\wcwork\node1 < 6>..Path to your Door.sys file (just the path) DSZ < 7>..Protocol Engine (can only be DSZ or GSZ) One note here... the base address on line #3. If you are runn a standard setup such as COM 1 & IRQ 4 or COM 2 & IRQ 3 then leave line #2 and line #3 at "0". But if you are running a non- standard setup such as COM 3 & IRQ 5... NO problem, I have tested this on my system... just put IRQ "5" on line #2 and "3E8" on line #3. If you are running non standard set ups then you probably know what the port addresses are and what IRQs you are running. [ BBS SETUP ] Demo Version < 8>..Your BBS name if Registered! (see NOTE) USA < 9>..Date Format "USA"= Month/Day/Year * Ryan <10>..Sysop's First Name Andersen <11>..Sysop's Last Name Pretty straight forward. I just ask for your BBS initials for those situations when a lengthly name like "Digital Universe Online BBS" is too long for displaying on a particular part of the screen. * NEW * The Date Format. If you use standard USA date format of Month/Day/Year (MM/DD/YY), then put USA in all CAPS. For a Date Format of DD/MM/YY, leave it BLANK. [ ICON SETUP ] Y <12>..(Y/N) Local Waring sounds ON (yes or no) 07/29/93 <13>..Date you last updated your BBS's ICONS Y <14>..Allow ANSI caller (Yes or No) (should be Y) d:\icons\duoicpak.zip <15>..FULL Path and filename of your ALL ICON Packet. Y <16>..Scan user Last Time On Date to run ICUPD Y or N 0 <17>..Minimum security level access (see sysop.txt) N <18>..Force [A]uto Icon Scan D/L (Y/N) ON <19>..(ON/OFF)-Icon Scan Percentage Complete Bar Some notes here: Line #13 will be automatically updated if you use ICMAINT.EXE. I suggest you do. I was designed to decease sysop maintenance of icons. See the section on ICMaintenance. Line #15: YOU MUST HAVE A ZIP ( or ARJ) FILE OF ALL YOUR ICONS, AND IT CAN NOT BE IN YOUR "Working Icons Directory". ICSETUP.EXE will test to see if you specified the proper path. Use ICSETUP. Line #16: If you put "N" here, IconUpDater will load (run) for every user that callers in. If you set it to "Y" then IconUpDater will grab the user "Last Time On" date from the DOOR.SYS file and compare it to the date on line #13, if the user's date is old than the date on line #13, then IconUpDater will run for that user so he/she can do an Auto Icon Scan to get the latest icons. Line #17: Any time I ask for a security level, I am ask for a value ( an actual #) not a variable like "NEWUSER" OR "SYSOP". This value in WildCat is the Menu Access level. Most WC systems have their NEWUSERs set to a menu access level of "10". So if you put "20" on line #17, then only users with a menu access level of "20" or above will have access to the Button (File or Door program, depending on how you have it setup). This is IMPORTANT, because if you are running an ADULT BBS and you have adult material icons then you want to keep those icons out of your all icons ZIP file, so normal users can not access them. Therefore you can setup one of the menu option with a zip file of jsut you adult icons and set the security level on it. See below. Line #18: If you set this to "Y" then any usr who accesses IconUpDater will not be able to enter to your BBS until after they have done and Icon Scan. Set this to "N"o to disable this option. Line #19: Set this to "ON" if you like to have a Percentage status bar of the icons scan process. It does slow the scanning down a tad, so that's why I give you the option to turn it "OFF." [ FILE SETUP ] embership File <20>..#1 Optional Menu item description M <21>..Optional Menu item Hot Key #1 D:\digital\duonline.reg <22>..FULL Path and filename to downloaded #1 DUOnline.REG 2.2 <23>..50 Char.Desc. or "DOOR" to run another door(#1) 0 <24>..Minimum security level to access #1 Y <25>..Forced File (Y/N) #1 Once again pretty straight forward. Note: I say "Optional" because you do not have to offer any files to your users from IconUpDater if you wish, but most offer at least RIPterm. Starting version 2.60 of IconUpDater, there are now 3 definable menu options. Definable? Yes! Because you can set each one of these up individually to transfer a file to your user, or use theam as DOS hooks to run other (.exe files) Doors, like DUO's Download Door. Realize that not only can you force a file on a user with IconUpDater, but you can also force them to run another door program before heading on to the BBS. Read more about all this in the area headed "Forcing files." Lines 20 to 37 are for the 3 definable menu options, adn they all follow the same format (now, before they did not) . [G]et RIPterm Program ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Definable menu item description. ÀÄÄ Definable hot key. d:\wc30\rip\riptm154.exe <--- actual FULL path and filename of the file you offer for download. RIPterm Communications... <--- Enter upto a 50 character description of the file or or / / DOOR <------------ Put the Key word "DOOR" in all CAPS to tell IconUpDater to run the file and not make it a downloadable file. 20 --- this would be the lowest security level that could access this menu option. Any user with a security level of 19 and under would not have access. Y --- or N for a Forced File... see SysOp.Txt file. [ ADDITIONAL SETUP ] c:\wc30 <38>..Path to WildCat Activity Log 15 <39>..Maximum Icons before enabling auto sending. N <40>..RIP callers ONLY (Y/N) Y <41>..Prompt QModem Pro Users (Yes/No) If you are not running a wildcat system don't worry about line #38. Line #39 was added to give you yet another configurable option. Let me explain it this way; if this is set to say 20, and a caller did an Auto Icon Scan and he was missing 19 icons, then IconUpDater starts send him the icons one at a time to his icons directory. If he was missing 20 or more icons then IconUpdater will give him 3 choices, 1) Download the ALL ICONS file, 2) Continue and download the icons 1 at a time, or 3) Compress the icons he is missing into a new Updated ZIP file and send it to him. The last line of the config file, #40, has been added due to the high numeber of requests to create a door that forces RIP! With this addition, you can set this option to "Y" for yes, and IconUpDater will not allow any ANSI or ASCII callers on to your system. IconUpDater has it's own built in RIP dectector, so if you have this set to Y and IconUpDater does not dectect RIP, that caller gets message sent to him and then IconUpDater hangs up on them and tells Wildcat that the caller has hung up in the door. Realize this is not the same as a drop carrier. This Message that is sent to the ANSI callers before IconUpDater hangs up on them is "NOANSI.ANS"...see "Menu File Names" section. If the caller is on in ASCII (no collor at all), a default message of "Sorry this system only allow RIP callers..." is sent and then the caller is disconnected. #41) if Set to Yes "Y", then the following happens.... I have added a QModem Pro Terminal Detection, so that QMPro users can abort the Scan if they wish. Remember that for right now QMPro does not comprehend all the RIP script language, and therefore the Auto Scan feature in IconUpDater does not work very well... specifically: QMPro for DOS: The Auto Scan feature finds the icons, but does not not put them in the icons in the QMPRO\ICONS directory. These QMPro users should then do an Auto Scan, then select "U" for Send Updated Icons ZIP file. IconUpDater will then ZIP up the icons not found and send this ZIP file to the QMPro user, who should then Drop to DOS and unZIP it in their icons directory. QMPro for Windows: The Auto Scan feature can't not scan for icons, nor can it sned the user icons 1 at a time and put them in the user's icon directory. QMPro for Windows does not comprehend the RIP code to do this. Therefore QMPro for Windows users should [A]bort the Auto Scan feature. For these 2 reason is why I added the QModemPro RIP terminal dectection. IF you are FORCING your users in to the Auto Scan feature... no worries... IconUpDater will still prompt the QMPro user and allow him to abort with out being stuck in a loop. Now this QModemPro RIP terminal dectection is an option, like most things in IconUpDater. Run ICSETUP and go to "Additional" and it is the last option under "Additional". Set it to "Y"es to turn this feature on (recommended). And when Mustang fixes the QMpro problems then you can just set this feature to "N" and turn it off. *** One other rather important note. You can create a standard text file of names, where each name is on a seprate line, fully left justified, and exactly matches the names in you user database... >> and the file must be called "ANSIUSER.LST". This is the list of ANSI users that IconUpDater will allow to access the BBS even if you have line # 40 set to "Y"es. So you may want to create this file and at least have your name in it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryan Andersen 513-860-9669