SHOCKWAVE FOR DIRECTOR 5.0 README 16-BIT WINDOWS This file outlines the version, general notes, contents of this package, system requirements, installation, known problems with workarounds, and known problems without workarounds. VERSION: 5.0 Windows 16-bit Netscape Plug-In GENERAL NOTES: Shockwave for Director is a Director 5.0 compatible Windows 3.1 playback application. Copyright (c) 1996 Macromedia. All rights reserved. Shockwave for Director is the property of Macromedia and may not be altered, reproduced or copied in any way, shape or form without prior written consent from Macromedia. CONTENTS OF THIS PACKAGE: * SETUPNP.EXE - Shockwave for Director Plug-In Installer * README.TXT - This file SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Hardware: - IBM compatible PC - Intel 80486, 25 mHz or greater - VGA with 8-bit (256) colors or greater - 6 MB free disk space - 8 MB RAM - FPU for Audio streaming playback Software: - Microsoft Windows 3.1 - Netscape Navigator: 2.x or 3.0 (16-bit) INSTALLATION: - Run SETUPNP.EXE to install the Netscape Plug-In (np16dsw.dll) and associated files into the Netscape Navigator plugins folder. KNOWN PROBLEMS WITH WORKAROUNDS, SHOCKWAVE PLUG-IN: - None at this time. KNOWN PROBLEMS WITHOUT WORKAROUNDS, SHOCKWAVE PLUG-IN: - None at this time.