
Click any of these for more detailed information about Navigator, Netcaster, or Security:

Browsing the Web

Automatic information from the Web

About Security

About Navigator

Netscape Navigator enables you to access the wealth of information and network applications on corporate intranets and the Internet. You can easily access information from a variety of sources, from the latest web sites to legacy corporate databases.

Using Navigator

About Netcaster

Netscape Netcaster enables you to subscribe to and schedule automatic delivery of the information you want, from the best channels on the web, instead of manually downloading and searching for information. Netcaster also provides offline browsing, which can save you connection charges by allowing you to choose any web site to automatically download and make that information accessible while you are offline (disconnected from the Internet).

Using Netcaster

About Security

About Security

About User Profiles

An overview of user profiles and sharing Navigator with others

Note that user profiles apply to Macintosh and Windows only. For Unix, create another user account instead of creating Navigator profiles.

When you start Navigator for the first time, it prompts you to create a user profile. User profiles let more than one person use Navigator to access the Internet in different ways. For example, if you share your copy with other users, each of you can create your own user profiles to keep your settings, preferences, bookmarks, and mail messages separate. Even if you are the only person using Navigator, you must create at least one profile for yourself.

If you want to, you can create several profiles just for yourself, for example, if you want to connect to a different service provider to try out its service without canceling the account you have with your current service provider.

Creating User Profiles

Note that user profiles apply to Macintosh and Windows only. For Unix, create another user account instead of creating Navigator profiles.

To create additional user profiles

  1. (Windows) If Navigator is running, from the File menu choose Exit.

    (Macintosh) If Navigator is running, from the File menu choose Quit.

  2. (Windows 95 and Windows NT) From the Start menu, choose Programs, then Netscape Navigator, then choose Utilities, then User Profile Manager.

    (Windows 3.1) Open the Netscape Navigator program group, and double-click User Profile Manager.

    (Macintosh) Open the Netscape Navigator folder, and double-click User Profile Manager.

  3. Click New.
  4. Follow the Profile Setup instructions that appear.

About Error Messages

For the latest information on error messages; causes and solutions, choose Product Information and Support from the Help menu. Click the Technical Support link and use the Knowledge Base search to look up information about error messages and troubleshooting.

Using the Index

Click Index, then type the word that most closely resembles the term you're searching for, and related topics appear. Click the topic that most closely matches the information you seek.

Other Sources of Help

For additional information regarding Navigator, you can choose other items on the Help menu, such as Release Notes, which offers the latest news about known problems and work-arounds, and Product Information and Support, which links to a page that offers a library of Navigator product information, such as a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document, the manual Introduction to Communicator, and information on how to obtain further assistance.

JUNE 14, 1997