Welcome to Corel WEB.SiteManager! To get started, choose Open from the File menu. SiteManager automatically fixes links while you move files so your site maintains its integrity. Is your web server getting full? SiteManager's Orphan Documents report will list all the files that have no links to them. You can use SiteManager's toolbar filter buttons to reduce the clutter and help you understand the structure of your web site. Using SiteManager you can drag and drop files from one directory to another and SiteManager will preserve the links to those files. SiteManager's Source View offers more power than a simple text editor and allows you to make on-the-fly updates to your HTML documents. SiteManager can check not only the links within your site but links to external web sites too. If you are not sure whether it is safe to delete a file or not, select the document with Corel Web.SiteManager and you'll see everything the file points to and everything that points to it. SiteManager's Link Wizard instantly recognizes when a file operation will affect links and can fix them automatically. SiteManager saves you time by providing e-mail templates that automatically create messages that you send frequently. Check your content before going live. SiteManager's Broken Links report will show all the documents which need repair. You can use the F5-F8 keys to quickly switch between the views offered by Corel WEB.SiteManager. If a page contains broken links, the SourceView will highlight them in red. All of Corel WEB.SiteManager's views stay synchronized as you navigate through your web site. In the ListView, click on a column heading to sort the items by that column. Click again to reverse the sort order. To check the status of external links at any time, you can right-click on and an external link and select Re-Check Link. When a page uses frames and SiteManager reports a broken link, be sure to check the NOFRAMES section of the page. When SiteManager reports a broken link to an imagemap but it looks correct from your browser, be sure to check both the server-side and client-side image maps. With Corel WEB.SiteManager you can analyze any site that you can visit with your browser. Even sites that are managed by other people. Corel WEB.SiteManager fully supports access to sites through your corporate firewall. Select the Proxies button in the advanced section of the Open dialog to specific your firewall settings.