Fill out this survey and win FREE software!

If you're a Mac person, you can win a copy of Adobe's incredible WYSIWYG HTML editor PageMill. If you're using Windows, you can win HotMetal Pro, one of the most powerful editors on the market.

What's your operating system of choice?

How fast is your CD-ROM drive?

How often do you get The Net with CD-ROM?

Which of the following best describes your purchase of The Net?

What's the real value of the net.disc to you?

Do you primarily use the disc online or offline?

What do you like best about the net.disc?

What do you like least?

What would you like to see more of on the net.disc?

How easy/difficult are our discs to use?

Have you ever had to return your disc due to a manufacturing error?

How often do you play games?

What do you think about online games?

Do you register the shareware that you get off of this disc (don't worry, we won't come after you if you don't! ; ) ?

Would you like to be able to purchase software directly from our CD (i.e., a software store, where you could try before you buy)?

Anything else you'd like to add?

Please enter your email address to enter the drawing for the FREE software prize.

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