WebPhone is available to download for FREE.

Using WebPhoneTM 3.0 with 2-way video ensures that you'll never have to miss out on life's most important events. WebPhone is the professional, full featured Internet telephone with an on-line/off-line integrated voice mail system that provides telephone quality, real-time, full duplex, encrypted, point-to-point voice communication over the Internet and other TCP/IP based networks. Now, with the addition of 2-way real-time video communications, WebPhone 3.0 becomes the single, most important tool for person-to-person communications over the Internet or your company's Intranet. And with our Snapshot feature, you can relive those moments over and over again. Using our WebPhone software and the Internet, you can talk and see the world without incurring any long distance charges.

WebPhone 3.0 provides the following features:

Video Features:

System Requirements:

WIN 95 or WIN NT, 80486 - 33MHz PC or faster (75 MHz Pentium for TrueSpeechTM), 14.4 Kb with Error Correction Modem or faster Internet connection, 5 MB of free disk space, MCI-compliant sound card with microphone and speakers, Winsock 1.1 (or greater) compliant Winsock library, Camera and Video capture card (if needed) for video transmission

NetSpeak Corporation
902 Clint Moore Rd., Boca Raton, Fl. 33487
(407)-997-4001 Phone
(407)-997-2401 Fax