Internet Explorer


Click here to install 3.02 for Windows 95
Click here to install 3.01 for Windows 3.1
(NOTE TO WIN 3.X USERS: We suggest that you create a temporary directory on your hard drive, into which you'll extract these files. Then double-click on the setup.exe file, which will install IE 3.0 for Win 3.x.)

Click here to install IE 3.0a for Power Macintosh (PPC)

Click here to install IE 3.0.1 (BETA) for Power Macintosh (PPC)
We recommend that you try this version, as it lets you launch applications from the browser window (very cool)! In the case of this disc, it eliminates the step of downloading the application from the net.disc to your hard drive before you can install/launch it. It's a beta, so install at your own risk. (We've been using it for a week, though, and it's been very stable.)

Click here to install IE 3.0 for Older Macs (68K)

It's the browser we recommend you use to view this disc, so if you don't have it already, install it now!

Download current version