Create Web pages with attitude; drag and drop items ... and
you won't spill the Coffee.
- Choose from 100 animated GIFs for your pages.
- 10 Javascripts are at the touch of a button; you'll get 10 more when you
- You can add 30 cool backgrounds to your pages.
- 5 VBScripts w/ActiveX are included; you'll get 5 more when you register.
- Drag and drop anything from your hard drive right onto the
- Hot Stuff Tricks give you "HTML Already Done"!
- Use a Table Wizard for the perfect look!
- Work on and test multiple pages at once.
- A color wizard means no more hunting for code.
- Check out the 5 stand-alone application buttons!
- File support for editing CGI, Java, Text, etc. is included.
- Grab anything and move it around either in a document or to
- Customize your editor with pictures and backgrounds.
- Online help & low-cost upgrades are benefits for registered users.
- Especially designed for Windows 95, Netscape 3.0+ &
IE 3.0+
- Great for the Web and Intranets.