E-ttachment Opener

Click here to install E-ttachment Opener for Windows 95/NT

Many times when you receive a file via e-mail, the attached file appears as garbage text at the end of the e-Mail message. e-ttachment Opener will extract the file you were supposed to receive from the garbage text by decoding the message, and then allow you to save the file. Another problem with e-mail attachments occurs when you are actually able to retrieve the attachment, but when you double click on the file, Windows cannot open it. When this happens e-ttachment Opener will:

Also included in e-ttachment Opener is WYSIWYG viewing/printing technology that allows you to view word processing, spreadsheet, database and graphics files. Just right click on virtually any file and you can view the file without having to run the program which created it. This is particularly valuable when you don't have the program that created the file and just quickly wish to view and print it.
