MAILING ADDRESS Fort Necessity National Battlefield; The National Pike; R.D. 2, Box 528; Farmington, PA 15437; Telephone: 412-329-5512 DIRECTIONS The Battlefield is in the southwestern part of the state. From Uniontown, drive eleven miles east on US 40. WHEN TO VISIT Open year round. Picnic area and Jumonville Glen Unit closed November 1 to April 15. Peak visitor month is July. Climate: Winter, 24 to 44 degrees F; Summer, 78 to 88 degrees F. POINTS OF INTEREST Colonial troops commanded by Col. George Washington, then 22 years old, were defeated here in the opening battle of the French and Indian War on July 3, 1754. The Park includes the nearby Monument to Maj. Gen. Edward Braddock and the early 19th-century Mount Washington Tavern and Jumonville Glen, site of the first skirmishes of the French and Indian War, May 28, 1754. ACTIVITIES Visitor Center; museum/exhibits; NPS guided tours; self-guiding tours/trails; picnic areas; group campsites; hiking; cross-country ski trail. GENERAL INFORMATION Hiking trails lead through the woods and meadow around the Battlefield. A primitive group campground is available. Food, supplies, and overnight accommodations are available in Uniontown and along US 40.