MAILING ADDRESS Saratoga National Historical Park; R.D. 2, Box 33; Stillwater, NY 12170; Telephone: 518-664-9821 DIRECTIONS The Park is in the east and central part of the state, close to the border of Vermont. From Albany, go thirty miles north on US 4 and NY 32, then take Exit 12 off Northway (I-87). WHEN TO VISIT Open year round. Peak visitor month is August. Climate: January, 12 to 36 degrees F; July, 82 to 86 degrees F. POINTS OF INTEREST The American victory here over the British in 1777 was the turning point of the Revolution and one of the decisive battles in world history. British forces under General John Burgoyne attempted to join forces with other British troops at Albany. Schuyler delayed Burgoyne's advance by felling trees across the road. The delay contributed to the surrender, which took place at Saratoga. The 154-foot Saratoga Monument and Major General Philip Schuyler's country home are nearby. Philip Schuyler was soldier and statesman. He later became a U.S. Senator. ACTIVITIES Visitor Center; museum/exhibits; NPS guided tours; self-guiding tours/trails; picnic areas; hiking; bicycle trail; cross-country ski trail. GENERAL INFORMATION Saratoga Springs is noted for its state-owned health resort and race tracks. The National Museum of Racing has many exhibits of famous thoroughbred race horses. Food, supplies, and overnight accommodations are available in Stillwater, Schuylerville, and Saratoga Springs.