MAILING ADDRESS Catoctin Mountain Park; 6602 Foxville Road; Thurmont, MD 21788; Telephone: 301-663-9330 DIRECTIONS The Park is in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in the northern part of the state, close to the Pennsylvania border. From Route 15 at Thurmont, take Route 77 west for about three miles to the Visitor Center. WHEN TO VISIT Open year round. Owen's Creek picnic area closed in Winter. Peak visitor month is August. Climate: January, 24 to 44 degrees F; July, 66 to 88 degrees F. Average annual precipitation, 36 to 40 inches. POINTS OF INTEREST Part of the forested ridge that forms the eastern rampart of the Appalachian Mountains in Maryland, this mountain Park has sparkling streams and panoramic vistas of the Monocacy Valley. ACTIVITIES Visitor Center; museum/exhibits; NPS guided tours; self-guiding tours/trails; picnic areas; campgrounds; group campsites; hiking; mountain climbing; fishing; cross-country ski trail. GENERAL INFORMATION The Park contains over thirty miles of hiking trails. Two Environmental Education Cabin Camps are available to groups of 60 or more people. Cabins are for rent April through October at Camp Misty Mount. Food, supplies, and overnight accommodations are available in Cunningham Falls State Park, surrounding campgrounds, and Thurmont. The nearest hospitals are in Frederick and Hagerstown (twenty miles).