MAILING ADDRESS Capulin Volcano National Monument; Capulin, NM 88414; Telephone: 505-278-2201 DIRECTIONS The Monument is in the northeastern part of the state. The Monument is three miles northeast of Capulin on NM 325. Capulin is fifty-four miles west of Clayton (US 64-87), thirty miles east from Raton. WHEN TO VISIT Open year round. Peak visitor month is July. Winter temperatures, 24 to 48 degrees F; Summer, 78 to 88 degrees F. POINTS OF INTEREST This symmetrical cinder cone is an interesting example of a geologically recent, inactive volcano. ACTIVITIES Visitor Center; museum/exhibits; self-guiding tours/trails; picnic areas; hiking. GENERAL INFORMATION Hiking trails lead around the rim of the cone and into the crater. Be alert for Rattlesnakes. Food, supplies, and overnight accommodations are available in Raton.