MAILING ADDRESS Sequoia National Park; Three Rivers, CA 93271; Telephone: 209-565-3341 DIRECTIONS The Park is adjacent to Kings Canyon National Park in the central part of the state, east of Fresno and Visalia. Take Highway 198 from Visalia to Sequoia's Ash Mountain Entrance. Take Highway 180 to Kings Canyon's Big Stump Entrance. Amtrak provides service to Hanford, air service is available in Fresno and Visalia. WHEN TO VISIT Open year round. Peak visitor month is August. Generals Highway between Lodgepole and Grant Cove may be closed intermittently due to snow in the Winter. Climate: January 24 to 60 degrees F; July, 68 degrees to 104 degrees F. Average annual precipitation, 16 - 32 inches. POINTS OF INTEREST Great groves of giant sequoias, the world's largest living things, Mineral King Valley, and Mount Whitney, the highest mountain in the U.S. outside of Alaska, are spectacular attractions here in the High Sierra. ACTIVITIES Visitor Center; museum/exhibits; NPS guided tours; self-guiding tours/trails; guide for hire; picnic areas; campgrounds; group campsites; backcountry use; hiking; mountain climbing; horseback riding; fishing; cross-country ski trail. GENERAL INFORMATION Sequoia offers recreation and enjoyment year round. Camping in Summer and skiing in Winter are only a part of the activities available. Mount Whitney, at 14,495 feet, rises majestically on the eastern border. Visitor Centers are at Grant Grove and Lodgepole. Camping reservations may be made through MISTIX, 1-800-365-2267. For lodging reservations call Guest Services, 209-561-3314 or fax 209-561-3135.