MAILING ADDRESS Pinnacles National Monument; Paicines, CA 95043; Telephone: 408-389-4485 DIRECTIONS The Monument is south of San Francisco, near Soledad and Highway 101. Park Headquarters and Bear Gulch Visitor Center are on the east side of the Monument and reached by Highways 25 and 146 from Hollister. The Chaparral Ranger Station and campground on the west side can be reached by Highway 146 from Soledad. The road from Soledad is steep and narrow, and there is no road connecting the east and west areas of the Monument. WHEN TO VISIT Open year round. Peak visitor month is April. Summer temperatures are hot, so Spring and Fall are the best times to visit. POINTS OF INTEREST Spire-like rock formations 500 to 1,200 feet high, with caves and a variety of volcanic features, rise above the smooth contours of the surrounding countryside. The Pinnacles are still in migration, being pulled north and west by the San Andreas Rift. ACTIVITIES Visitor Center; museum/exhibits; self-guiding tours/trails; campgrounds; hiking; mountain climbing. GENERAL INFORMATION Pets are not allowed on the hiking trails. Food and supplies are available at Pinnacles Campground and Paicines, twenty-three miles north. Overnight accommodations are available in Soledad, Hollister, and King City.