> sndfx1.gkh EPS DISK IMAGE FILE > ------------------------------ > Sent by: Jonathan Greene (greenejl@mentor.cc.purdue.edu) Thanks Jonathan, hi others, I downloaded the file on the w-end, got it home and rev'd it up. Upon close scrutiny I noticed that these appear to be mirage conversion sounds. No real problem, there is not much wrong with that, but they could do with some cleaning up, so I have re-posted my fix for the Cartoon and Car-crash/Kuku samples... Called fx1fix.gkh... >|Name |Size|Type |Description >Cartoon Sounds 268 Sound fx Various sounds from cartoons. Good. Interesting sounds, but "glitch" city...fix looks like this... Cartoon Sounds 238 Sound fx Various sounds from cartoons. ...saved 30 blocks too :-) Now each sound is cleaned up and no glitches. >Car crash & Kuku clock 534 Sound fx Sound like they should. Good. Car crash & Kuku clock 523 Sound fx Sound like they should. Good. ...saved 11 blocks, the car crash now starts without a "click" and the loop on the kuku is smoother. I ran the kuku through resample with FX on the Waveboy FX disk...kuku on steroids is a disk I will post later :-) >3 Stooges 534 Sound fx Various sounds the 3 stooges make.Good I don't know if I would call this "good" (sorry Jonathon). I could hardly make out what they were trying to say...mmmm I didn't attempt to clean this up. Regards Scott. _______________________________________________________________________________ Scott Fisher [scott@wapsy.uwa.oz] PH: Aus [61] Perth (09) Local (380 3574). _--_|\ N Department of Psychology / \ W + E University of Western Australia. Perth --> *_.--._/ S Nedlands, 6009. PERTH, W.A. v *** ERROR 144 - REBOOT? is a registered trademark of ENSONIQ Corp *** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------